Showing posts with label Joel Olsteen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joel Olsteen. Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2010

RESTORATION by Joel Osteen

Today’s Verse: “And the God of all grace…will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast” (I Peter 5:10, NIV).

Today’s Word:

Have you experienced destruction in your past? God wants to completely restore you. He wants to make you strong, firm and steadfast—He wants to make you better than before!

Sometimes, when you are in the midst of difficulty, you can’t quite see the restoration God has prepared. You can’t quite see how He can turn it around for your good. But that’s when you have to take a step of faith and trust that He is the God of restoration, and He is working behind the scenes on your behalf!

If you’re in a difficult place right now, I invite you to join our online community this Sunday at 7:00 pm CST for the webcast, “Finding God’s Favor.” Come be encouraged by testimonies of God’s restoration and favor!

Prayer for Today: Father God, thank You for being a restorer and a rewarder of the people who seek You. I trust that You are working behind the scenes in my life, ready to bring Your restoration. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Joel Osteen Ministries: He Collects Your Tears

Today’s Verse: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book” (Psalm 56:8, NLT).

Today’s Word:

Do you know how important you are to God? He cares so much about every detail of your life. He cares about your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. In fact, what you are going through is so important to Him that He records every sorrow and collects every tear you’ve shed. Why would God record your sorrows and collect your tears? Because He loves you so much, and He is your Vindicator. He’s keeping account of every wrong that’s ever been done to you so that He can make up for every single one of them. He wants to restore everything that has ever been stolen. He wants to heal every single hurt and pain. He sees the longings and desires of your heart, and you can rest knowing that He is working things out for your good!

So today, know that you are precious to Him. He has your best interest at heart. He is working to bring restoration and peace to you. Keep standing, keep believing, and keep doing the right thing because the One who collects your tears will restore every broken place in your life!

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and setting me free. Thank You for being my Vindicator. I choose to release every hurt, pain and sorrow, knowing that You will make all things new in Your time. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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