I am sharing a very beeaauuuuutiful verse today....
You see no matter how much we want to appreciate or praise God,
there will come a time that a spark of "doubt" will hit on our nerves.
Be careful, that's one of the devil's scheme. The devil always want to put in our head
that we must suffer lack, and that we are meant to have loses, diseases and many other
negative and not so acceptable things. The devil wants us to feel that we are at a losing end. That we
can never go that far. That we are not worthy.
In being so, we then start to doubt if God will give us what we want or need...
Are you having second thoughts now?
I SAY...
Those negative words of lack, fears and doubt are just temporary. You can get rid of it by saying this beautiful verse from Romans 8:32.
(Save or Bookmark this page. Save the image on your desktop so in times that you are battled with confusions or doubts , you can use this to kick away the devil. )