Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hints of Heaven

Dear Lord, please lead me to walk with You always.
I know, the busyness and worries of life
will push me away from you.
So please, hold my hand and pull me back closer to you.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

—Hebrews 6:19

Did you know that you can get a glimpse of heaven right now, here on earth? When you walk along your life-path with Me, you are already experiencing the most important part of heaven—nearness to Me. And all throughout your day, you can find hints of heaven along your pathway.

The morning sunlight that opens your eyes can remind you that in heaven there is no darkness; there is only the Light of My Presence. The birds teach you how to sing My praises—loud and strong and filled with joy. The flowers, the trees, and the skies can all give you glimpses of the beauty that is waiting for you in heaven.

As you walk through your day today, keep your eyes and ears fully open. Hints of heaven are all around you!

1 Corinthians 15:20–23


JesusCalling for Kids
By Sarah Young

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

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