Thursday, September 29, 2016

I Already Know - Jesus

Thank You Abba, Father.
I know you will take good care of me well.
My future is yours.
Take it please because I just want to rest in Your love.

I Already Know - Jesus

So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.
—Matthew 6:34 (NLT)

I am God. I am here, there, and everywhere. All at the same time.

I am God. I am yesterday, today, and tomorrow. All at the same time.

That is how I am able to take care of you completely. I get up with you in the morning, and I am already waiting for you on the bus. I eat lunch with you, and I already know what you will have for dinner. I go to sleep with you each night, and I already know where you will be fifty years from now.

So when I tell you not to worry—that I will take care of you—I mean it! I know what problems you will face tomorrow. I’ve already seen them, and today I’m preparing you to face them. So leave tomorrow’s worries where they belong: in tomorrow. And when you do get to tomorrow, I’ll already be there—without ever having left your side today.

Sourcev: Jesus Calling For Kids app

By Sarah Youngb
Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

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