Showing posts with label italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label italy. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Never Give Up!!!

This is awesome Lord.
Thank You for being my biggest fan.
I know because You died for me at the cross.
That alone can never express how much I mean to you.

Thank You Jesus!

Guess, thanking You is not enough.
I shall praise You forever Lord.
No matter what.

Never Give Up!

Nothing is impossible for God!
—Luke 1:37 (CEV)

I am always with you and for you. I am your biggest fan. When you decide to do something that fits My plans for you, nothing in heaven or on earth can stop you. You may face some problems along the way to your goal—that is part of living in an imperfect world. But never give up! With My help, you can conquer any problem.

But don’t just rush headlong toward your goal, trying to make things happen when you want them to. First, come to Me. Ask Me to guide you every step of the way, minute by minute. Let Me set the pace. Sometimes I may ask you to wait, or to slow down, or even to stop for a while. But remember, My timing is perfect. Trust Me and enjoy sharing the journey with Me.


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

My Christian Diary EP#16: How To Find True Happiness

Everyone goes crazy just to get "happiness". Just to be happy.
Some will get it for the meantime and some unfortunately don't ever get a taste of it until they give up their lives.
I have learnt, being happy is temporary.
You get your most- desired shoes,gadgets or bags,cars or house , you will be happy.
But at the end of the day, you know you still want more.
Deep inside, something is poking you to find or search for more.

That is called the "void" in your heart.
And that void in your heart,
it's only Jesus who can fill and complete it.

When you find Jesus,
you will find true peace and joy.

And the rest will follow.

So, I urge you dear friend, stay close to Jesus.
Ask for His wisdom and He will lead you to it.

In Jesus, joy, peace are all wrap up together.

When you find joy,
you are the most richest person here on earth.

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

How To Get Rid of Fear

A New Habit

The Lord takes care of his people like a shepherd. He gathers the people like lambs in his arms. He carries them close to him. He gently leads the mothers of the lambs.
—Isaiah 40:11 (ICB)

Everyone has habits—some are good and some are not so good. Starting today, I want you to learn a new habit. Try saying, “I trust You, Jesus,” no matter what is happening around you. Choose to remember that I am in control of the universe, and that I love you with a love that is higher than any mountain and deeper than any ocean.

By saying, “I trust You, Jesus,” you are saying that you know I am in control of all things and that nothing can defeat Me. It is then that fear loses its grip on you. So when you are facing tough times, trust Me to guide you through them and use them to grow your faith. Trusting Me is a habit you won’t ever want to break.


Jesus Calling For Kids
By Sarah Young

Feed your faith and your doubts will starve

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Let Go and Let God

This is so for me.
You see, I have exhausted my bank account just to push my dream business.

A financially literate friend keep advicing me that before I invest on anything,
I must have 3 months backup cash plan in case of emergency and all.

Yes. He could be right.

That applies to people who doesn't want to risk. And maybe for people who really don't know who God is.

I am not saying, you should follow me or invest in anyway you like because you know God. There is a deeper relationship here involve.

For me, this was a tough decision to make.
Tough in the sense that I was partly listening to my friend's advice.

And partly, I'm hearing a small voice that I should do it.

I got scared at times and so many "what ifs" popped out of my head.

It's normal yeah. I am just human.

But I prayed. I sit down with Abba and talked to Him about it.

He knows my plan.

So, one day, with so much peace in my heart because He gave or sent me a confirmation message that I should not be afraid through awesome devotionals here and there.
I felt He was really talking to me and confirming my plans.

So the next day, I just found myself in an ATM machine and withdrawed the needed amount and boom !

My dream business is about to happen soon!

(Will share more of it once it kicks off)

My revelation on this?

Are you always living in fear or afraid of doing something because you might fail?

I did. I was. For many years!

And at that fear has not gotten me anywhere at all!

Now, that I have established a stronger relationship with God, effortless I became fearless!

Is that what other inspirational gurus tell you.
Do not be scared. Be fearless! But they never tell who is with you.

Yes. If you know and believe in your heart that God is on your side....then BE FEARLESS!

Because God will never ever leave you !
If you make Him as your partner,
man you are so secured!

God is an abundant God. And when He tells you to not be afraid and that He will take care of ....just believe it.

Let Go And See God’s Supply Flow

There is a story of a young man who struggled to make ends meet. One day, he got six pieces of white cardboard paper and wrote down these six letters: “L-E-T G-O-D.” This was to remind him to stop worrying and striving to provide for himself and his family, and to let God take over. He placed the cards upright on his dressing table so that he would be reminded each day to let God provide for him.

Well, days passed and nothing changed. He was still in lack and became even more worried, anxious and frustrated. One day, out of desperation, he prayed, “God, please, I really want to know how to ‘let You.’ I want You to take over and supply all my needs, but I don’t know how to! God, please answer me.” The window in his room was open. A wind blew in—whoosh!—and one of the cards fell off the table. It was the last card with the letter “D.” The man looked up and saw the remaining cards spell the words, “LET GO.”

My friend, the way you LET GOD provide for you is to LET GO! Let go and stop worrying about the problem. Cast it into the hands of Almighty God who cares for you and leave it there, and you will begin to see His grace and provision flow freely in your life!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Do You Feel Alone?

In times of troubles, we humans can get heartaches,panic attacks, stress, depression.

I also experienced the same thing.

Whenever problems attack me,
my mind could go haywire and I lost focus.

I realised one thing.
It happened to me because I don't know who and what Jesus is in my life.

I only knew Him as okay, my lord and savior.
But I forgot that I need Him everyday of my life to survive minor problems that usually will end up as big problems.

When I get to spend time with Him everyday,
that's when I finally come to know the truth that Jesus indeed is a savior.

Not just a savior for our soul but everything. From our sickness, finances, relationships, dangers and more.

Above all these.

Jesus keeps reminding us not to worry.
Because He hs given us His peace.

Problems in life , big or small will haunt you but the grace of God who is way bigger than your problems shall chase you more.

In this devotional,
Jesus asks you to have peace in the midst of your troubles.
In this world, that's all we ever need.
Embrace His peace and rest in His love.

When you realised that you are not really alone in this world.
That you have an awesome Jesus by your side , you will be the most peaceful and joyful person on this earth.

That alone is priceless.

Be blessed!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

I did it for you. - Jesus

You know, now I realised why Jesus didn't choose to save Himself at the cross.

It's because... God loves you and I so much
that He needed to sacrifice His Son, Jesus.

At the Law, God was looking at our sins.
When He realised that man can never be perfect, He made a way.

Now, through grace, we are saved. Forever.
Because Jesus' blood has set us free!

If Jesus' chose to save Himself,
101% we are all going to hell!

Thank You Jesus!
Thank You for redeeming us in the midst of our failures.

It's late here in Singapore.
It's time for me to doze off.

Meanwhile, enjoy this awesome devotional from Jesus Calling.

Hear Jesus talk to you.


The people stood watching, and the rulers even sneered at him.
They said, “He saved others; let him save himself if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One.”

—Luke 23:35

When I came to earth, it wasn’t to a palace or a rich family. I was born to a peasant girl and a carpenter, in a stable. My Glory was hidden from all but a few people.

At times, some of My Glory would shine out of Me—especially when I began to do miracles. When the sick were healed, when the storms were stilled, and when the demons fled before Me, people saw it . . . briefly.

At the end of My life, I could have used My awesome Power to save Myself. Thousands of angels would have come to rescue Me from being beaten and made fun of and nailed to a cross. But that was not My Father’s plan. So I stayed on the cross— for you. I did it so that your sins could be forgiven and heaven could become your home. I did it so that we could be the best of friends. So let your life become a song of praise to Me, showing My Glory to all the world.


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Eternal Glory (Jesus Calling)

What I learned in this world is that,
problems big or small will come to hunt you down.
It's a never-ending opponent.
It is just waiting for you to give up.

Well, those stuff are the works of the devil. So, better do not fall from it.

I, too am facing problems everyday of my life.

But I decided, everytime it comes near me, to use it as a "bread" as a weapon to come BOLDLY to our Abba, Father who is always willing to lift us up and protect us.

Don't get shaken by whatever you are facing now. Personal, family, financial, marital, health or relationship issues. If you just give it all to God , and trust Him for what He is in your life... You will arise above it all as a VICTOR!

Blessed Sunday everyone!
Enjoy today's awesome devotional from Jesus Calling (Sarah Young)

We have small troubles for a while now, but they are helping us gain an eternal glory. That glory is much greater than the troubles.
—2 Corinthians 4:17 (ICB)

When you have a problem that goes on and on, with no end in sight, see it as a wonderful opportunity. An ongoing problem is like having a tutor who is always by your side. If you are willing, you can learn so much from your trouble.

Ask Me to open your eyes and your heart to all that I am doing through this problem. I may be teaching you patience or persistence. Perhaps I am strengthening your faith or your courage.

Then thank Me for the lessons you are learning. When you can be thankful for a problem, it loses its power to drag you down. In fact, your thankful attitude lifts you up into heavenly places with Me, where you see the situation from My point of view. This lets you see your problem as a small, temporary trouble that is helping you gain an eternal Glory—blessings that will never end!


Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Listen to me - Jesus

That is why I am praying and asking God to give me time freedom asap so I can focus on Him.

Patiently, waiting because I know He won't disappoint me.

Now, He has led me to small time investments. I believe He will bless it. So in the future, I will continue to spread His goodness and the gospel.

That is my purpose here on earth. And it's amazing to know this.

Enjoy today's devotional from Jesus Calling dear friends.

Keep feeding your soul with these beautiful truths and see how it will transform your life. ❤️❤️❤️

Every morning he wakes me. He teaches me to listen like a student.
—Isaiah 50:4 (ICB)

Every morning he wakes me. He teaches me to listen like a student.
—Isaiah 50:4 (ICB)

I am always speaking to you, in the depths of your heart. But you must be still so that you can hear My Voice. I speak in the language of Love. My words fill you with Life and Peace, Joy and Hope. I am teaching you to listen to Me—like a student listening to the teacher.

I want to talk with all My children, but many of them are too busy to listen. This world prizes busyness. A lot of people go along with that mind-set, convinced that being still is a waste of time. Then they wonder why I feel so far away.

To live close to Me, you must put Me first. Seek Me before anything else—before chores, before school, before practice, before fun. When you seek Me first, I pour out My Peace and Joy on you. And My Glory shines in your life like the sun.


Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I Never Change- Jesus

I Never Change

Jesus Christ never changes!
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

—Hebrews 13:8 (CEV)

Your heart and your mind are much like a radio. The kind of music you hear depends on the station you tune in to. When your heart and mind tune in to the world, you hear confusion. Everything is constantly changing—often for no reason. And it can leave you feeling anxious and afraid.

But when you choose to tune in to Me, you hear the beautiful music of My Peace. It soothes away the worries of this world. And it helps you know how safe and secure you are—because you’re Mine.

Unlike the world, I never change. You can always count on Me. Start your day by tuning in to Me. Listen quietly in My Presence. Then get up and begin your journey through the day, holding tightly to My hand. I will show you which way to go, and I will smooth out the path before you.


Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Stay Close To The Water of God's Word (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner

Stay Close To The Water of God's Word (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing...