Showing posts with label Cool Christians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cool Christians. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Expect God’s Goodness And Abundance by Joseph Prince

Expect God’s Goodness And Abundance by Joseph Prince

Psalm 65:11
11You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.

The economic experts may have painted a gloomy picture for the year, but as far as God is concerned, He has crowned the year with His goodness and abundance! God’s supply and provision are never affected by world events, so good times or bad times, expect every month, every week and every day of this year to be surrounded by His goodness. Expect His abundance to meet your every need!

“But Pastor Prince, I’ve not done much good in the past year, so how can I be confident that God will provide for me this year?”

My friend, God doesn’t bless you because of what you have done. He blesses you because of what Jesus has done. At the cross, Jesus bore all your sins and was punished to the full for every one of them, so that you can have His righteousness as a gift and be blessed with every one of God’s blessings (Ephesians 1:3).

Now, look at the word “abundance” in Psalm 65:11. It is the Hebrew word deshen, which means “fatness”. The idea here is abundant provision, blessings and even fertility. (So if you have been believing God for a child for many years, believe that this is the year you will conceive!) Now, the word deshen has another meaning—“ashes”. Ash is the final form of something that has been burnt. For example, the animal sacrifices to God in the Old Testament were burnt on the altar until they became ashes (Leviticus 4:12). So ashes here speak of the finished work of Jesus at the cross that has put away your sins.

My friend, because of Jesus’ finished work you can confidently believe and declare that the year is crowned with goodness and that God’s paths drip with God’s provision, blessings and good success for you every step of the way. If the devil tells you that God won’t bless you because of your sins, just tell him, “ASHES!” and point him to the cross of Jesus!

Beloved, you are blessed not because of your good works, good looks, qualifications or industry experience, but because of Jesus’ finished work. He alone has qualified you to receive God’s goodness and abundance every day for the rest of your life!

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Friday, May 13, 2016

Just Ask For it

Just have a talked with my boss this morning and guess what..

I will be out of job soon!

Too bad the company is moving to another direction and they won't be needing my service anymore.

Shall I cry??

Shall I be dismayed?

Shall I scream and shout,
"Loooord what's happening??"

Initially , I couldn't understand my reaction.

Honestly, A little bit of fear started to crept in.

Telling me, " ohhh noo! I'm gonna be jobless first time here in Singapore!"

Scary right??

But a voice deep inside has poked and comforted me ..

"You have given me only until the end of the year to turn things around for you.
Remember the plans you have told me?
You won't be able to do that if you are stuck in a 4-walled room. "


Then I paused and said,

"Oh yeaaah.. So this is it?"

The holy spirit told me,

Prepare for BIGGER and Amazing things to happen in your life now.

Since you asked for it BOLDLY,
then you will have it!



I can't really express my feelings right now.

It's all mixed-up together so for now
I will just leave you with this awesome reminder.

Stay tuned and will share more of this journey together with Jesus!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

God Loves You so even if You Make Mistakes

Woow! This is so for me!

You see, I know that I failed my friends and my partner cuz of my attitude?

I felt regrets , etc but inspite or in the midst of these,
I have felt God's love and blessings towards me.

I know I don't deserve this,
But Thank You Jesus for sticking with me all the way.

The peace and grace that you give me is so super-abounding that all I need to do is Praise You forever!

So, right now, we all have problems, big or small,
The best way to deal with them is not to focus in it but
shift your focus on Jesus and
how much He loves you by dying at the cross for you.

Me? I learnt the hard part.
The mistakes I made are all my choices. And choices have consequences. That one you cannot choose!

But don't let this stop your life and freezed.

It all happens for a reason.

With me, I used this trials to get to know more of my Jesus.
It is in these painful moments that I appreciate how much He loves me.
In this world, your friends and partners are temporary.
It's only Jesus who is eternal lovely, Forever!

So if ever you feel everything is so messed up right now, do not feel down.

Just keep praising Jesus and ask Him for wisdom.

He will lead you through.


Read this and be blessed.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Always and Perfectly

Have you thank Jesus lately for everything that's coming to you?
Good or bad? Makes sense or nonsense? Inspiring or not?


Make it a habit to thank Jesus. 
Because it means coming bold to His words and promises no matter what. 

Don't just thank Him because you have 
bought a new clothes or gadgets or someone had fulfille your wish. 

Thank Him even when you're impatiently waiting for all the blessings that's going to manifest in your life. 

When you thank Him,
You declare that He is your Lord of your life and that nothing shall fear you. 

That's how you are suppose to live your life everyday. Don't get swayed on your problems and forget you have Jesus. 

Praise and thank Jesus instead,
and remember, you have an awesome Lord!

Enjoy today's message beloved one:)

Don't forget to Like and Share to bless others too. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Haters Gonna Hate But Keep Loving

If you encounters Jesus' haters, just ignore them. I know it hurts and you know you want to defend Jesus but don't waste your breath and energy. 

Move on and just pray for them. 

Jesus had alot of haters when He was still here on earth. The pharisees. But He never spend His time arguing or defending Himself. 
A true king does need to beg on anyone to believe in Him. He knows His power and just that. 

Keep on praising and talking to Jesus instead. That's what He is most happy about if you do that part. He only wants you to rest in His love, peace and protection. 

He loves when you draw closer to Him everytime and perhaps just talk about His haters. Hehe!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Pray Before Making Any Decision

In this world, people seek for financial consultants before making any investments.

People seek for advice from close friends, family, spouses before any major decisions to take on.

That's ok...

In the spiritual realm, you need divine guidance.

And you are blessed, because you got Jesus to be your spiritual guide.

Seek Him. Seek His advice for anything. From money matters, to health and relationships, and investments.

He will guide you from the inside out.

Pray that whatever decision you will make, He will guide and bless you.

If it's a wrong detour or little mistake, do not fret, because He will blessed it so you can move forward

with confidence that no matter what, everything's gonna be alright!

It's cool to depend on Jesus MOST Of THE TIME, just so you know. 

Try it and make it habit so hard to break ...:)

Monday, May 23, 2011

John 10:10

Just wana share this article I found while googling for John 10:10 .... Be blessed!

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

Most people know the story of the 3 little pigs, it teaches you to do your work before you play, it says don't build with straw, don’t build with sticks, build something that lasts, build with bricks. The problem is that it suggest that you can really build something that lasts, by yourself. It also says, who's afraid of the big bad wolf - not me.
The first problem is that this world is passing away, the wages of sin is death, we all die, and the world as we know it will come to an end. We look forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the gift of God in Jesus Christ. Sure you can build a house of bricks, and it may keep you safe from some things, but its not enough. Even the 3 little pigs learned this, although the wold could not blow it down, if there was no fire in the fireplace, the wolf could come down the chimney. While you may have some wood for the fireplace, there comes a day when you run out, and must go out to get more, and the wolf will be waiting.
You just can't save yourself, there are many things you can do, many things you can try - but there is good reason to fear the big bad wolf - because its not one thing. These days there are many people who do not fear the devil. Many do not even believe he is real. But he is real, and we are told that he is a prowling lion looking for someone to destroy. The devil is real, and his is not our only enemy, the world and the flesh are also out to seduce us, and to destroy us.
We have 3 real enemies - these 3 are the thief. The thief has only come to steal, kill and destroy. Whenever you see loss, death, and destruction you know that the enemy is at work. And while there are many things you can do, and while you can certainly build a house of brick, and live a healthy lifestyle - no matter how hard we try, we cannot save ourselves.
We cannot save ourselves, but Jesus can, Jesus does. We cannot overcome sin, death and the devil by ourselves, but Jesus has. Jesus has overcome by the cross, and the empty tomb, and resurrection from the dead. Jesus has not only overcome, but Jesus has conquered. Jesus saves. Jesus can save us from the world, the flesh, and the devil, and Jesus can even save us from ourselves. Jesus came that he might give us life, not just ordinary life, but abundant life, everlasting life in the new heaven and the new earth where there is no more sin, or sickness, or suffering, or sorrow.
And while many people know about the 3 little pigs, the only thing that really matters, the only thing we really need to know, is to know about our Savior, to know about Jesus. People have taught us about Jesus, because Jesus is our Savior and we need a savior from the world, the flesh, and the devil who are all seeking to steal, kill and destroy.
So the Spirit works through the word to create faith in our hearts. Faith which teaches us to know our Saviors voice. Faith which leads us to follow him, faith which hope in the abundant and everlasting life which we are promised in his name. So Jesus has called us to life.

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...