Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Is it really Lonely at the Top?

The richness of this world will never satisfy.
That is why I see so many rich and famous ppl
died lonely, depressed and lost while on drugs.
They ended up not knowing on what to do with their wealth so they try it on something else. Something that excites them "temporarily".
And then they will say, " It's lonely at the top!"

Maybe you heard some of them.

Yes. It is lonely at the top when you have everything and don't even know who the creature of all these things.
It's lonely when you don't know Jesus
and let Him touch your life.

Even King Solomon have said that in the Bible.
Everything here on earth is just "Chasing the Wind. It never satisfies. "

"I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind." Ecclesiastes 1:14

One day, I asked God for wisdom on all these.

Cuz I am a go-getter, adventurer person.
I love to dream big things and achieve success.
But I got tired of chasing worldly stuff although I'm still not there yet.

So I prayed God, "Abba, if all these things on earth will never satisfy, show me what will and I will follow You. Lead me to Your kind of success.

And then fastforward to this day, here I am.
Always wanting to be near Him.
Soaking in His presence.
Reading books about Him.
Reading the Bible.
Reading Jesus quotes and following all Jesus worshippers on social media.
I just got crazy about Him.

And all I can say is WOW!!!

All my life, I never felt this joyful, contented and fearless. (yes. He will also make you fearless)
Fearless, because in the midst of my troubles, trials and problems I still ended up praising Him.

And finally, I can say...

"Now that I know the difference of being "happy" or "joyful" , shall I settle for less?"

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

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