Showing posts with label Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration Jesus saves Jesus salvation Jesus is king Jesus is Lord Christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration Jesus saves Jesus salvation Jesus is king Jesus is Lord Christianity. Show all posts

Friday, July 2, 2021

Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration

 Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration

Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration

Religious church is not the one that has a different style of service.

Religion is what is left when the relationship with God is non-existence.

Religion can happen to Charismatics.

Religion can happen to catholics.

Religion can happen to Baptist.

Religion can happen to Arman (?), to Calvanist.

Religion can happen to anybody who loses a revelation of who God is.

Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a Revelation!

Christianity is a revelation…Jesus told His disciples who the man says I Am?

And everybody start throwing different versions and then Jesus,

Peter says, “You are the Son of God!” 

And Jesus response to Peter, He didn’t say, “Well, Peter great job! You went to a right university.”

He said, “ Flesh and blood did not tell you this, Peter. It was my Father in Heaven who revealed that.”

That tells us that Christianity, the core of Christianity, you cannot be a Christian unless you have 

a revelation. 


A revelation of WHO JESUS IS.

You cannot know Jesus without a revelation.

And you can appear to be a Christian by joining a church.

And you can appear to be a Christian by being born in a Christian household

but the problem with religion is this — is religion doesn’t have a revelation.

And religion makes orphans. Revelation makes sons and daughters.

Revelation makes you into a son.

Revelation gives you an identity.

Religion deprives you of your identity.

And religion gives you an orphan spirit.

Religion is what you and I have…if wouldn’t have a revelation.

If wouldn’t have a revelation of who God is.

Prodigal son, the Bible says, he came from the field.

See, both sons were lost.

One was lost with harlots. The other one was lost in the field.

One son was lost in rebellion. The other one was lost in religion.

One son came back in repentance. The other one..the story ends

with him as not knowing that he ever came into the house or not.

He was in the fields but not in the house.

He worked for his father but he did not know his father.

Religion is man’s attempt to earn God’s gift of Salvation.

Man’s attempt to earn God’s gift of love and unconditional acceptance

such all religion is. It could be in Buddhism, it could even be in Christianity.

AS long as it’s about my efforts to reach God instead of God’s great, great gift 

to reach becomes religion.

Only Jesus and the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus strips religion from us.

And gives us something instead of more’s called REVELATION.

And revelation, I’m not talking about that you learn about seven depths of hell 

or seven levels of spiritual realm or you now know where the demons came from,

where they Nephilim or fallen angels…

Revelation… I’m not talking about that you have some confusing mysterical, mysthical thing.

Revelation is when JESUS becomes real. When JESUS becomes REAL!

That would you knew you heard about becomes real.


Not just enlightened one. Not just the great teacher from Galilee. 

Not just the one who split the history But the One who was God

but became Man so that man can be with God.

Orphans-spirit thrives in the absence of revelation.

Christianity is a REVELATION.

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