The circumstances around you may appear bleak. Your bank account may have dried up. You may have lost your source of income due to corporate restructuring and you may have no idea how you are going to pay next month's rent. Perhaps your home may be up for foreclosure soon. You may be mired in credit card debt, and the friends that you once trusted may have disappointed you. Maybe you have just received a devastating medical report. The whole world seems to be crashing down around you, and you feel crushed, frustrated and disappointed.
Now, what can you do? Beloved, now is the time for you to turn away from yourself and look to Jesus. In your frustration, you may be wondering, "What can Jesus do for me? Can He rescue me from the crisis that I am in?"
The answer is sure--- yes, He can!!
- Joseph Prince, Unmerited Favor book
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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