Monday, January 7, 2013

Choose Not To Worry by Joseph Prince

If one can develop a habit of worrying.

Why not develop a habit of not worrying at all?

If it's that easy, I can't see any reason why you can't do the opposite.

You might say,
"It's easy for you say because
you are not in my situation. "

I say,"No one does."

And yes, you and I experience different struggles. No matter how bad or mild it is, it still can affect your health and your youth.

I know we are humans. And we can't just press the remote that says "Do Not Worry. "

Wish we have that to our disposal right? But sadly, welcome to the real world. You are not in Adam Sandler's "Click" movie.

But guess what,
Because you believed in Jesus,
you are different now!

You can choose NOT TO WORRY!


Because Jesus wants you to.

Jesus is your rest.

Jesus is your savior, restorer, blesser, provider, healer and protector.

Woooow! What a wonderful Savior!

Such a good news, right??

Below is one of Joseph Prince
daily devotionals.

May you be blessed with it.


And Shalom...😊😊😊😊

Choose Not To Worry
By Joseph Prince

Matthew 6:27
27Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

Many Christians are familiar with Jesus’ rhetorical question, “Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” But not many of us actually let it get into our hearts and allow the love of God to free us from our habit of worrying.

The truth is, no amount of worrying can lengthen your life or add anything to your physical person. Instead, worrying robs you of sleep, health and many good years. In fact, it is only when you are worry-free that God’s anointing flows freely in you, strengthening, healing, restoring and adding to you.

A church member, after undergoing a mammogram, found that she had lumps in her breast. Upon receiving the doctor’s report, she wrote this down on the report: “Jesus is my healer. I receive my healing. I am healed. I rest in God completely.”

She was due back at the clinic later the same day for a biopsy to see if the lumps were malignant. Her sister-in-law, who was having lunch with her that day, witnessed her cheerful and worry-free attitude while she ate her lunch.

Back at the clinic, this precious sister sat among other ladies who were also there for their biopsies. They looked very worried, so she started sharing Jesus with them and prayed for some of them. When her turn came and she had an ultrasound scan done, the doctor was puzzled — her scan showed no evidence of any lumps!

The doctor went back to consult her colleague who had first discovered the lumps. Stunned, both doctors conducted their own investigations. They returned to her only to say, “It’s a miracle!”

My friend, when you worry, you are actually believing that the devil has the power to make inroads into your life that God cannot protect you from. But when you refuse to worry, you are putting your faith in God. You have more confidence in His love and power working for you than in the devil’s ability to harm you! When you refuse to worry, but choose to rest in the finished work of Christ, you will see the manifestation of your blessing. You will see your miracle!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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