Monday, December 8, 2008

Ron Wyatt talking about JESUS blood sample

Found this video on youtube and has given me chills.
Ron Wyatt, a self-described archaeologist has discovered
Jesus blood and took it for a lab test in Israel.
We, humans have 46 chromosomes. 23 chromosomes we get from
our mother and 23 from our father..
But the blood test, showed only 23 chromosomes from Jesus' blood
which means He only has His mother DNA.

I googled about this and interestingly, I found this.

"Certainly God could have caused Mary to contribute all 46 chromosomes, but when God mainfested Himself in flesh as Jesus Christ, considering that He created mankind, He also most certainly could have "created" an ideal 23 chromosomes to match up with Mary's. The latter is far more preferred in my opinion.

It takes 23 chromosomes from two people to "conceive", hence it seems more probable that God Himself supplied 23 chromosomes, specifically that His Word (the Logos) became the 23 chromosomes required to cause a conception, to match up with Mary's 23 chromosomes, which properly establishes her as His mother.

This gives interesting light and explanation to the words "only begotten", which in the Greek is the word "monogenes". "Mono" means "unique" or "only", and "genes" means "origin" or "becoming". It is also the root of our modern words gene and genetics. If we accept the idea that God knew how language would develop, and understands the science, then it does no disservice to consider that monogenes may be understood as signifying "unique genes." Jesus Christ is unique. He alone originated by the combination of the 23 chromosomes of a human seed with 23 chromosomes which was the Logos become flesh."

Watch the video.

Jesus is alive!!!

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