Thursday, June 6, 2013

Grace Flows When You Stop Struggling by Joseph Prince

Sharing another powerful message from Joseph Prince dear friends...

Kepp walking with Jesus.

Fill your mind and heart with His love...and everything's gonna be alright.

Trust me.

Been there. Done that.

And it's awesome!

Enjoy and God bless.

Meditate On

“My brother, I have plenty,” Esau answered. “Keep what you have for yourself.” But Jacob insisted, “No, if I have found favor with you, please accept this gift from me…for God has been very gracious to me. I have more than enough.”
Genesis 33:9–11, NLT

Grace Flows When You Stop Struggling

Most people would have given up on Jacob, the scheming deceiver and manipulator. But not God.

One night, while attempting to appease the brother he had stolen from, Jacob met the Lord. He grabbed hold of the Lord and for hours, tried to wrestle a blessing from Him. What did the Lord do? He touched Jacob’s hip socket and put it out of joint, so that Jacob wound up helpless before the Lord.

The Lord changed Jacob that night. He showed Jacob how it was only when Jacob’s grabbing and wrestling finally stopped that His grace was able to flow. That night, God changed Jacob’s name from “deceiver” to “prince” (Israel), and added to him blessings that were beyond his own efforts.

You see, we cannot try to wrestle blessings from God. It is when we give up on our scheming, deceiving and manipulating to get ahead in life, and completely trust His grace alone that His provision flows unabated

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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