Wednesday, September 14, 2016

You Are Good Enough

I so love this.

In Jesus, you don't need to do anything to be loved.
He loved you as what you are.
So relax. Chill. And feel His love and blessings covering you all day!

Thank You Jesus for loving an imperfect person like me.

Where would I be without Your amazing love oh Lord.

You Are Good Enough

May the Lord show you his kindness. May he have mercy on you.
—Numbers 6:25 (ICB)

You are good enough for Me to love. Just as you are. You don’t have to do anything big or spectacular. You don’t have to earn My Love or fight for My attention. All you have to do is lie back, close your eyes, and rest in My Love for you. I will wrap you up in the warm, soft blanket of My unconditional Love, which never ends. I don’t want you to worry any more about being good enough to be loved.

Look into My eyes. There is no condemnation there. You have nothing to fear because you are My child—and I took the punishment for all your sins. So I’m not thinking about your mistakes or what you should have done or wishing you’d worked harder. When you look into My eyes, you will see only kindness, delight, and unending Love.


Source: Jesus Calling for Kids
By Sarah Young

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

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