Thursday, March 3, 2016

Are You a Worry Worm ?

Do you worry a lot like me?


Yes. Everyone of us has its own secret fears inside.

Like me, I am scared of flying. Turbulence really shakes me off.

Fear of tragedies, calamities, sickness or deaths.

These things I admit has kept me from enjoying the moment.

And my life.

But , let me share with you some Christians tips that really help me in slowly overcoming it.

Everytime I am scared,
I just say to my breathe,
"thank You Jesus You are my divine protector. " ( I keep repeating this until I feel better inside.)

And then I say

You see, we should take out our focus in this mad-fallen world.

Because in here, anything could really happen. But thank God!
We have Jesus! He is our refuge!

Thank You Lord!

Enjoy today's devotional that I have just read dear friends.

I am sure it will bless you too.


Worry Worms

Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

—Luke 12:25–26

Have you ever seen a worm try to wriggle back into the dirt? That is what worry is like. It is constantly trying to wriggle its way back into your mind.

In this life, there will always be something that you could worry about. Something that just isn’t quite right. That is part of living in an imperfect world. But worry can’t do anything except tie you up into knots.

So how do you get rid of those worry worms? Keep your thoughts on Me. Think about how much I love you, how you can serve Me, and how I bless and protect you. When your mind is all filled up with Me, there’s no room for worry worms.

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