Showing posts with label israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label israel. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


I am so watching this right now.

Come watch with me.

"JESUS" a docudrama on the life of Jesus Christ, the "JESUS" film has been translated into more than 1,400 languages since its 1979 release.

It remains the most translated and viewed film in history.

Pastor Rick Warren, author of "The Purpose Driven Life", says "The Jesus" film is the most
effective evangelistic tool ever invented.

More than 450 religious leaders and scholars evaluated the script to ensure historical and biblical accuracy. The script is closely based on Luke's Gospel, so almost every word Jesus speaks is from the Bible.

Intense efforts to portray the Palestinian culture of nearly 2,000 years ago include:
hand-woven clothing in only the 35 colors used then, pottery made with first-century methods,
and removal of modern telephone poles and power lines from the landscapes.

JESUS was filmed entirely at 202 locations in Israel in 1979, with a cast numbering more than
5,000 Israelis and Arabs. Whenever possible, scenes were filmed on the sites where they took place
2,000 years ago.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

My Daily Read #003

Get to know more of Jesus.
Stay close to Him.
Because You are His beloved.

“Today’s Scripture
… to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
Nancy, who lives in Texas, discovered my ministry via television and began to have a personal revelation of God’s goodness and how righteous she was through Christ’s finished work. Writing to me about how God’s grace has not just impacted her life but the lives of her entire family, she shared:
When I first saw you on television five years ago, I was rather skeptical. However, something about you was different. I knew in”
“my spirit that you were teaching the true gospel. So I began watching your sermons every day, sometimes twice a day. The more I watched, the more I saw the wisdom of God on you, and the more I wanted to have a relationship with God and Jesus.
At that time, I was at a low point in my life and I was about to give up on my marriage. I was even questioning my faith and God. I didn’t realize how much I’d kept God in a box and only involved Him in certain areas of my life because I thought He was judging me.
When I finally heard the truth about the gospel, I ran with it! Never will I look back because you have taught me the true freedom that Jesus died to give me. Praise God! Once the veil was removed, I realized how righteous I really am,”

“and God just started blessing my socks off!
My marriage has turned around and is now growing stronger. We’re going on the twelfth year in our marriage, and I thank God for the four beautiful and healthy daughters He has blessed me with. God has also promoted my husband in his career and given him a salary increase. In addition, God has recently upgraded us to an amazing neighborhood and even opened the doors to a charter school for two of my girls. He has given us so much favor because at least five hundred people are on the waiting list for this school!
And that’s not all. About a year ago, when I was watching you teach in Israel, I told the Lord quietly in my heart, “Lord, I want to go to Israel. I don’t know how I ever will, but I want it.” I never”

“thought about the trip again until early April this year when God dropped a free trip to Israel into my lap and opened every door for me to go!
My heavenly Father has shown me that I am His daughter and that He is willing to take care of every need for the rest of my life! I did nothing to deserve it! My light is shining, and everybody wants to know what it’s all about.
Today, when you look into the mirror, what do you see? Do you see yourself trapped in all your failings, mistakes, and sins? Or do you see what God sees?
My dear friend, when God sees you today, He sees Jesus. Use your eyes of faith and believe that as Jesus is, so are you. In God’s eyes, you are accepted, you are righteous, you are favored, you are blessed, and you are healed. You are freed from all sin, all pangs of guilt, all forms of condemnation, and from every”

“bondage of addiction! See yourself as God sees you and begin to experience His freedom and victory in every area of life.”

“Today’s Thought
In God’s eyes, I am righteous, I am favored, I am blessed, and I am healed.”

Excerpt From: Joseph, Prince. “100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing.” FaithWords, 2014-02-25T08:00:00+00:00. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Do You Feel Alone?

In times of troubles, we humans can get heartaches,panic attacks, stress, depression.

I also experienced the same thing.

Whenever problems attack me,
my mind could go haywire and I lost focus.

I realised one thing.
It happened to me because I don't know who and what Jesus is in my life.

I only knew Him as okay, my lord and savior.
But I forgot that I need Him everyday of my life to survive minor problems that usually will end up as big problems.

When I get to spend time with Him everyday,
that's when I finally come to know the truth that Jesus indeed is a savior.

Not just a savior for our soul but everything. From our sickness, finances, relationships, dangers and more.

Above all these.

Jesus keeps reminding us not to worry.
Because He hs given us His peace.

Problems in life , big or small will haunt you but the grace of God who is way bigger than your problems shall chase you more.

In this devotional,
Jesus asks you to have peace in the midst of your troubles.
In this world, that's all we ever need.
Embrace His peace and rest in His love.

When you realised that you are not really alone in this world.
That you have an awesome Jesus by your side , you will be the most peaceful and joyful person on this earth.

That alone is priceless.

Be blessed!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, August 2, 2012

No More Giving Up!!!

I have made commitment to myself.
This time I'm gonna put all of my energy and creativity in my networking business...
That's Worldventures!

This thing is for me.
I love fun, meeting people, travel and investing at the same time. Worldventure is rolled into one.

I believe Worldventures is going to take me to one of my dream destinations.... ISRAEL!

See the very cheap Hotel package that Worldventures is offering to its members.
Check this out!

Awesome right??

I want to walk where Jesus walked and traveled. I wanna visit Jesus' country and place of birth Jerusalem. And I strongly believe
Jesus has led me to Worldventures!!!


Ok so to all newbie network marketers like me ...

Don't let doubters, dream stealers pull you down.

Let these awesome BIG people
lift you up and move on to make your dream come true!

And most important of all.

PRAY. And share this journey with Jesus.
He will give you strength and direction. And I believe He will give you the right people to build your network.

Do not despair. Because in Jesus you are on the right track and He will bless your path.

Learn from one of these BIG people too who are already there.

"Of all the entrepreneurial opportunities available today, one of the most important is direct selling, also called network marketing.”

— Paul Zane Pilzer, Famous Economist and Best-selling Author

Do check out my WorldVentures site if you have time :

See you on my my next journey Beloveds.

It's getting soooo exciting

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Red Sea Crossing

I have received this powerpoint from my dear friend, let's call her "amag" hehe!

Ok. These TRUTHS excite me and getting to know what's happening in the Bible makes me more curious in learning the events way back 2000 years ago.

Fiction or Truth. I don't care.
As long as it's about God and perfect enough.


I have come to know some "Worldy Truths"
but they only gave me nothing but stress and a lot of heartaches.

Past is past.


With God's truth...nothing is detrimental to one's health
for this is not religion anymore.

And if you just open your eyes and would come to know it..

it will finally set you free!

I googled on this Jacob's Well and it just sent shivers down my spine.

See this link..


Monday, December 8, 2008

Ron Wyatt talking about JESUS blood sample

Found this video on youtube and has given me chills.
Ron Wyatt, a self-described archaeologist has discovered
Jesus blood and took it for a lab test in Israel.
We, humans have 46 chromosomes. 23 chromosomes we get from
our mother and 23 from our father..
But the blood test, showed only 23 chromosomes from Jesus' blood
which means He only has His mother DNA.

I googled about this and interestingly, I found this.

"Certainly God could have caused Mary to contribute all 46 chromosomes, but when God mainfested Himself in flesh as Jesus Christ, considering that He created mankind, He also most certainly could have "created" an ideal 23 chromosomes to match up with Mary's. The latter is far more preferred in my opinion.

It takes 23 chromosomes from two people to "conceive", hence it seems more probable that God Himself supplied 23 chromosomes, specifically that His Word (the Logos) became the 23 chromosomes required to cause a conception, to match up with Mary's 23 chromosomes, which properly establishes her as His mother.

This gives interesting light and explanation to the words "only begotten", which in the Greek is the word "monogenes". "Mono" means "unique" or "only", and "genes" means "origin" or "becoming". It is also the root of our modern words gene and genetics. If we accept the idea that God knew how language would develop, and understands the science, then it does no disservice to consider that monogenes may be understood as signifying "unique genes." Jesus Christ is unique. He alone originated by the combination of the 23 chromosomes of a human seed with 23 chromosomes which was the Logos become flesh."

Watch the video.

Jesus is alive!!!

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...