Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Thought God Was Mad!

For years, I wandered away from God because of wrong beliefs and teachings.
I thought He was a God who is demanding, unreasonable, wants you to this
and that ,fierce and always mad. I even thought He's the one responsible for all the earthquakes, tsunamis, wars, terrorisms, tragedies in this world.

But no. I was wrong. I was only exposed to preachers who are self-righteous and in bondage and who love to put such "label" on Him because they themselves want to overtake God. Like, it's as if they are trying to tell God what to do.
You know, those kind of preachers who think that you can only be saved by obeying the 10 Commandments. Scare you off by telling you to read the Bible everyday. Attend this fellowship twice a week, etc, etc. (pls. Dont get me wrong cuz there's nothing wrong with that IF you're gona do it only out of the dictates of your heart ; and not because of fear that God will get mad at you for not doing that. Geesh, some self-righteous preachers/pastors really think God is like them. Lolx.If you know what I mean.)

Hello! We are in a fallen world . In this world, we are meant to fail here and there. Admit it! We have mistakes simply because we are human. God sees that beforehand, and that's why the "Good News" come in to save us from this weakness. That's why Jesus came down here on earth to save us from our daily mistakes.

So we, in the eyes of God can be perfect.

So we, can reunite with God, guilt-free and when we walk here on earth guilt-free, we can then come to Him boldly as His child.

So we can appreciate Jesus' death on the cross.

So we can boldly say, Jesus has made me perfect. His sacrifice on the cross has turned my sins, as white as snow!

Yes! Only Jesus is perfect! Not you. Not me. Not even some goody-goody preachers.

That's why Jesus is called a saviour! Halleluyaaaaah!!

Now, if you're a new believer or Christian or born-again and your pastor
gives you a "todo list" to accomplish to maintain that status, if you're
comfortable with it, then do it.
But listen, if the days go by, and you start to feel weary and stress-out about your assignment, I say pray that God will lead you to the truth that can set you free so you can move on to live a Victorious life with Jesus and enjoy life here on earth while waiting for His coming.

Your good works, or your trying to be good has nothing to do with your righteousness. You are righteous because of Jesus. Period!

I don't read the Bible on a daily basis. I only open it when I'm hungry for it or needing some wisdom .I don't belong to any particular Caregroup as well. Well, for now I have tons of reasons not to. But you know what, when the holy spirit speaks and lead me to it, I'd be the first person to come running for it.

No stress. :)

Lastly, you might wana try out Joseph Prince teachings.
You can search for him in youtube or visit his site

Joseph Prince has changed my mind; of how I look and see God.
Of why Jesus needed to die on the cross for me. All the truths in it are so lovely you'll feel like jumpin for joy forever!

Now, my running away from God has ended because I've come to know that He , indeed is a good and awesome God!

I leave you with a very beautiful devotional from Joseph Prince.

Be blessed...

"See God As A Good Father" by Joseph Prince

Luke 15:31
31“And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.

Faith is believing that we have a good God, and that He protects and provides for those who trust in Him. Remember the parable of the prodigal son? (Luke 15:11–32) Jesus shared it to illustrate how good our heavenly Father is. The wayward son had squandered his father’s inheritance before he decided to go home to ask his father to make him a hired servant.

But before he could reach home, his father saw him from afar, ran toward him and embraced him. And instead of making him a hired servant, the father turned to his servants and said, “Bring out the best robe! Get a ring and sandals for my son! Let’s kill the fatted calf and celebrate!”

Now, when the older son returned from work and heard about the celebration, he became angry and refused to enter the house. When his father came out to ask him what was wrong, the older son complained, “Look, I’ve served you all these years. Yet, you never gave me a calf to celebrate with my friends. But as soon as this prodigal son of yours comes home, you kill the fatted calf for him!”

Notice what his father told him: “Son, you are always with me and all that I have is yours. We should celebrate because your brother was dead but is alive again. He was lost but is now found.”

Can you see how the older brother perceived his father? He saw his father as a hard and stingy man. He believed that he had to work to get something good from his father. He didn’t realize that he already had an inheritance! He could have killed the fatted calf any time for a celebration!

Like the father in the parable, God has already given you an inheritance in Christ. Don’t fail to enjoy it by doubting God’s goodness or by believing that you must work for it. See your Father’s heart of love and goodness toward you, and celebrate your inheritance today!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
No part of this document or any related files may be modified, adapted, reproduced, distributed
and/or converted in any form and by any means (electronic, photocopying or otherwise)
without express written consent of the copyright holder.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2011 New Creation Church

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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