Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Danny Gokey's Tesimonial on "I am Second"

 I just came across this amazing worship guy Danny Gokey on youtube 'cuz

I happened to listen to his worship song "Haven't Seen it Yet?" on Spotify. 

I have uploaded it on my other blog---> MyFaveChristianWorshipSongs

The song talks about waiting, hoping patiently for God's miracles, prayers get answered

in our lives. And I really love the melody, it speaks of what really what's in my heart

right now. 

And guess what, he lost his way 9 years ago and fast-forward to this day,

he has a worship album worshiping Jesus and giving people HOPE on their current

situatuin. Amazing right?

God used his testimony FOR ALL GOD's glory!

the song goes...

"Have you been praying

And you still have no answers Have you been pouring out your heart for so many years Have you been hoping That things would have changed by now Have you cried all the faith you have through so many tears Don’t forget the things that He has done before And remember He can do it all once more"

You know sometimes, in the midst of our waiting,

we usually forget what God has done in our lives.

The good things, the beautiful things that happened will just disappear

when we get so impatient about it.

so the worship song reminds us, not for forget what God has done in our lives.

The air that we breathe. For keeping us safe in the midst of all evils, viruses, tragedies

in this world.

Yes.there will always be tribulations here on earth. Like Jesus said in the Bible.

But God shall redeem us all as He promised.

Let us watch Danny Gokey's testimony on "I am Second" guys!

I already watched it last night as part of my devotionals and I am so gonna watch it again.



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