This is my family.
As you can see, my dear little sister has a huge head. She is hydrocephallus. On layman's terms, there is water stuck inside her head.
My dad when he was young,
all I could remember was that he drank alot.
I think he went nearly as an alcoholic because my memories with them were naggings of my moms, plates get thrown in the kitchen, verbal fights when he was drunk and humiliations in the neighborhood.
My mom was a teacher. But she stopped when my sis was born to fully take care of her.
And then when we moved to Cebu from Davao, she changed from a plain housewife to a "still" plain housewife but this time smokes alot, stays all night gambling and still fighting with my papa everytime he got drunk.
I remember, I even left our home and slept in the park the whole night for being so frustrated. I was I think working already that time.
When I had enough of them,
I left them and decided to pursue my dreams
because I didn't want to end like them.
I always knew deep inside, I have a purpose here on earth.
Years passed, my mom had a stroke and my dad died of cardiac arrest and my sis passed away after a month of his death.
Fast forward to this day,
I am now a permanent resident here in Singapore.
My mom is back in manila with a helper.
As you can see,
I don't have a perfect family... and it's even far to be perfect.
I have friends who has one perfect families.
They are close and bond together. Have fun together and yeah enjoying life as one family.
I also have friends who hate their families, their moms or dads.
For whatever reasons it may be. I will just leave it to them.
Do I want a perfect family here on earth?
Of course yeah.
But somehow , it's not happening.
Last time when I didn't understand it yet,
I was full of grudges and disappointments.
But now in Jesus, I have come to understand it.
I am now left with my mom who loves to be alone.
My friends think I am not so concern with her at all. And I don't mind what they think.
Cuz God knows how much I want to be with her right now and praying for us to be together here in Singapore.
But somehow there are obstacles and challenges. Like I am only renting a room here in Singapore. And living here is so costly. It's one of my frustrations now but
of course, Abba , Father has taught me to relax and rely on Him because He is my shepherd.
At this moment of my life,
I just keep hoping in the Lord that He will lead me what to do.
But you see, if in this world , I may not have the perfect family (yet), I believe in Heaven and when rapture happens,
me, my papa , sister and mama will be reunited in Heaven and will be living a perfect life with Jesus together upthere!
This world is only temporary.
Heaven is REAL! Halleluyaaah!
So if you dear friend is somewhat of the same situation as I am. Take heart.
It will all shall come to pass.
Remember Jeremiah 29:11.
Rest that your family will be restored soon.
While here on earth?
Move on and do what God wants you to do.
Be always lead by the spirit. He will tell you what to do. Stick with Him.
He is your spiritual buddy.
Chat soon. Need to go to my lifegroup.
- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -
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