Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Monday, March 27, 2017

How To Deal with Your Boss

"If your boss is angry at you,
Don't quit!
A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes. "
Ecclesiastes 10:4

I didn't know this is in the Bible too.
A wise advise on how to deal with bosses.
Well, Bosses are bosses.
They can do everything they want because they feed you, they give you salary to survive.
But DO NOT EVER LET THEM take away your peace.

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Importance Of Right Believing By Joseph Prince

The Importance Of Right Believing
By Joseph Prince

When things go wrong in our lives, we often ask the question, “What did I DO wrong?” We believe that something we did brought about the bad thing that has happened. Granted, there are consequences to our actions, but what brought about those actions in the first place? It’s our beliefs!

So the question we should really be asking is not, “What did I do wrong?” but “Where have I gone wrong in my believing?” The bad things that we are experiencing today are often a result of the wrong beliefs that we have. Similarly, the good things that we are experiencing today are a result of believing right about the Lord’s grace, love and promises for us.

Beloved, I pray today that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you areas of wrong believing in your life so that any hindrances to your breakthrough may be removed. Just go to the Lord right now and ask, “Where have I believed wrong, Lord?” And let Him guide you into all truth and show you the way to your victory.

When you know the truth and believe right, you will live right, experience freedom from bondages and walk in the blessings of God!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Believe and Pray

when everything seems hopeless.
All you gotta do is believe and pray.

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Sunday, October 30, 2016

My morning Commute Ep1

I am going to make this a series
since I am always on the road.

In the train now.
While most of the people here are busy on their phones playing games, checking facebook,

I am led to spend my lil time,
telling you this.

You are so loved by Jesus.

You are so loved by Jesus that He willingly died for you to restore your health, finances, relationships and from anything that burdens you.

Just remember the cross for Him.

That's His promised to you.

Good morning.

Blessed Monday and I declare God's blessings of favour , health , protection and restoration to cover you and your loved ones the entire week!
Thank You Jesus!
Thank You Abba, Awesome Father!!


Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Thursday, September 15, 2016

You have an awesome future with Jesus

I realised, everyday we all encounter problems.
Small problem. Big problem.
And then the devil will start to celebrate and tells you,
"look at you. You are such a loser!
your life is going down the drain now. You are hopeless piece of s**t!"

But NO!

Those are LIES the devil has labeled you with! Cuz that's all He wants you to be. A failure.

But aren't you glad ,
you have an awesome God
who has engraved His promises in the Bible so you can take it from His Word and claim it?

In Jeremiah 29:11.

God has an amazing plan for you and your future!
So take heart.
Our awesome God wants to prosper you not just in financial aspects, but also in your health, relationships and peace of mind and heart.

That is a true prosperity!
Inside and out!

So whatever it is that you are going through right now.
Just give it all to God.
He knows well what to do with it.
All you gotta do is just to TRUST Him all the way!!!

Good morning dear friends!

Talk soon♥️

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

You Are Good Enough

I so love this.

In Jesus, you don't need to do anything to be loved.
He loved you as what you are.
So relax. Chill. And feel His love and blessings covering you all day!

Thank You Jesus for loving an imperfect person like me.

Where would I be without Your amazing love oh Lord.

You Are Good Enough

May the Lord show you his kindness. May he have mercy on you.
—Numbers 6:25 (ICB)

You are good enough for Me to love. Just as you are. You don’t have to do anything big or spectacular. You don’t have to earn My Love or fight for My attention. All you have to do is lie back, close your eyes, and rest in My Love for you. I will wrap you up in the warm, soft blanket of My unconditional Love, which never ends. I don’t want you to worry any more about being good enough to be loved.

Look into My eyes. There is no condemnation there. You have nothing to fear because you are My child—and I took the punishment for all your sins. So I’m not thinking about your mistakes or what you should have done or wishing you’d worked harder. When you look into My eyes, you will see only kindness, delight, and unending Love.


Source: Jesus Calling for Kids
By Sarah Young

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Jesus is your Happiness

Yes. It is so true.
Only Jesus can fill that void in your heart.
Just talk to Him.
Trust Him and rest in His love.

I Am the Light

I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness. He will have the light that gives life.
—John 8:12 (ICB)

I created Adam and Eve to walk side by side with Me. I loved walking and talking with them in the garden, before the evil one tricked them. Ever since that time, man has had a huge, dark emptiness in his heart—an emptiness that only My Presence can fill.

Some people try to fill that hole with the things of this world— popularity, money, even drugs or alcohol. Other people try good things—such as teaching others or being a volunteer—hoping that goodness will make them whole. But no matter how good you are, only I can fill that emptiness.

Live close to Me. The Garden of Eden is no more, but the garden of your heart is alive and well. Walk with Me in the garden of your heart—letting Me fill the emptiness. In this way I can live in the world through you! Together we will push back the darkness, for I am the Light of the world.


Jesus Calling For Kids
By Sarah Young

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Thursday, August 11, 2016

It is okay to be weak

He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle.
—Isaiah 42:3 (NLT)

At times you feel so weak and tired that you just don’t know if you have the energy to keep going. You feel like the flame of a candle that is flickering and about to burn out.

Perhaps you think about coming to Me, but you are afraid I will demand something else of you. And you are just so tired. Or perhaps you worry that I will see your weakness as a lack of faith. So you avoid Me.

It’s okay to be tired. It’s okay to be weak. I understand how difficult things have been. I don’t want to judge you. I just want to wrap you up in My everlasting arms and let you rest. Forget about the world, forget the things you need to do, forget the pressures—just come to Me and rest.


Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Monday, August 1, 2016

Jesus is our Shepherd

This is the power of Psalm23.
Do not look at your lack.
Look at Jesus at the cross.
He died and took away all the curses of sickness and poverty
in your life so you and I can live
an abundant and prosperous life here on earth.

So do not fear.
Let Jesus comfort you of His
peace and assurance.
Because He loves you so.

Just keep on praising Him
no matter what!

Jesus is your Shepherd !
He will never fail you nor forsake you.

Thank You Lord Jesus!
Praise the Lord!!!
Praise the Lord!!!
Praise the Lord!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

You Are Highly Favoured Because of Jesus

Because of Jesus, you have been made righteous in the eyes of our Abba Father.
So stop looking at your abilities, failures or mistakes to gain the favour of God.

You are already highly favoured and deeply loved ALL BECAUSE of JESUS sacrificed at the cross!


Amazing Lord!
Let us praise Him everyday of our lives.
He deserves our never-ending praise!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chasing Happiness Is No Fun!

Last Sunday I was so blessed enough to be able to watch Chingay 2011 here in Singapore... I was just along the road taking this pictures.

It's an annual float parade that brings in lots of fun and priceless moments.

It's breathtaking and the colours it shows you make you wana jump, dance
and celebrate life!

Its energy it brings is contagious!

Awesome right?

But guess what.

The excitement that I felt that day is just temporary.

It won't last. That's why you need to take pictures or videos to document
the event so one day, you will have something to smile about by just looking at the pictures/videos.

You see and I know that you know,
Happiness....comes and goes...

It doesn't last.

That's why people are trying so hard to tame it.


I've stopped chasing "happiness".

...because in this world, all I need is lasting joy.

Happiness comes from the word "happ-enings" ..
It depends on what's going on around you which are
unstable, shaky and temporary.

Joy comes from within.

Joy is lasting and consistent no matter what's happening around you.
No matter what your circumstances are.

I remember when my father and sister passed away,
My friends and colleagues seem to feel that I got this peace
and joy within me that they mistakenly praised me for being strong.

No. I wasn't strong. I knew that time, Jesus was lifting me up and filling my sorrow with unexplainable peace and joy...

I am smiling while typing this out..:)
I couldn't imagine myself getting out from that situation alone.
Jesus must have carried me all the way. ...just like the story of
"Footprints in the Sand."


Mmmm. I just need to tell you this, wherever you are, and whatever it is that you're doing and still you end up empty ....

try Jesus...

Keep asking for His eternal peace and joy...

You need it in each of your waking life.. Promise..:)

Hope you enjoyed my photos..

Don't forget to Like us in Facebook for we need encouragement each day...

Have a blessed day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Monday, April 28, 2008

I just focus on the Cross..

Sometimes I battle with my own thoughts...with my own fears...
What are all these mean?
I don't know.

I just focus on the CROSS..where Jesus is stretching His hands,
with His blood all over Him..all because of me.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Amen to this...

Daily Devotional message from Pastor Prince.

Though I feel I'm really a bit lost in the world lately.
I cannot say a word and complain to God anymore.

He is in control now. And I know He sees better me.

I may have my own plans, but still God has the last words.

"God Sees Glorious Things In You!

1 Samuel 16:7
7… For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

Picture David when he was a shepherd boy. Many who knew young David in his pre-Goliath days would very likely have seen just an ordinary youth — one who lived at home with his parents and siblings, enjoyed the outdoors and loved music. But where others saw a typical teenager, God saw a king in young David. He saw David’s name being uttered in honour forever, for even the Lord Jesus is called the Son of David!

Picture Moses after he had settled down comfortably in the desert with a beautiful wife, lovely children and loving in-laws. He might have seen himself happily retiring in the near future. But God had bigger plans for Moses. God had big dreams for him. God saw the Red Sea opening before him and an entire Egyptian army being wiped out in his presence. God saw in him the deliverer of His people.

Now, step back a little less far in time with me. See a little boy standing alone during play time. Nobody wants him on their team because he is scrawny and seen as a weakling. As he grows into his teens, he suffers from an inferiority complex. He stammers and stutters so much that all his friends laugh at him. But today, he is the senior pastor of New Creation Church. Several times each week, he stands in front of a crowd of more than 16,000 people to preach. And he receives invitations worldwide to speak in churches and pastors’ conferences. There was no way I could have ever conceived in my mind what God saw in me in those early years and the dreams that He had for me.

Beloved, God does not see as man sees. He saw in fearful Gideon a mighty man of valour and called him so even when he was hiding from his enemies in fear. (Judges 6:12) He saw in young David a king and anointed him as one. (1 Samuel 16:10–13) He saw in meek Moses a deliverer and drew him from obscurity. (Exodus 3) Today, God looks beyond what man sees and says about you, and He has dreams for you that are bigger than you can imagine!"

Friday, March 21, 2008

Hosanna by Hillsong United

Great Worship Song WORDS GO LIKE THIS

Verse 1
I see the king of glory
Coming down the clouds
with fire The whole earth shakes, the whole earth shakes
I see his love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing, the people sing

Hosanna, hosanna, Hosanna in the highest

Verse 2
I see a generation
Rising up to take the place
With selfless faith,
with selfless faith I see a new revival
Staring as we pray and seek We're on our knees,
we're on our knees Bridge Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me
Break my heart for what is yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I walk from earth into eternity Hosanna

Near-death Experiences Case #4

Dr. Rawlings personally recorded this account shortly after reviving a heart attack victim:

"Next thing I remember was going through this dark passage. I didn't touch any of the walls. I emerged out into an open field and was walking toward a big white wall, which was very long. It had three steps leading up to a doorway in the wall. On a landing above the stairs sat a man clothed in a robe that was dazzling white and glowing. His face had a glowing radiance also. He was looking down into a big book, studying. As I approached him I felt a great reverence and I asked him, "Are you Jesus?" He said, "No, you will find Jesus and your loved ones beyond that door." After he looked in his book he said, "You may go on through."

"And then I walked through the door, and saw on the other side this beautiful, brilliantly lit city, reflecting what seemed to be the sun's rays. It was all made of gold or some shiny metal with domes and steeples in beautiful array, and the streets were shining, not quite like marble but made of something I have never seen before. There were many people all dressed in glowing white robes with radiant faces. They looked beautiful. The air smelled so fresh. I have never smelled anything like it. There was a background of music that was beautiful, heavenly music, and I saw two figures walking toward me and I immediately recognized them. They were my mother and father, both had died years ago. My mother was an amputee and yet that leg was now restored! She was walking on two legs! I said to my mother, 'You and father are beautiful.' And they said to me, 'You have the same radiance and you are also beautiful'."

"As we walked along together to find Jesus, I noticed there was one building larger than all of the others. It looked like a football stadium with an open end to the building where a blinding light radiated from it. I tried to look up at the light but I couldn't. It was too brilliant. Many people seemed to be bowed in front of his building in adoration and prayer. I said to my parents, 'What is that?' They said, 'In there is God. ' I will never forget it. I have never seen anything like it. We walked on as they were taking me to see Jesus and we passed many people. All of them were happy. I have never felt such a sense of well being. As we approached the place where Jesus was located, I suddenly felt this tremendous surge of electricity through my body as it someone had hit me in the chest. My body arched upward as they were defibrillating my heart. I had been restored to my former life! But I was not too happy to come back. However, I knew I had been sent back to tell others about this experience. I plan to dedicate the rest of my life to telling anyone who will listen!"

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wait! Don't Try To Help God

This message is so powerful...May it bring revelations to you too.
Pastor Prince is so funny here too. heheh!

On SOLID ROCK I stand...

I am going back to Cebu tonight...
Something within me tells me not to worry on the things
that I fear the most. Like seeing my mom's present condition,
money mstters, and I anticipate,there will be a lot more headaches
that would pop in.

As I bravely face all these...slowly I am beginning to see God and Jesus
working in me and inside of me.

Fears, worries , problems of all sorts. They come as what they are.
They exist in this mad, fallen world and they will keep on coming till
they squeezed the hell out of you giving you more pain and misery.
And if they win, will deceive you and rob you off from this great life.

I am in that situation. The only difference is that, I now know where I stand.

I stand in a SOLID ROCK...because of Jesus!

Hear this song that I listened to this morning while I was on my way to work.
Very beautiful revelation has got to me..
Surely, with Jesus, on solid rock I stand...all other ground is sinking sand.

Praise God!

Thanks to my bro John Mah for sharing this album to me.

The Solid Rock
by New Creation Church

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thank God it's Monday!

I used to hate Mondays...
because Mondays for me (at those old times) were just ordinary days to start
a Boredom Episode
...tons of projects to load
...rush! rush!rush!
...pathetic meetings
...undefeated struggles

In fact, the list is endless and comes in a wide variety of packages
one of which you may call the "Armageddon" of life that would eventually
soon become a dramatic and catastrophic conflict within.

BUT Today! It doesn't mean that way anymore.

Those have come to pass!

Because I am inside the Ark and Jesus is in me!

Thank God with Jesus...everyday is a new day!!

Hear this beautiful sermon from Pastor Prince
of New Creation Church.
Prosper your soul...and you will have everything that
you could dream of..
I may not have all the manifestations just yet..
But I am getting there..
and this blog will become a walking testimony..
Listen for now..and Shalom...

Thursday, January 17, 2008

"Often people attempt to live their lives backwards:
they try to have more things, or more money,
in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier.
The way it actually works is the reverse.
You must first be who you really are, then do what you love to do,
in order to have what you want."

Margaret Young

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...