Showing posts with label JesusChrist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JesusChrist. Show all posts

Monday, June 12, 2017

Jesus Poster of the Day

I want to hang this somewhere in my room.

Mmmm... where do you think shall I put it on?

"...neither death nor LIFE,
angels nor principalities nor POWERS,
nor things present nor things to come,
nor height nor depth,
Nor any other created thing,
shall be able to separate us from the
LOVE of GOD which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jesus' is Your Divine Healer

Whatever symptoms you are having right now,
always believe that You are the healed in Jesus' mighty name! Amen!

In Jesus, there is GOOD HOPE that doesn't disappoint.

Stick with Jesus and you'll know.

Keep praising Him while waiting for your full maniestation.

He is not deaf to hear your praise.

Give up all your pains and sickness to Him.

You are His beloved and He died for you.

There is no way that He will ever leave you behind sick.

He is your answer to your healing.


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, May 29, 2017

Do not conformed to this world

I found myself detached to this world.

I don't know why.

I have stopped some of my activities

lately and just want to spend time on His Word.

This has become my happiness now.

My joy. My peace.

I just want to keep praising the Lord.

Has anyone experienced something like this?

Is this how God is changing me?

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Come Boldy To Jesus No Matter What

Come Boldy To Jesus No Matter What

No matter what you are going through right now, keep believing that God will never leave your side.

No matter how messy your life has become.

No matter how senseless it has become.

Keep the faith.

Because God is your only HOPE.

No one else !

He has give up Jesus for you.

There is no way that He will just abandon you like that.

Use your trials to feed your faith.

The more you are challenged by it ,

the more that you should boldly come to Jesus.

Jesus is your restorer, healer, protector and provider.

Read Psalm23.

And don't forget...
keep coming to Jesus-filled Christian church.
A church that magnifies Jesus and not your failures and problems.

Have a great Sunday everyone!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

#JesusCalling 28May

Today when I woke up,
I had a choice of what my first task will be.
Either to check on my Facebook or lnstagram
or just do my usual routines , prepare and eat breakfast.


It is different now.

I chose to read #JesusCalling instead and start wearing Jesus to prepare me for the day.

Here is why.

Put Me On

Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.

—Romans 13:14

Every morning you put on the clothes you need for that day. A jacket for cooler days. Boots for rain. Sweats for exercising. Putting on the right clothes prepares you for your day.

Clothes take care of the outside, but what about the inside? I have a suggestion: Put Me on. Wear Me. This will prepare you for your day.

How? “Put Me on” by talking to Me first thing in the morning. And then “wear Me” throughout the day by keeping Me in your thoughts. Keep checking in, because things change. Just as a change in the weather might call for a change in clothes, a change in your world might call for a change from Me. Maybe this morning you needed encouragement, but now a little forgiveness is what you need.

So clothe yourself with Me—it’s the best way to start your day.

Psalm 27:8; Colossians 3:12

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Still He Walked

Everytime your problems or current circumstance are shaking you down,

meditate on this truth.

This is what Jesus has done for you.
His walk through the cross is an assurance that whatever your life is
taking you right now, HE IS WITH YOU ALL THE WAY.


May this lift your faith and be bold in your walk with Jesus.


He could hear the crowds screaming "crucify" "crucify"... 
He could hear the hatred in their voices,
These were His chosen people. 
He loved them,
And they were going to crucify him.
He was beaten, bleeding and weakened...
His heart was broken,
But still He walked.

He could see the crowd as He came from the palace.
He knew each of the faces so well.
He had created them.
He knew every smile, every laugh, and every shed tear,
But now they were contorted with rage and anger
His heart broke,
But still He walked.

He searched the crowd for a loving face and He saw very few.
Then he turned His eyes to the only one that mattered
And He knew that He would never be alone.
He looked back at the crowd...
At the people who were spitting at Him
Throwing rocks at Him and mocking Him
And he knew that because of Him,
They would never be alone.
So for them, He walked.

The sounds of the hammer striking the spikes echoed through the crowd. 
The sounds of His cries echoed even louder,
The cheers of the crowd, as His hands and feet were nailed to the cross, 
Intensified with each blow.
Loudest of all was the still small voice 
Inside His Heart that whispered "I am with you, my Son",
And God's heart broke.
He had let His son walk.

Jesus could have asked God to end His suffering,
But instead He asked God to forgive.
Not to forgive Him, but to forgive the ones who were persecuting Him.
As He hung on that cross, dying an unimaginable death,
He looked out and saw, not only the faces in the crowd,
But also, the face of every person yet to be,
And His heart filled with love.
As His body was dying, His heart was alive. 
Alive with the limitless, unconditional love He feels for each of us.
That is why He walked.

When I forget how much My God loves me,
...I remember His walk.
When I wonder if I can be forgiven,
...I remember His walk.
When I need to be reminded of how to live like Christ,
...I think of His walk.
And to show Him how much I love Him,
...I wake up each morning, turn my eyes to Him,
.......And I walk. 

Author Unknown

Thursday, May 4, 2017

My Testimony #01

My testimony.

Guess it's about time that I will share this with you.

I have been a Christian for more than 10years now.

In those years, I have experienced God's love and abundant blessings on me in terms of health, career and relationships.

There where still ups and downs but He pulled me through His amazing grace.

I was blessed.

I had so much fun in my life in a good way.

And even until now.


During those times, I was still stuck in a same-sex relationship.


I was in love with my ex and Jesus at the same time.

During those years, like any other normal relationships, it ended after 7 years ( the number of rest. Godcidence? Coincidence?)

I was heartbroken and asked God for forgiveness for a wrong reason ( that I messed it all up) and even prayed for a new gf.

I prayed that He restores and fix my broken heart and He did.

After months of recuperating, soul-searching.
I moved on.

I met alot of new cool friends and ended up happy and contented again.

Opportunities came in and I was so overwhelmed by the way Jesus is taking good care of me like a Shepherd does in Psalm23.

One day, I woke up with full of joy and peace in my heart that I spoke to Him.

These were my words.

"Jesus, thank You for being so patient with me all these years. Even if I suck it big time, even if I know I have hurt you, still you continue to pour out your love on me. I just wanna let You know that now, I appreciate what you have been doing to me Lord. So let me repay you. ( i know you will say, I don't need to do anything. Faith is enough. But No Lord. I'm gonna do this for you because I love you. And this time, I wanna make it right with you )

So, after a week or so.

I found myself so in love with Jesus. Super in love.

So in love that I even committed and decided
to Him that I will stop my old ways.

Must be spirit working in me huh?

I believe so.


Now, I'm gonna walk with God.

I have offered my body and spirit to Him
simply because, I am a new creation in Him.

My sins and old ways are washed away by His blood.

True enough,
He has took out all my longings for a same-sex relationship.

Now, everytime I see a beautiful woman ,
It doesn't trigger it already.

I will just say,"Hey Lord, You have such an amazing creation, i hope she gets saved. 😀"

There you go!

My journey as a Christian was God's proven character that He is a very patient God. And that He loves us so.

He never abandons someone who keeps on calling unto Him no matter what his current situation is. No matter what his/her current bondage or struggle is whether pornography, Homosexuality, sorcerers etc.

He is always there changing, transforming us from the inside out so in time, He can use us to help advance His kingdom.

Now, I realised that being a Christian is a commitment.

I cannot love God and still continue to do my old ways. My old self is gone. By Jesus' sacrifice at the cross , I am made new!

He has been faithful to me. And love me so.
So now, it's time to love Him back.

Although , I can't say that I will be perfect in loving Him, but He will be my guidance and strength in this journey.

"So now there is no more condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus,
And because you belong to Him,
The power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death."

Romans 8:1

Like if you love someone in this world,
your goal is to please and love that person back faithfully.

So it works almost the same thing with loving God. The difference is that, God is just the ever-patient partner. Always waiting and waiting for you to come back to Him.

Apologies if I am running out of time for now.

Just so you know , my testimony doesn't end here.

This is just the beginning and will keep you posted.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

My Repititive Prayers

#MyChristianDiary 60

I realised I have been praying repititive prayers.
I keep asking God to be with me when He already said so many times in the Bible that He is with me.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Psalm 54:4
Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.

And many more verses to come!

I should've been thanking Him for being with me instead.
My bad, I don't really know God that much yet.


But I am not giving up.
I know He won't be giving up on me too because of this ... ( at least I know a lil bit of Him yeah?)

Thank You Lord for sticking with me all the way no matter what! Even in the midst of my confusions or doubts.

Please guide me always. And lead me.

I really wanna make it this time with you.

My 45years of walking here on earth is enough.

I wanna spend the rest of my time worshipping and honoring You for what You are.

Now, I guess , it's time to pray for new stuff🙏🙏🙏😀

Talk soon.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Saturday, April 15, 2017

I Am Stepping Up for God

This is my first time shooting of me in the video.

I felt like recording this after our caregroup and this is it!

I am actually a shy person but I feel the need to step-up and

be bold in sharing to the world how awesome or good our God is.

You see, God has blessed me so much and I guess, it just the right time

to pay it forward. All He wants is for His children to come back home to Him.

I remember, one moment when I prayed about it.

I asked Him, "God, what shall I do to please you?"

And today, I guess this is His answer.

To spread the Gospel through Social Media.

I have started controlling myself in posting fun side of me.

But it won't really go away.

That is me.

So, let me this be my contribution to God...sharing His goodness to you.

If ever sometimes, unintentionally I offend you...please forgive me.

I shall pray for more wisdom..

May you be blessed..

Hints of Heaven

Dear Lord, please lead me to walk with You always.
I know, the busyness and worries of life
will push me away from you.
So please, hold my hand and pull me back closer to you.

We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain.

—Hebrews 6:19

Did you know that you can get a glimpse of heaven right now, here on earth? When you walk along your life-path with Me, you are already experiencing the most important part of heaven—nearness to Me. And all throughout your day, you can find hints of heaven along your pathway.

The morning sunlight that opens your eyes can remind you that in heaven there is no darkness; there is only the Light of My Presence. The birds teach you how to sing My praises—loud and strong and filled with joy. The flowers, the trees, and the skies can all give you glimpses of the beauty that is waiting for you in heaven.

As you walk through your day today, keep your eyes and ears fully open. Hints of heaven are all around you!

1 Corinthians 15:20–23


JesusCalling for Kids
By Sarah Young

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happiness or Joy?

Now that I have tasted the difference between "happiness" and "joy",
shall I settle for less?

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Parable of God's Word

I needed to close my laptop and stop everything that I'm doing so I can spend time with Abba, Father.

Before I read the Bible,
I asked the Holy Spirit to speak to me.

And here's what Holy Spirit shared with me.

The Parable of God's Word.

What I learned in here is that,
in this world, the devil will do his best to make you real busy...crazy busy
so you won't get to spend time with God's word to strengthen your faith and eventually forget about Him. ( He will surely celebrate on that)

He will always give you an excuse and let you use the abused alibis,
"i'm so busy. I have no time. "

I have been to that and until now it is still trying to steal my time away.

I am also busy trying to survive here in Singapore but it won't stop me from staying closer to God. This is my destiny now.
To be always with Him.

I believe,
He shall keep me as I dwell on His Word and promises.

I have already asked Him to lead me to His rest and give me a quality life. Amen!!!
Yessss! Work in progress.

And I believe , He is doing it right now.

I am gonna help spread the Gospel no matter what as God's Seed is growing on good soil.

I might know how to start or where to start but He will lead me to it.

And I am thanking Him now in advance.

Thank You Jesus for Psalm23.

Chat soon.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, March 6, 2017

I Am Always - Jesus

I Am Always

So he is always able to save those who come to God through him.

He can do this, because he always lives, ready to help those who come before God.

—Hebrews 7:25 (ICB)

I am the Creator and Ruler of time and space. I am not subject to the same limitations that you are. I am able to be everywhere at every time.

I have always been with you. I know every struggle and every success that you have ever had. I am right here with you now, helping you through this day. And I go on ahead of you into the future, so that I know what is coming in your life and I can prepare you for it. I am always. I can be in yesterday, today, and tomorrow—and still never let go of your hand.

Psalm 37:3–4


Jesus Calling For Kids
By Sarah Young

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Friday, March 3, 2017

Saving You Is Jesus’ Job Description By Joseph Prince

Oh how much I love to share about Jesus!

Hope you are getting blessed here in my blog dear friends.

This is plain and simple yet POWERFUL
truths about Jesus.

Enjoy and fill your soul.

Saving You Is Jesus’ Job Description
By Joseph Prince

The name “Jesus” is Yeshua in Hebrew, which means “salvation”. That’s why Jesus is known as our Savior. What a beautiful name!

Every time you call on the name of Jesus, the name that is above every other name, you are calling on Jesus (who is God Himself) to save you. Saving you is Jesus’ job description! Whatever the challenge or circumstance, whatever the crisis you are in—physical, financial or emotional—you can call on the name of Jesus and Almighty God Himself will save you!

What is David Beckham famous for? Soccer! (He’s also famous for product endorsements!) What is Jesus famous for? Saving you!

Beloved, what do you need saving from today? See Him in your situation, rescuing, protecting and providing for you!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Supplied According To His Riches in Glory By Joseph Prince

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
Supplied According To His Riches in Glory
By Joseph Prince
Aren’t you glad that God’s supply toward us is not according to the state of the world’s major economies? Neither is it according to whether natural calamities or economic woes have paralyzed these key economies. No, He supplies our needs—He protects, provides and restores to us what we have lost—according to His riches in glory, which are limitless and totally unaffected by world events!

So come what may today or tomorrow, be encouraged to know that God is well able to supply ALL your needs. There is no problem in your life that escapes His attention, or that is too big for His grace to provide. When His supply is according to His riches in glory, He not only has your back covered, but He has also gone before you and made available every provision to you (Psalm 139:5, NLT).

My friend, you can live life with confidence and boldness. Your heavenly Father watches over you and has already provided you with whatever you need to live victoriously as an overcomer!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Having All Things Added To You by Joseph Prince

Having All Things Added To You by Joseph Prince

Matthew 6:33
33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

You are probably a responsible person who is concerned about providing well for your family — making sure that there is food on the table, money for the children’s needs, comfort and education, and so on.

What does God have to say to us about these legitimate concerns? According to Matthew 6:31, He tells us, “Do not worry.” Now, He is not saying that we don’t need all these things because in the same portion of scripture He says, “For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” (Matthew 6:32)

So God cares about us having these things. He wants us to have all these things. In fact, He wants all these things added to us. And He tells us that the way these things are added to us is by us seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Therefore, our number one priority every day is to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. It is not to seek to add these things to ourselves.

But what is righteousness? Righteousness is not right behaviour. It is right standing with the Father. It is the clearance of all your guilt, which makes you able to stand before God. It is not something you get through right behaviour. It is a gift from God. Paul calls it “the gift of righteousness”. (Romans 5:17) And to “seek” this gift is to be conscious of the fact that you have it, to confess that you are righteous in Christ.

So this righteousness we are told to seek is not right behaviour, but right standing before God, which comes to us as a gift when we receive salvation. At the cross, Jesus didn’t just remove our sins, He also gave us His righteousness so that today, we can come boldly before the throne of God and receive freely everything that He died to give us!

Today, if you want to provide your family with the good things in life, be assured that your heavenly Father knows that you need these things. Just seek His righteousness, not your own righteousness, and “all these things shall be added to you”!

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Psalm 103:1-6

Let all that I am praise the Lord;
With my whole heart, I will praise His Holy Name.
Let all that I am praise the Lord;
May I never forget the good things He does for me.
He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases.
He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies.
He fills my life with good things.
My youth is renewed like the eagle's!
The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly.

Psalm 103:1-6

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Jesus Never Disappoints

Let this be your wisdom of the day.

Truly, Jesus NEVER EVER Disappoints!

Good morning Beloved children of God!


I Will Never Disappoint You

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.

—Colossians 3:15

You live in a world that is constantly changing. Nothing—and no one—ever stays the same. The weather changes, you grow taller, your friendships change, your relationship with your parents changes, people move away, interests change . . . and on and on.

Not only does this world change, but it is a world filled with sin. The people around you are going to make mistakes. Your feelings will get hurt. You are going to mess up. If you count on this world—or the people in it—to make you happy and give you peace, sooner or later you will be disappointed.

True, never-ending Peace can come only from Me. Ask Me to fill your heart with My Love and Peace. I will never disappoint you.

Colossians 1:27


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Friday, February 17, 2017

Count on me

Count on Me

The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save.

—Zephaniah 3:17

No one is perfect—not your best friend, not your mom or your dad, not your sports hero or favorite television star. Sooner or later, someone in your life—someone you really counted on—will let you down. You can end up feeling angry, hurt, and betrayed. You may feel like you are falling, with no one to catch you or help you up. So who can you count on?

Count on Me. I will never let you down. And when others do let you down, I will be your safety net. I will not let you crash. Not only am I always there with you, but I am holding your hand. And I promise, I won’t ever let go.

Psalm 73:23–26


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A New You

Thank You Lord for creating a new me!

I shall embrace it.

A New You

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

—2 Corinthians 5:17

I came to earth, was crucified, and then rose from the grave so that I could create a new you. A “you” who isn’t stuck in a boring routine, who doesn’t worry what others think, who isn’t afraid to try new things.

I want you to have an exciting life, full of adventure and challenge. I have lots of plans for you; I want you to do great things for My kingdom. First, though, you have to give Me control of your old life. Let Me have your old worries, your old struggles, your old temptations and sins. I will throw them all away so that I can work in your life.

Change can be frightening, but trust Me. I have great plans for this day—and every day—of your life.

Matthew 28:5–7


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...