Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year my dear friends!

It's another year.
This time I know and I feel, inspite of all the world crisis
and setbacks, it's gona be an awesome year!

I bet people from all walks of life are starting to do
out their New Year's Resolution List.

Well, I can say I can relate to that.
Just before the new year comes, I used to start writing
down the things that I want to change in me.
To be more specific, I refer on my behavior.

Yes. It's innate in me that I wanted to be always good.
I wanted people to admire me because "I'm nice" I'm good"..
I'm like this and I'm like that.

So New Year's Resolution list has always been my thing.

Now, for so many years have passed of doing it...
have I changed on my self-effort?

Of course,
I did not.

Circumstances beyond my control had made me vulnerable
and left me at times out of control.
The more I pressured myself to never do this 'bad' thing again,
the more I ended up feeling so much like a loser.

Unfortunately, there even came a time that I became worst.
And out of frustrations..I hated myself.

Year after year after year.
I was always on my own with my atruggles.
if I couldn't fix it, I'd feel bad for not doing good enough.

Now, that Jesus is in me.

No more frets.

Deep inside, it's amazing how He changes me without holding
unto my own self-confessed strength and pride.

Jesus is right,

"I am the way the truth and the life" . Many struggle to know the way to live, Jesus says 'the way to live is in me'. We look for the ultimate truth, 'it's me' he says. We look for a life worth living with meaning and purpose, again 'it's me'. (John 14 v 6)

Isn't that a great message to live by???

Let that message sink in to you my friends.

If you're not happy with your life right now..read the message again.

Let us stop being so religious about Jesus.

Jesus Himself hates religion.
He wants relationship from us.
If we make Him our soul's partner, we can only gain from this
mad, fallen world.
We gain great health, peace and life will make it soooo much more
worthe living inspite of all your current situation.

Stop struggling with life and start having fun!

With Jesus, you don't need to sturggle because His yoke is easy.

You can only rest...full time!

Happy New Year and let the good tidings of the coming year begin!

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