Thursday, January 14, 2016

Read Psalm 91 Everyday

If you have time,
You can browse in my blog posts or threads about Psalm 91.

You will find that I just advice you to say it if you have time (everyday would be good).

With the recent terrorism, psychos, depression, tragedies everywhere ,
it's just normal that fear sets in our hearts. That is what the devil loves to do, scare us all.

I am guilty of that too,
sometimes when I forget that I have an awesome God who's not gonna leave me nor forsake me,
I get terrified, just like Peter when he was walking on water with Jesus. Peter has stopped looking at Jesus and looked around his surroundings. When he did that, he almost drowned!

It happened to me several times.
In this world, sometimes you feel like you are all alone and you have no one to protect you.

Yesterday, there were bomb explosions in Indonesia. I am sorry to hear all these. And may the victims rest in peace.

These horrific situations that you have no control of, except to pray for safety.

But it's good thing as I always get poked by the Spirit.
Telling me, to look and read Psalm 91.

"Where to get refuge or safety from all these?"

My answer to you is through...
This is such a beautiful verse.
In here , I can feel all God's promises of divine protection.

Read it for yourself.
And imagine, this has been written ages ago!
God knows what's really gonna happen on this earth right up to this date.

I say, WOW!!
Bible power again!

His promises of divine protection,
He wrote in the Bible for us to claim.

Isn't He amazing??

Now , let me say to you,

For yourself and for your loveds ones.

Because anything in this mad-fallen world could happen.

But since you are a child of God and you believe in Jesus as your savior, you are entitled to this promises.

You are blessed.

You are blessed to get to read this blog post today.

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