Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Adventures of Faith: Embracing Jesus in a Crazy World!

Adventures of Faith: Embracing Jesus in a Crazy World!

Welcome to a wild ride through the rollercoaster of life! Every day, the world throws crazy twists and turns at us, and people drop dead without warning. But fear not, for amidst this thrilling chaos, we'll discover how securing our souls in Jesus can bring excitement, hope, and joy like never before! So buckle up, because it's time to embark on the ultimate adventure of faith!

The Thrills of Mortality

Life is like a thrilling amusement park, full of twists and turns, ups and downs. Just like those heart-pounding rollercoaster rides, mortality reminds us to embrace the exhilaration of living in the moment! But hold on tight, because according to Hebrews 9:27 (NIV) Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, we're destined for an epic finale!

Faith: The Greatest Adventure Yet!

Amidst the craziness, we stumble upon the ride of a lifetime – faith in Jesus! It's an adrenaline-pumping journey of discovery and purpose. And guess what? We've got the ultimate pass – accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior! John 3:16 (NIV) For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, JESUS that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. guarantees front-row seats to an eternity of thrills!

Eternal Life: The Grand Finale

Picture this: Jesus soaring high above the world like a superhero, proclaiming, "I am the resurrection and the life!"

Jesus said to her, “I Am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this ? John 11:25-26 NIV

He smashed the chains of death, and He's inviting us to join Him on the wildest adventure ever – eternal life!

Come as You Are: VIP Treatment

No need to stand in long lines to meet Jesus. He's got the VIP treatment for everyone! His arms are wide open, calling, "Hey, you, yes YOU! Come to me, weary adventurer, and I'll give you the rest you've been searching for!" "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NIV.

Faith: The Unbreakable Bungee Cord

In this thrilling life, Jesus is the unbreakable bungee cord keeping us safe. No matter how high we jump or how low we fall, Psalm 62:2 (NIV) Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken. declares that with Jesus as our fortress, we'll never be shaken!

Love Over Fear: The Ultimate Power-Up

When fear tries to creep in like a spooky haunted house, Jesus' love swoops in like a superhero power-up! With 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. in our arsenal, we conquer fears, doubts, and all the crazy hurdles thrown our way!

So, guys, let us wait not a second or minute to ignore the life that we have right now.

There's still time and let's use it to give our life to Jesus so we can enjoy abundant and fruitful life here on earth. If you are ready, we can pray this Salvation Prayer together and be at peace that if anytime we leave this earth, we will be in Heaven with Jesus enjoying ETERNAL LIFE. Ready?

Let us say this:


Father I thank You that You love me so much, no matter what my past has been.

You have a future for me that is bright.

I thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus and I desire to experience all that He gave His life for me to have.

I choose now to turn from my own way, and I ask you to cleanse me of all unrighteousness.

I believe that Jesus died to take my sin and rose from the dead that I may be forgiven.

I call upon Jesus to be Lord of my life and I choose to follow you.

I declare that right now I am Your child and I am free to be who You created me to be,

in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Congratulations, adventure-seekers! You've made it to the end of the ride! Amidst the chaos of a world where people drop like surprises on a haunted house ride, remember to secure your soul in the arms of Jesus. Embrace the thrill of life's ups and downs, knowing that faith is the ultimate adventure! So, why wait? Come to Jesus as you are, strap in for the ride of a lifetime, and get ready for the epic grand finale – an eternity of joy, love, and excitement! Now, who's up for another round? Let's ride this adventure together, and together, we'll face whatever life throws our way!

Lastly, once you receive Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, keep feeding your mind with God's words. Watch, listen, read JESUS' filled devotionals and sermons like my pastor Joseph Prince. There will challenges, setbacks but we as His beloved children should always aim to move forward. DO NOT GIVE UP! Because JESUS never gave up on you. Keep talking to Jesus like He is your bestfriend. Talk to Him with your mind. When you feel tired, bored, confused, doubtful tell it to Him. He loves to converse with you.

I say, that's one of my secrets why up to now this blog is still here. IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF JESUS IN MY LIFE! 100%!

Finally, let me assure you that you are in the right path now. Jesus shall restore whatever you have lost so He can fulfill your purpose in Him and through Him.

Chat soon Beloveds!

Take care and stay safe in the arms of Jesus.



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