Sunday, November 22, 2009

Without Jesus I am nothing!!

I learnt that without Jesus.
I'd be a lost soul wandering around on
this planet earth dealing with all the heartaches, depressions and frustrations the devil could offer.

Even if I become rich and famous,
I can tell
without Jesus, I still have nothing.

How do I know? Well, I based it in some of the rich and famous people I know.
Just look at the famous people in Hollywood for a headstart..
Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, etc.

The emptiness in one's soul cannot be filled with just getting a family and kids, money, latest gadgets, shopping , lots of big houses or cool cars or be filthy rich
and famous!


I am not a millionaire just yet. Nor do I have my own house and a car and a family.
But my heart speaks of it


Nothing in this world can fill that void.
In our hearts, soul and mind,

I say,
Jesus is everything.

And yes!

Without Jesus,
You and I are nothing!!

-- Post From My iPhone

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