Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Feed Your Soul With Good Stuff

This is a famous Filipino food called "daing".
I had this for dinner last night
and it was sooooooo yummy!
I was so full and thank Jesus for blessing me with this kind of food
even if I am here in Singapore.

While I was enjoying my dinner,
some revelations popped up and in my heart I knew right there and then that I needed to blog this out.

You see, as human beings
Food is a necessity.
We eat good food. Explore new foods and even experiment with it.
We try as much to our heart's content to really enjoy life with it.
Seek it. Google some new recipes. And create it.

It's fun right?

Yes. Food to our stomach and to our health is good.

And this made me think.

If we as humans would take a lot of effort feeding our stomach,
why can't we do that to our spirit as well.

You see, our thoughts are driven by our spirit and mind.
Whatever we feed on our mind or brain, we get full benefit of it.

You read a good book of romance,
Suddenly, you get to be so romantic and wanting to hug your loved ones for awhile.
If you read something about wars, violence , news, deaths...

You will feel sad and then fearful
and depressed.

You read books about success,
You get energised and inspired.

Am I right?

( you can just smile)

Cuz I've been through all that.

But you know what,
It's ok to read all kinds of stuff to get informed. But be careful..something bad that you read today might affect your health tomorrow.

That's why here in my blog,
I only want you to read feel-good stuff.

The world is weary, noisy and in chaos let me be a breaker for that.

Let me share with you some of the things that I am reading before I start off my day.

Because these things that I have read, have blessed me. And I am 100% sure, this will bless you too.

Sharing one of Jesus Calling For Kids iphone/ipad app devotional...

Are you ready?

"Clearing the Clutter"

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
—Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

Do not be overwhelmed by the clutter in your life. By “clutter,” I’m not just talking about all that stuff under your bed. I’m including all those endless little chores that you need to do sometime, but not necessarily now. For instance, you told your friend you would download that song for her. And your bike tires really need airing up.

All those little tasks will eat up as much time as you give them. So, instead of trying to do everything at once, choose the chores that really need to be done today. Then let the rest of them slip to the back of your mind, so that I can be in the front of it.

Remember, your real goal in this life is not to check everything off a to-do list. It is to live close to Me. Seek My Face all throughout this day. Let My Presence clear away the clutter in your mind, and flood you with My Peace.

- Jesus

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Never Change

After I have read this...

I just paused and say.....

"Thank You Lord....Jesus.
You are my peace in this crazy world!"


I Never Change

Jesus Christ never changes!
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

—Hebrews 13:8 (CEV)

Your heart and your mind are much like a radio. The kind of music you hear depends on the station you tune in to. When your heart and mind tune in to the world, you hear confusion. Everything is constantly changing—often for no reason. And it can leave you feeling anxious and afraid.

But when you choose to tune in to Me, you hear the beautiful music of My Peace. It soothes away the worries of this world. And it helps you know how safe and secure you are—because you’re Mine.

Unlike the world, I never change. You can always count on Me. Start your day by tuning in to Me. Listen quietly in My Presence. Then get up and begin your journey through the day, holding tightly to My hand. I will show you which way to go, and I will smooth out the path before you.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Beautiful Message For The Day

This message is so nice not to share to you.:)
Be blessed.

I've never made a fortune, and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much, I'm happy anyhow
And as I go along life's way,
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

Haven't got a lot of riches,
and sometimes the going's tough
But I've got loving ones all around me,
and that makes me rich enough.
I thank GOD for his Blessings,
and the Mercies HE's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.
I remember times when things went wrong,
My faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds broke,
and the sun peeped through again.

So LORD, help me not to gripe,
about the tough rows I have hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

If GOD gives me strength and courage,
When the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings,
I'm already Blessed enough.

And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads..
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

When I think of how many people in this world have it worse
than I do, I realize just how BLESSED WE really are.

Don't be too busy today...Share this inspiring message with friends and family.

Thank you Joseph Prince!

YESSSS! As Christ is, and so am I in this world!!!
AMEEN to this!
 Thank you Ps Joseph Prince for this. You are a blessing to me.
Through your teachings of UNMERITED FAVOUR,
my relationship with GOD has become unshakeable!

I feel so blessed with the truth ..the truth that JESUS loves me as what I am
and not of what I can or cannot do.

It's amazing!

And it has truly set me free!


Visit Joseph Prince website for more Christian stuff

"Joint Heirs With Christ Jesus"
 by Joseph Prince

Romans 8:16–17
16The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ...

As long as you are born again, you are no longer a “slave”, but a son of the Most High God. And God does not just call you His son. He also calls you “an heir” through Christ. (Galatians 4:7) In fact, Romans 8:17 says that you are “joint heirs” with Christ.

As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you inherit everything that He is. How precious Jesus is to the Father, is how precious you are to the Father. The way the Father loves Jesus, is the way the Father loves you!

How accepted are you by God today? Look at Jesus. That is how accepted you are! Christ is the measure of your acceptance. How favored are you by God? Look at Jesus, who is seated at the Father’s right hand. You enjoy that same favor today because whatever Christ enjoys, you enjoy!

As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you also inherit all that He has obtained from the Father. How much Jesus has, is how much you have. How prosperous is the one who made all things, and who put the gold, silver and diamonds in the earth? So are you in this world! (1 John 4:17)

I used to read the Bible to find out how to be a rich, successful and victorious Christian. But now, I read it to find out more about Jesus because I know that when I find Him, I find my every blessing in Him. (Ephesians 1:3, 2 Peter 1:3)

My friend, all that Jesus is in heaven today, you are in this world. All that belongs to Him belongs to you. That is why it is in your interest to know Him more, to see Him in all His glory and beauty. And because Jesus is so rich and glorious, it will take you a lifetime to discover everything that He has done for you and has for you.

Beloved, you are an heir of the Most High God. You are a joint heir with Christ Jesus. So find out all the blessings that your rich inheritance includes and start walking in them today!

God is love.(methinks)

Based on my experience, some Christians are making it hard for people from walks of life, sexual preference, racial denominations, etc to come boldly to God.

God, as I know of , is not that kind of God who keeps on nagging you everytime you make mistakes

for not  being "perfect" ,

or for just being simply of who and what you are.

I believe He is an awesome and a good GOD!

That's why He sent Jesus to become our Savior because He knows that
we, as humans can never meet His standards.

God is LOVE.

we can never be perfect while on this mad-fallen earth.. That's  a fact.

If ever you think you are perfect..then you don't need Jesus!

I cannot explain it much because I don't wana argue.

Life is meant to be lived stress-free!

Just read this verse ...

“Come to me, ALL you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” - JESUS 

(Matthew 11:28)

JESUS is referring not to any particular person whether gay, lesbians, prostitute, tax collectors, etc"

He says "ALL!"

If you're tired of being a lesbian...then come to Him and He will give you rest.

If you're tired of being a prostitute, then Jesus is your rest.

If you're tired of extorting money , then come to Jesus because He will lead you to Heavenly riches.

If you're tired of condemning others and frustrated of not being able to change the world,
then come to Jesus because He will give You show You the way.

If you're tired and burdened with life's little problems, routines, chores, etc...then just come to Jesus!

He has all the answers and will refresh You daily.

That simple.:)

I don't know with you.

As for me, I can choose to praise Him all day because of what He has done to me.
Not what I have done to Him..

I'm a lousy Christian. I don't have a good voice to sing cool, beautiful praises for Him.
My english is not good enough to express and share the beautiful things that He has done to my life.
I get angry sometimes. Get pissed on someone. Have bad or negative thoughts sometimes
but for now that's me. And uh , lest I might forget...I have little dirty secrets too.

I am imperfect in so many ways...Halleluyah because that makes me long for His presence and want Him more each day!

Right now... Jesus is my refuge.

My Rest.

My Comfort.

My Righteousness.

My Protector.

My Financier.

My Doctor.

So, if you're one of those people who get poked by some Christians or even non-believers saying
you don't deserve God's love because of who and what you are... Stop for awhile and don't let their words ruin your relationship with Him..

Remember this verse..

"For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 

1 Samuel 16:7

Beautiful, isn't it?

Good morning world!

Time To Be Holy (Jesus Calling For Kids )

I have installed this awesome iphone/ ipad "Jesus Calling For Kids"..

I am not sure if it has Android version though.. You might wanna check it out.

Because this iphone/ipad app is awesome and has been

a blessing to me everyday of my life.

You can read it at your own convenient time.

In the morning, or at night. During tea break or lunch break.

It's just cool because

You'd really feel that Jesus is talking to you.

The words in here are short and powerful

it will bless you more and more!

It will also refresh your mind and soul.

I am posting one of the sample devos for today...

I might be able to post some of it here if you don't have the app

so just let me know yeah?

Here goes and be blessed!

The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God.

—1 Corinthians 6:19 (CEV)

Take time to be holy. But how? Holy doesn’t mean being a goody-goody, or thinking you are better than others. Being holy simply means setting yourself apart for sacred use—My use.

Spend some quiet moments with Me. Let Me work in your heart and mind. I am re-creating you into the person I designed you to be.

Be sure to set aside enough time for just being with Me. Your closeness to Me will strengthen your faith and fill you with My Peace. It will also prepare you for the many blessings I want to give you.

When you take time to be holy, your heart becomes a clean temple of My Holy Spirit. He is able to do more in and through you than you could ever ask or imagine. So make time for Me. You won’t regret it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Explore the Treasure Within by Victoria Olsteen

Explore the Treasure Within

I read a story about a man who lived in a tiny apartment and died in extreme poverty. At one point in his life, he had even been homeless, living on the streets. This man never had any successes to speak of nor any noted victories. He lived and died as just another face in the crowd.

After the funeral, some family members went to his little run-down apartment to clear out his belongings. They found a painting hanging on the wall so they decided to sell it at a garage sale. The woman who bought the picture took it to a local art gallery for an appraisal and was shocked to discover that the painting was extremely valuable. The piece of art that hung for so many years in a little run-down apartment was painted by a famous artist who lived in the early 1800s. The woman decided to auction off that painting and ended up selling it for several million dollars.

Just think how that poor man's life might have changed if he had known the value of what he possessed. He was a multimillionaire and didn't even know it. So many people live like that today with priceless treasure inside, and they don't even know it. Sometimes we have to explore what's on the inside of us to really understand what we have.

I encourage you today; don't settle for living a mediocre existence. You are a masterpiece created by the most famous Artist of all. Every morning when you get out of bed, remind yourself, I am important. I am handpicked by God, and I am a person of extreme value and significance.

For we are God's masterpiece…(Ephesians 2:10, NLT).

Monday, December 10, 2012

JESUS is On Your Side!

Whatever your plans are, keep believing that Jesus is always on your side. And He is always there to take care of you no matter what. If ever you're going thru a rough time. DO NOT WORRY. Because that's only temporary. Jesus will pull you through. Because He loves you so. Amen!

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...