Saturday, March 20, 2010

In times like these..

in a bad mood?

what do you do?


I read stuffs that reveals more about Jesus' love for me
so I will feel good.

So now I'm sharing this with you.
Be bless in any way.

"No one can hoodwink you into believing that sicknesses and diseases
are sent by God to teach you character and humility, when you know
beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jesus came to give you abundant life,
and took upon His own body all your sicknesses, pains and infirmities at the cross."

Source: Unmerited Favor by Joseph Prince

...more to come...

"While Jesus is in the Old Testament concealed, He is in the New Testament revealed.
The stronger your foundation in the new covenant is, the more you will be able to see
Jesus unveiled in the Old Testament."

"Today, all the righteous requirements of the law are fulfilled in your life through JESUS!!"

"The law is designed to expose all your deficiencies, but grace (unmerited favor) points you to your
sufficiency in Christ."

"The law demands from man, but grace (unmerited favor) imparts to man."

The law puts the burden on you to perform, while grace (unmerited favor) puts
the the burden on Christ's performance."

"The law tells you that you have failed, but grace (unmerited favor) shows you how you
are more than a conqueror in Christ."

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