Monday, October 23, 2017

Thank You Jesus

Let Jesus carry you through all your pains and struggles. 

He loves you so and He will never abandon you. 


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Thoughts for Let-Go Living Book 

May this lil share of mine as I read this book 

“Thoughts for Let-Go Living” by Joseph Prince

release you from the bondage of worrying. 

We as Christians, should stop worrying because 

we have an awesome God and savior Jesus in our lives. 

I have been a worry-wart too. 

I get paranoid all the time and worry too much of my future. 

But I thank God, He has slowly liberated me from it. 

It’s not good to worry. 

That’s why Jesus in the Bible keeps reminding us NOT TO WORRY!

The more you get worried,

the more that you should think about Jesus all the time!

He is your rest. Just keep on believing that truth and you’ll see. 

I will be sharing from time to time some thoughts of this.

May it will be bless you too. 

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


The One Thing

Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.

He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

—James 1:17 (NLT)

Every good thing in your life comes from Me. Your home, your favorite things, the people who love you—they are My gifts to you. And though I have given you many pleasures and many things, not one of them is really necessary. Only one thing is truly necessary—having Me in your life.

Before you knew Me as your Savior, you thought your hopes and dreams could be met by things of this world. But now you know better: I am the One who fulfills your dreams. I do want you to enjoy the gifts that I give you. But remember to thank Me—the Giver of all good things. And don’t start thinking that you have to have these gifts.

Cling to Me, not My gifts. Trust Me to make you complete. The one thing that you alwaysneed is the one thing you can never lose— My Presence with you.

Psalm 62:5–8; Revelation 1:8; 1 Peter 2:9



Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New Powerful Book for Christians : Live the Let-Go Life

I’m back guys!

Sorry it’s been awhile that I haven’t updated this blog. 

Have experienced some technical problems lately

like GoDaddy wasn’t so accomodating in helping me retrieve my dotcome site. 

Second, the new ios app is not allowing my fave blog manager to be installed and so I did some detours , pauses and hangout for awhile. 

But I say, No weapons formed against me shall prosper. Ameeeen!!!!


I just would like to give you a headsup on Joseph Prince’ new released book, 

“Live the Let-Go Life”

I am still on the 2nd chapter and hooh boy!

I have been soooooo blessed !

So , I encourage you all to get this book. 

Check out site and 

you can get it from there. 

Give comments below if you have questions

or feel free to share with me your comments on this book. 

Would love to hear from you. 

God bless! 

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...