Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Be kind...

for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle...- Plato


  1. be kind IS A LAW.

    why be kind when you have grace?

    grace did it ALL and therefore there is no need to work at being kind

    no more WORK. ALL GRACE.


    hallelujah! LOL

    now i can walk on water!LOL

  2. Grace is there for if we fail, not so that we don't have to try. We must always be kind to others, or try.

    I loved the quote, thanks.

  3. that's not what they taught.

    you need to go scrutinize their teachings - to every word and dot.

    which comes first? the chicken or the egg?

    most have no clue because preachers are like lawyers,they are master at manipulation.

  4. Anonymous maybe you could point me towards some scripture that shows where that because of grace we no longer need to try to be the people Jesus wants us to be? That it doesn't matter what we do, how we act, what we say, how we think?

    Jesus died to fulfil the law. There is no law now but His. I think if you look at the beatitudes you will clearly see how Jesus expects us to be.


    what do you think of the above article?

    browse through his writings on the subject of grace and tell me what you think.

  6. do you know the difference between a kindness initiated by someone who is outside of your kind of belief and faith and the kindness "worked out" by a well, "grace" follower?

  7. I did read the post you suggested and came out more confused than before. Maybe there is a language barrier? I cannot quite grasp what is being said there.

    As for being a "grace follower", I also don't know what you are referring to. I am a Jesus follower.

    As long as we all believe that what is important is being kind to each other and that if we don't, if we fail, that Jesus died so that we may have grace, then all is good.

  8. not that simple.the grace movement, or ultra grace movement, is gaining momentum lately. the proponent of this message took your fundamental beliefs to the next level and i can't blame them because, it seems to be a logical progression as it builds on the previous precepts which is full of holes.

    the author of this blog, obsessed with this form of grace in the person of christ, knows what i am talking here.

    apparently, it never crosses your mind to know the difference and its implications.

    dig further if you care about what you are believing.

    never assume you have it all figure out.

  9. The only one who has it figured out is Jesus. Not me, not you, not this Grace Movement you speak of.

    I don't wish to engage in this conversation anymore as I believe it is not giving the glory to God.

  10. the talibans also won't engage anyone who would challenge their comfort zone.

    there can be NO peace nor reconciliation with religious people - there are the cause of hatred in the world because of their hypocrisy

    and certainly no love except pretense.

    we can't even talk let alone work towards kindness

    the irony

  11. Anonymous I have already stated why I am having difficulty understanding you, I believe that maybe English is your second language? There is nothing wrong with that, but it is making it difficult for me to truly understand what you are saying.

    You are also seeming very hostile towards me, comparing me to the Taliban!

    Please, have the decency and courage to stand behind your convictions enough to post with your real identity not anonymous!

    I am 100% comfortable with my belief on kindness but thank you for trying to share.

  12. Im sorry for the late reply. I was busy with the holidays and have only received the notifications on my email.
    That quote is meant for people in general. Not people who already under Grace. Because if one person is under Grace..kindness, understanding and love just flows out of his heart effortlessly ..naturally. Without prententions or whatsoever.

  13. That was me fillmyheart replying above.
    Let me just tell you this.
    God's truth is not meant to be argued upon.
    It is not based in your acquired knowledge nor level of intellect.
    There are alot of "truths" spread around in this world that you could end up more confusing and stress out. You can be right, he or she can be right. Anyone can be wrong.
    You know what, if you find one God's truth that gives you peace, inner joy and healing no matter what and deep inside you feel a release and say "this is home! I am finally home!.., settle with it.
    - fillmyheart


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