Sunday, August 9, 2009

God is teaching me.

For years, I have wondered seeking answers
about life, sickness, prosperity, healing and death.

Internet has tons of related answers to it.
Famous men and women have quotes you can live
to fill up your senses and gives you a feeling that
you're not alone in this feat.

Seeking about what life is all about is like
a never-ending tunnel-- on a loop.

You know that you're in it but it gives u a feeling of trying to be in it for some more.

Been there. Done that.

Well, for me

It's really not a question of 'what to do'

It's a question of who to go for and believe.


I trust God.

Every move that I make. And every little sickness
Or dis- ease that I am feeling. I give it all to Him.

He is the right person who knows me and what's going on inside of me and my body.

I trust in His Words.

Do I need to seek for more?

God has given Jesus to be beaten so in
His wounds and blood I Am Healed!
Do I need to argue on that?

I am not seeing myself taking some medicines anymore.
Now I am well. I have been well since I have come
to know the truth that Jesus has healed me more than 2,000 years ago!

God's words make well. Can you suggest anythig more than that?
Read on the highlighted yellow verse. Maybe God is telling you something too.

On this verse,
God is telling me not to trust man's tradition anymore.
If you're sick, even if you're a Christian you need to go the doctor.
If you sin , God is mad at you that's why you're sick.
Do good. Get a reward.
Do bad. Get punished!
You need to work hard to have that prosperity.
Do this, do that!


Can't you feel the stress of man's tradition?

I did. That's why I escaped from it.

Now I am held captive of Jesus' love and ministry.
Because His yoke is easy.

Christ-focused is easy.

Wana join me?

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. Hi! I use to always seek outside remendies for my physical issues - but sometime ago I started to seek God's truth in what I was going through -- what I'm finding is my aliments were to push me to seek a deep truth God wanted to teach me about my life. They got my attention so I sought deep. It has been an amazing journey. So much agreed!! He is the healer. He is answer to true deep healing that starts at our core.


  2. Welcome Rachel!
    You're now one of us God's children.
    Enjoy His amazing and eternal benefits such as divine healing and protection.
    Sometimes, what's going on inside your body can be an alarm or a wake up call that you need to do something or find an answer to it.
    You've taken up that level and I say go for it.
    God's promises will never be a disappoint for out.
    For He is faithful.
    I have sooooo much to share on my healing and health myself. Will be posting it here soon.
    You see, and I know you know,
    God is amazing how he does it.
    Slowly , and surely He is renewing my youth like an eagle.:)
    He restored my health and I AM SURE He will do the same on you. Keep the faith and
    REST on Him.

    Keep in touch and let's take God as our refuge for this unstable times.


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