Monday, January 28, 2008

Can God create a rock so heavy, that even He cannot lift it?

I stumbled upon this nice blog from Veritas.
"Learn the Truth, before The End."

Read on...

I cannot even begin to guess how many times I have heard this question asked.

Someone comes up to you after spending a few hours thinking, and ask you this question. They feel like they have you stumped; after all, in their mind, there is no way you can answer this question.

If you say no, then you are saying there is something God cannot do (create this rock), which means He is not all-powerful.

If you say yes, then you are saying there is something God cannot do (lift this rock), which also means He is not all-powerful.

I love seeing the smug javascript:void(0)look people get after thinking that they stumped you.

In truth, it is their own ignorance that blinds them. You cannot confine an infinite, spiritual God into finite, physical reality. Heck, he created that reality! If he was limited to the universe and reality that we find ourselves in, He wouldn’t be God. Plain and simple.

The question itself is invalid. It’s on the same line as asking “What does blue smell like?”. The color blue does not exist within olfactory perception.

Be aware that a similar problem happened to Jesus during His days here on earth. In Matthew 21, starting at verse 23, we get a story about some chief priests trying to trap Jesus. They came up to Him and asked, “By what authority are you doing these things, and who gave you this authority?”. They knew Jesus had two options: either say “From God”, and be called a blasphemer, or say “From Satan”, and have his reputation and image destroyed (not to mention his life put into danger). Jesus, being God, was a pretty smart guy. He saw straight through their trap, and knew there was no answer to their question. He did not attempt to answer the question, but neatly sidestepped their trap and set up a counter-trap of his own.

The key to this story is just to be aware when someone asks you a question like this. Not ALL questions need to be answered. Many times throughout your walk as a Christian, you will find people who will try to challenge you, perhaps asking you a question that you truly don’t know the answer to. I encourage you to step back, and make sure their question is valid before even thinking about answering it.

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