I used to think we humans should always chase "Happiness".
I get lots of advices or words saying,"if you are happy with your decision then go for it. "
"If you are happy about this and that, it should be okay. "
But then I realized, "happiness" is just temporary.
One must not spend all his lifetime chasing for it.
"Joy" on the other hand is eternal. It's what makes you tick in the midst of your circumstance.
Happiness is indeed, temporary. Joy in Jesus is forever.
This devotional from Sarah Young says it all.
Please take time to read and meditate on it.
You will know what I'm talking about.
Honor and majesty surround him; strength and joy fill his dwelling.
—1 Chronicles 16:27 (NLT)
Happiness and Joy are not the same thing.
Happiness depends on this world, on what is going on around you. Happiness is when you ace the test, or make the winning shot, or you’re headed for a vacation at the beach with your best friend. It depends on everything being just right. Happiness is wonderful, but it lasts only a little while.
But Joy—true Joy—is something entirely different. Joy doesn’t depend on this world, or whether you’re having a good day; it depends on Me. Joy is knowing that I am in control, that I love you and will take care of you—even when you flunk the test, or make the last out, or your family can’t afford a vacation. Stay close to Me, and I’ll give you My Joy in every situation.
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