Sunday, October 11, 2015

People- Pleasers

It's stressful to please everyone that you like. You will end up disappointed and frustrated.
Been there than done that.
Now, I simply don't care of what others might think of me. I may lose or still keep them but really, I don't hold their decisions in wanting or needing me.

Today, I just live my life naturally.
I let Jesus' love and grace transforms me inside and out.
Cuz I really don't want to be hypocrite.

As long as you don't hurt or stressed anyone out. Go ahead. Do your own thing.

In time, they will come to appreciate it.

Blessed Monday everyone!

Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him.
—Hebrews 11:6 (ICB)

Don’t be a people-pleaser. People-pleasers let their lives be ruled by what other people think. I have to wear these clothes so they’ll hang out with me. I can’t sit with those kids—everyone will think I’m a loser. I don’t want to try that stuff, but if I don’t, I won’t fit in.

You can end up in scary or even dangerous situations trying to please others. Other people aren’t perfect. They don’t have perfect judgment, and they don’t always want what is best for you. Besides, you can’t really know what they truly think of you. So being a people-pleaser is foolish.

Live to please Me instead. Only I am perfect and only I care about you perfectly. Don’t look at yourself through the eyes of other people, or treat their opinions as being more important than Mine. See yourself through My eyes—and you will see a child of God who is deeply and perfectly loved.

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