Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Our Daughter's Heart Stopped, then Jesus Walked in [Testimony]

This is one amazing testimony of a truly Family of God.

These guys , especially the dad, kept his PEACE in the midst of the storm no matter what.

While his daughter, Gabriella's heart stopped, they kept trusting in Jesus as their partner.

and truly enough, JESUS didn't disappoint them.

As long as you believe who JESUS is in your life, man! Amazing things happen!

Watch this full video and see God's power manifest in this wonderful family.

Thank You Jesus!

Share so this sick world will know that there's healing in the name of JESUS!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

My Migraine is gone--- WOOOOW!!!!

Finally, my Migraine is Gone testimony is here!

No more delays guys. I know and believe you need this word today.

if you are having health issues right now, keep believing in Jesus as your healer.

"But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed."

Isaiah 53:5

You are the victor in Christ!

At the cross, Jesus won it all for us.

So, let's not put His sacrifice in vain.

He loves us so.

and all He wants is for us to enjoy and abundant life, healthy so we can be 
a blessing to others too!

I forgot to mention in the video about how long now that I have not been attacked by migraines....

Well, it's like y rs straight plus.

I only get headaches if I am so tired and not able to sleep well at night
or exposed to so much heat.

Really, it's amazing feeling to be set free by this.

I am hoping you'd get the revelation of how good our God is.

He won't let you down.

Enjoy the video.

And will be doing more of this soon.

I really have a lot of good news and good stuff to share with you.

If you have questions about my migraine, just comment below yah?

So don't forget to Subscribe and chat soon!

Christian Youtube Channels Recommendations

I am trying so hard to vblog for Jesus lately. Lol! I don't know why.

I feel the Holy Spirit keeps pushing me.

(Sorry. I know HS doesn't push us to do things which is not coming from the heart, right?)

Anyways, I was just browsing through some Christian videos on youtube to get the feel
and perhaps learn some ideas.

And so blessed, I came across this beautiful channel.

You might wanna check it out too.

I like her vblogs.

Also , I have created a youtube channel @MyChristianDiary
You might wanna check it out and subs? Now, I only have 5 Subscribers including myself and my friends . hahah!

Okay dear friends..Enjoy her video first.
I'm still working on mine at this moment.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Speaking in Tongues Medical Study proves Holy Spirit praying

Do you speak in tongues?

If you are not practicing it yet, this video will help you explain it.

I always speak in tongues. When things are getting out of control and don't know what or

how to pray, I speak in tongues.

Few minutes is powerful.

Speaking in tongues is when the HOLY SPIRIT  intercedes for you.

He prays powerful prayers through it.

Speaking in tongues is edifying to one's soul.

It refreshes your mind and spirit too.

I encourage you to ask God to give you the gift of speaking in tongues.

He will give it to you freely.

At first, it will sound weird. but you will get used to it.

watch more:

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Joseph Prince - Make Jesus The Center Of Your Life - 12 May 13

Live life on a whole new level when you put Jesus at the center of it all! Joseph Prince unveils the Christ in the lampstand of the Old Testament tabernacle and shows you why when you put Jesus in the center of your life, He lifts you up, holds your world together, supplies your needs and brings incomparable fulfillment. Watch Him dispel every darkness in your life as you keep looking to Him. Begin to experience the high life you were meant to live as you see His love for you and give Him center place in all that you do! Get the full message at: JosephPrince.com - http://bit.ly/1nJBOLz iTunes - http://bit.ly/Z0zgSx Amazon - http://bit.ly/16D3NZM Find us at: http://www.facebook.com/josephprince https://twitter.com/JosephPrince

Joseph Prince - Keep Your Eyes On Jesus - 10 Jun 2012

Joseph Prince - Keep Your Eyes On Jesus - 10 Jun 2012

In the midst of a storm...look out to Jesus!

What do you do when a storm comes blowing into your life? Keep your eyes on Jesus and walk above the storm! Join Joseph Prince in this uplifting message as he shows you the simplicity and power of keeping your eyes on Jesus. Learn from Bible names how beholding Jesus' beauty and love will drive out fear, cause you to ride effortlessly over the storm and transform you into His likeness. Begin to turn your eyes away from your circumstances and keep them fixed on the Son, and see Him do the impossible in and through you!

Joseph Prince - Keep Your Eyes On Jesus - 10 Jun 2012

Yah! Just keep your eyes on Jesus instead of problems
and see your problems disappear effrotlessly like that.

Joseph Prince 210 Great Grace For Your Greatest Weakness

Joseph Prince - Five Words To Live By—The Battle Is The Lord’s - 10 Jan 16

When you want to build your muscles and stay fit, what do you do?

Of course, you make time to exercise and go to the gym and then you get fit, physically.

It is the same thing to do with your spiritual muscles.

you need to get feed daily with the word of God by listening to pastors who

preaches how beautiful and awesome our Lord Jesus is.

Like my pastor, JOSEPH PRINCE.

He is one of the reasons of why I'm so enjoying my life right now inspite of some ups and downs
that are temporary.

He has taught me to become how to be bold in coming to God and asking for my inheritance of
healing, provision , restoration and protection.

Jesus has answered all my questions of life through  Joseph Prince preachings.

That is why right now, I am also so bold in sharing it with you.

Because JESUS is LIFE!

keep feeding your faith beloveds and enjoy the benefits.

talk soon!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

I decided to Vblog for JESUS : #MyChristianDiary

This is me. and today I have decided to vblog for Jesus.

I used to get confused of which topic to vblog for.
That's why I was able to create tons of pages based on my interests like
#iphoneography , Photpgraphy, videography, gadgets, travel, foods , dogs, funny animales, etc.
Last week, I prayed aboutit. I asked the Holy Spirit to lead me.
So He used some of my non-Christians friends and Christian friends of course
to help me decide.
You see, there are awesome vbloggers outhere. They are just one youtube or google away.
But as for me, I'm gonna blog for Jesus and share to the world how much He has changed my life.
Hoe much He loves me so inspite of mistakes, failures and short-comings.
I know there are alot outhere who are struggling deep inside to work things out
and find their identity.
They are lost that even when they achieved so many things in life like fame and fortune,
they still end up taking drugs, sleeping pills, going to psychiatirsts for advices, and all.

I feel them. not because I got the fame and fortune already (I'm not there yet.) but because I have seen their lives on the news and social media.

Life can get confusing and frustrating...even the midst of your success you will still you're a failure somwhere or still missing on something.

So, I am here with my little testimonies here and there sharing my Christian journey.

I have survived the ups and downs in life ALL BECAUSE OF JESUS!

If you will browse through this blog since 2011, you will see.

I can see He has kept me well. And all those trials that I had and still experiencing,
are ways (not His ways), are food so to build up our faith in Him and through Him alone.
These are "breads" to feed our faith and to see how He has restore and take care of us all the way!

even if we don't feel His presence, He is just there beside us, holding our hands and not letting go.

You can follow my facebook page that I have created (again),
It's called My Christian Diary : Do take note of the profile pic 'cuz I saw there are quite alot of same page name of it.
Do check out my youtube channel too:


I will be talking a lot of my Christian journey, my thoughts will be there and all.
So, let's stay together in this.
Jesus loves you so and I'm here to help you walk through it, as He has helped me walk through the dark, valley of death.

See yah!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Believe Right And Live Right by Joseph Prince

Believe Right And Live Right by Joseph Prince

The more you receive revelation of your right standing with God, the more you’ll experience areas of your life turning out right. This includes your physical health, which means that the organs in your body—your heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, liver—will begin to function correctly, more and more so as you grow in the revelation of your righteousness in Christ. More and more you’ll experience divine strength, health, wholeness and life in your body. 

When you know that you are right with the Lord, your mind will also start to be right and become stable, sound and filled with peace. Depression will no longer be able to squat or linger in your mind or soul. Fears, panic attacks and phobias will evaporate and a new excitement, boldness and an expectation of good will come on you and cause you to experience the blessings that God has for you!

Beloved, I urge you to grow in the revelation that you have right standing with God!

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...