Showing posts with label india. Show all posts
Showing posts with label india. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I did it for you. - Jesus

You know, now I realised why Jesus didn't choose to save Himself at the cross.

It's because... God loves you and I so much
that He needed to sacrifice His Son, Jesus.

At the Law, God was looking at our sins.
When He realised that man can never be perfect, He made a way.

Now, through grace, we are saved. Forever.
Because Jesus' blood has set us free!

If Jesus' chose to save Himself,
101% we are all going to hell!

Thank You Jesus!
Thank You for redeeming us in the midst of our failures.

It's late here in Singapore.
It's time for me to doze off.

Meanwhile, enjoy this awesome devotional from Jesus Calling.

Hear Jesus talk to you.


The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him.
They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One.”

—Luke 23:35

When I came to earth, it wasn’t to a palace or a rich family. I was born to a peasant girl and a carpenter, in a stable. My Glory was hidden from all but a few people.

At times, some of My Glory would shine out of Me—especially when I began to do miracles. When the sick were healed, when the storms were stilled, and when the demons fled before Me, people saw it . . . briefly.

At the end of My life, I could have used My awesome Power to save Myself. Thousands of angels would have come to rescue Me from being beaten and made fun of and nailed to a cross. But that was not My Father’s plan. So I stayed on the cross— for you. I did it so that your sins could be forgiven and heaven could become your home. I did it so that we could be the best of friends. So let your life become a song of praise to Me, showing My Glory to all the world.


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