Saturday, July 10, 2021

#PsalmoftheDay 34222

Apologies for the super late date my dear friends.
I always like to go back and get refreshed by God's word.
You see, God's Word is ever-changing, refreshing to our soul and
just in time for our need, at the right moment, at the right time.
So dates when it comes to devotionals are irrelevant for me. 
That is just my own opinion yah?

"But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious,
longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth."

Psalm 86:15

Guys this is our God. He is a loving, full of mercy God.
Don't let be misled of Christians teachings outhere that God
is always outhere to point your mistakes, failures and sins.
He already knows us even while we were still in our mother's womb.
You are not a mistake. We are not a mistake.
As we go through our darkest valleys in life,
always remember that He is with us.
Always remember that He is always with you.
No matter what.
If you are alone, an orphan in this world.
Come back to Jesus.
You will never feel alone again. Just like I do.
You will live to fulfill your purpose.
If you have Jesus in your life, you will never be alone.
Please embrace that truth and BE BLESSED.


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