Showing posts with label law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label law. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's Not Easy To Be A Christian

Being a Christian is not that easy.

It's not because God or Jesus made it so complicated
But because of some Christians and others made it so.

You get to deal with atheists, "freethinkers" , unbelievers, oprah and even Christians themselves.

They want you to believe in the Truth that they know.

He is right.
She wants to be right.
You are wrong.
I am confused.

Blah blah blah blah.

Yakkity yakkity yak yak yak!

Silence please. . .

What if one day we wake up and find
all our beliefs are wrong?

What if the atheists are right?

That God really is just a figment of our imagination
and we are delusional?

How are we going to deal with it?

In the midst of my confusion I talked to God,

"Hey God, are you hearing this out?
What can you say about this? Cmoooon, I'm having a spiritual warfare again!"

Then suddenly, Abba promptly replied to me..

This verse settles everything.

Yes my Father.

I believe. And will believe no matter what they say about you. Period!

Thank you Jesus for everything.

I feel like crying right now. :(

-- Post From My iPhone

Christian vs Christian

Ok hold your breath, I am having this conversation with another Christian on my FB.

It's quite long since the conversation still going on.

Read first and feel free to comment:

This is where all it started from

Christian 1's FB stat:
I am back from Mexico.I thought I was going to die yesterday on the plane from Vancouver-Quesnel.The weather was sooo bad up there that the pilot had to turn the plane around and land in Williams lake,then I had to take a bus to Quesnel.

Getting on a plane is scary.
So before the flight, I say "Psalm 91".. The prayer of God's protection. Do you know that as a Believer , God is protecting us 24/7 , u just need to acknowledg it by using His words.

" if you make the Most High your dwelling- even the Lord, who is my refuge- then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent."
... Read More
Bible verses are God's tool to use in situations like these. And even with sickness.
When you speak it, it comes alive.

Anyways, Im glad you are back in ur place.
You have peace now.:)

Christian 2:
Dinx, Hi, I haven't met you yet, but nice to meet you :-) If I can respond to your post? I really don't agree with your "when you speak it comes alive... Read More", where did you learn that? I dont' mean to hurt feelings or anything, truly not, I just think that the word of faith movement is not teaching the truth, since only God has the power to let things happen, not us....and just because we say something doesn;t mean it is going to happen....hmm, maybe I put it completely wrong here, hope you understand what I mean?

Christian 3:
I agree with my sister Desiree Dinx.... There are true born again Christians to whom terrible things happen, I am sure it is not because they did or did not "speak" it over themselves.... you wrote: "Bible verses are God's tool to use in situations like these". this is infact a lie (sorry if I sound harsh but your words are just not true....) Bible... Read More verses are not meant for us to use as we choose, infact, the original scriptures dont even have verses, it was placed in the bible for easy referencing. Unfortunately people take them out of context and missinterpret them. Our words do not have authority over the sovereignty of God's will. It is how we trust that sovereignty of God, especially in hard and difficult times, that is important.

so what is the Bible for you then?
Do you know that the Bible is God breathed?

When you are sick , what do you do? Do you just accept it like that? Do you know that God wants you well? Everytime I feel sick or with a headache I say " Thank you Jesus, by Jesus stripes I am healed!"
Do you claim that?

When you fear of something or stress out. what do you do? do you just say, "It's normal. Life is like that. Thank you God." " because me, I say " I'm too blessed to be stressed!

How can you say if a person is a true born again Christian?

Maybe I am wrong. But for me a true born again Christian is person who accepts his weaknesses and failures then take Jesus as his Saviour in this mad-fallen world. ... Read More

I don't "claim" healing in Jesus' name. I think the verse "by His stripes we are healed" is taken out of context and is being abused to promote the word of faith movement. We are healed by His stripes spiritually. If He had not died for us there would have been no way back to God for us. Salvation is the big thing. There is plenty of examples in ... Read Morethe bible where people were not being healed because yes, God wants to bless you, but your spiritual wellbeing is far more important then anything. How do you explain all the believers that die in their sickness, are they not true believers? So it is actually up to them if they are sick or die? Jesus never gave us authority to claim left and right what fits us. God is sovereign and as a true born again believer you trust God in whatever He does and you pray. You can pray for healing, absolutely and sometimes He still heals through prayer. But a true believer is somebody who has repented of his sin, continues to repent every day, has put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ for his / her salvation. Physical healing is not a promise when we come to Christ. A life full of tribulation, that is the promise. And we have to take up our cross daily if we want to follow HIm. We are commanded to lay down our lives. We must give up ourselves. We are not promised prosperity, health or wealth. This passing tru station is going to be hard sometimes but our reward will be in heaven where there will be no tears, pain or sickness. Only there. Here on earth we just have to deal with it, that is what comes with living in a world that has fallen into sin and that keeps sinning. Dinx, pls humble yourself for the living God and pray that He will open your eyes to the truth. Read your bible with an open mind and heart and pray for understanding, I plead with you!

Hey Desiree. I am surprised we are in a totally different Christian world.the Jesus I know came to give us Life. Life in all things , health,wealth and spirit.
And what are u saying Jesus never promised of physical healing. Havent u read Mark,Matthew, Luke and John? Jesus healed the sick and brought up the dead. Those who cannot walk walked. Those who were blind, can see.
So ur not "claiming" ur healing? That does mean if u will get sick you wont go to the doctor? Or if ever any one of ur household will get sick. Are u just going to say, "this is what God wants.i say Amen "? Rofl!!
And oh ..u repent everyday? Your God tells you to do that?if u repent everyday, that means u fail Him everday. Ur God must be heartbroken.
Well, If you like repenting everyday then do it. If u dont, then better change the way you think about God. ... Read More
Because the God i know is awesome!
He is more than like my late dad. He protects, heals and blesses me 24/7.
He sent His son, Jesus to be a one-time sacrifice for us all Forever so we in His blood can live an abundant life!
If u think ur salvation depends on ur repenting everyday , i say u are standing on a shaky ground. Thats all. I dont want to argue.

Dinx you are busy with Idolitry. You created a false Jesus in you mind conforming him to what you feel you want a god to be and then you twist and trun the scriptures so that it will fit your imagination god. Repent and believe is what the bible says. Dont conveniently read over it. You cannot live in habbitual sin with no repentence and be born again. What does the bible mean to me??? EVERYTHING. It is God's word and God breathed like you said, it is not my wish list of things I want for myself.
What do i do when I get sick? I pray for healing, if it does not happend, I trust that God has a purpose with it. Whether it being to discipline me, to draw me closer to Him or to teach me, I know God is sovereign and He has a plan with everything. Do you get stuck on the verses that promise you good things and ignore the verses that promise you trouble??? Hve you read in the bible that Jesus says "in THIS life you will have trouble" ? and what about the verse that says "Deny yourself and follow me, take up your cross DAILY". Do you understand those verses?
What about the rich man who wanted to follow Jesus and then Jesus sayd he must first sell everything he has... do you know the meaning of that?

Or what about the verse than says blessed are the ones who will be persecuted for my Name's sake... Do you know what he means ?... Read More
Do you understand what God meant when he included in the bible:"Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; Rom 5:3
You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit 1 Th 1:6
All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. 2 Th 1:5
So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord, or ashamed of me his prisoner. But join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God 2 Ti 1:8
For it is commendable if a man bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because he is conscious of God. 1 Pe 2:19

There are many more such examples Dinx. I am quite honnest with you when I say that whoever has been teaching you about these things is a false teacher, get away and come to God for truth. If you want I can get in email contact with you and help you understand the scriptures and repentence.

Study the book of 1 John carefully to see if you are in the faith.

Hey Maryna. You talk about suffering too much. I want life not sufferring. I want healing and wellness not sickness.

Isaiah 53 : ...and by His stripes we are healed!!

How can u explain when i have not been sick for 3 yrs now. Because.... each day, or moments when i feel sick, i inject it with Jesus healing thoughts. Like "by His stripes, I Am healed! I dont get any flu, fever, or even minor coughs anymore because the God I know is a good God who always wants me well and healthy.can u explain that? And uh let me tell u i dont take meds or vitamins at all. Each day my energy is overflowing and much more. ... Read More
How can you say its idolatry???? When you know the Truth that God wAnts you well is an "idolatry"??? (bullsss..)
Let me say that the God in your mind is a lousy God! Can you read Psalm 91 and feel God talking to you ..Just for a moment without condemnation just read it. Alright?
And what have you to say when God said on Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the plans I have for you.," declares the Lord. " plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "
Do you call it idolatry???
You people talk about being self-righteous then brag about it and condemn poor, weak and baby Christians which eventually would lead them in running away from God.

Maybe you will spend ur whole life here on earth repenting or condemning other Christians. But me? I will spend my life praising , worshipping and thanking Him while enjoying my victory each day!! NO MATTER WHAT!
The God I am praising is a big God. I really dont need to defend Him from you.

You are not praising the God of the bible that is for sure.....
All the scriptures you give are missinterpreted by you, Desiree have explained it to you already so I am not going to again.
Your first statement: "You talk about suffering too much. I want life not sufferring. I want healing and wellness not sickness."
I didnt talk about suffering, I gave scripture (you know, the bible).
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The fact that you've been healthy for three years is a blessing, I too havn't had any serious illness for years now, also not taking vits and minerals. That is no proof of your blaphemious doctrine.
You will someday die Dinx, what then? If you stand before God and he says :"away from me you evildoer, I never knew you".
What then? dont tell me your god wont say that because the God of the Bible is the one by who's standards you wil be judged, not your imaginary friend's.

@Maryna ...And how can you say i got a false teacher? The teachings I learnt from him has healed, blessed and prospered me. Not maybe financialy yet but in mind, health, and spirit.

You dont know what Ive been through but surely God made everything possible for me.

You take sickness as God's way of teaching you a lesson? Sounds like my late dad .... Read More

Like I was telling you, if u take sickness that way, then there's no need for you go to the doc and be healed right? Or else, you will be disobeying God again. Lolx.

Peace to you ok.

by the way, those teachers who tell you that people who think like me are in bondage, under condemnation, legalistic etc, have no clue what they talking about.
I have never been so free, so full of joy and so at peace in my entire life!!!
I am completely happy, EVEN in my suffering.

You read my posts like you read the bible it seems.....

I do go to the doc when i am sick, I am not an idiot.
Secondly, God does not make me sick to teach me a lesson. We live in a fallen sinfull world and bad things happen, like you already admitted when mentioning your past. God does turn those things into good for those he loves as per Romans 8:28. This is not a perfect life and not meant to be perfect.
Your interpretation of the bible is shameful and your teacher is a false one. I say again, get away from him/her as soon as possible he/she is leading you straight into hell. ... Read More

Ps. It is NOT about you, it is about GOD. I suggest you seek God before you seek men.

@Maryna, Actually, being unbeliever for decades I have not come to God because of what He is. I came to Him because I wanted protection and I hate medicines. Then one day I learnt, He prospers, blesses and protects. Thats the God who came to me.and I said "okeeei!"
So I believed Him. Am I sellfish? Maybe?
Let me tell u, when Jesus says, go away from me u hyprocrites. He was actually referring to the Pharisees. Why do I know? I just got a revelation.
If u think u live a sinless life because everytime u fail u have the chance to repent. Then u dont need Jesus!
Question!... Read More
What if , one day you sin, and suddenly got hit by a truck and die. Sad part is you didn't have a chance to repent? Are u gona be in hell or heaven?
Deep question. I need ur answer.

@Maryna just read Psalm91 pls.

Sure I will give you my very easy answer, not deep question at all. We are saved by Christ dying on the cross for us, not by our works. we dont need to reptent in order to go to heaven, we need to repent because the spirit of God in us convicts us of the sin and drives us to repentence, if you dont have that then I suggest you have not the spirit of God in you.
We are saved once, we dont have to expact salvation with every repentence. does that make sense?

I know Psalm 91 very well thanks, and it is glorious but does not confirm any of your false beliefs at all.
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Dinx by your own admission you came to God because of something YOU wanted. Can you not see that that was your biggest mistake? You should come to God because of who HE is and not because of what He can do for you. If you do that, then you will experience freedom that cannot ever top the freedom you think you feel now.
I pray for you my friend.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Ephesians 2:8-9

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Not having a fresh revelation on God's Grace for many years had put me in bondage.

I thought my salvation, was dependent on how good I was and not on my faith.

If I was good at a particular moment, I was saved.

If I did bad, I must repent or else I'd go to hell.


I couldn't keep up with the Law.

Who would? For sure you can't too.

That is why Jesus came to our rescue.

Because we couln't perfect the Law.

That's why we need Jesus.

That's why I am thankful for Jesus.

Because of His one time sacrifice at the Calvary,

I am now forever saved.

Thank you Jesus!

Will keep thanking you on this blog FOREVER!


Friday, July 17, 2009


Sin shall not have dominion over you for you are NOT under Law but you ARE under Grace. - Romans 6:14

The Gospel summed up in one clip..

Be blessed!

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...