Let's talk about being a "Christian".
You know the world has inculcated on their minds that if you are a Christian, you are not bound to make mistakes or sin.
You should walk straight, be always a good person just like Jesus.
In short , you should be perfect.
(Which is so wrong)
I had my first attempt as a Christian back in the 2010's.
But I left the church.
You know why?
Because they gave me alot of stuff to do!
You must do this , do that. Forget your sexual preference. Go to church every Sunday. Read the Bible daily...which I didn't like!
Forward to this day.
I am back to being Christian.
And it is so different compared to the first truth that I know which stressed me out.
It is true when Jesus said in the Bible,
Jesus is our rest.
Rest from all our worries , anxities, fears and uncertainties.
Now, I go to church not because
I go attend church because
I WANT TO and it makes me excited everytime!
Can you tell the difference dear friends?
Now, I read the Bible not because some pastors told me to.
I read the Bible because I want to get to know more of my Jesus!
This change in me is amazing!
And it's effortless.
If you , my friend have experienced this in your Christian journey,
I want to pray with you.
That you too shall be set free !
The truth that as a Christian,
we need Jesus everyday because
He is our savior from everything will set you free.
We should all stop looking at our shortcomings, ourselves and start to look up to Him instead with praise and full of thanks for what He did at the cross.
As a Christian, our main task is to praise Him and not trying to fix our flaws. If we look up to Him. He will fix our flaws and then change us from the inside -out. That's what Jesus meant when He said, you come to Him , He is your rest.
And He doesn't lie.
You see, If we keep looking at our mistakes or failures as a Christians, it would take us forever. And it will only separate us more from God.
In this world, we can never be perfect because only Jesus is perfect.
When Jesus was at the cross,
He didn't say,
" hey you, have you read your bible today. Are you good today? If not I will come down from here and won't die for you. "
At the cross, Jesus never thought on all of these.
What was on His mind and heart was that ," IT IS FINISHED!"
Jesus took all your failures, shortcomings, sickness, confusions at the cross and cloth you with His Righteousness so today, you and I deserves all the blessings.
Jesus is your wisdom so ask Him to lead you to His truth.
Let us pray.
Dear Jesus,
If the person reading this is in total confusion and lost as a Christian,
Please lead him to Your truth.
Your truth sets him/her free!
Thank You Jesus for being our awesome savior.
We shall praise you forever.