Showing posts with label new creation church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new creation church. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Joseph Prince - Five Words To Live By—The Battle Is The Lord’s - 10 Jan 16

When you want to build your muscles and stay fit, what do you do?

Of course, you make time to exercise and go to the gym and then you get fit, physically.

It is the same thing to do with your spiritual muscles.

you need to get feed daily with the word of God by listening to pastors who

preaches how beautiful and awesome our Lord Jesus is.

Like my pastor, JOSEPH PRINCE.

He is one of the reasons of why I'm so enjoying my life right now inspite of some ups and downs
that are temporary.

He has taught me to become how to be bold in coming to God and asking for my inheritance of
healing, provision , restoration and protection.

Jesus has answered all my questions of life through  Joseph Prince preachings.

That is why right now, I am also so bold in sharing it with you.

Because JESUS is LIFE!

keep feeding your faith beloveds and enjoy the benefits.

talk soon!

Saturday, June 30, 2012


I was surprised to know that my colleague attends the same church here in Singapore.
New Creation church.


All the while I thought the 100 Days of Favor book by Joseph Prince is my boss'.

I was soooooooo wrong!


Now my colleague is so nice enough to lend me the book plus other stuff like "Experience Unceasing Fruitfulness" DVD.

I am soooooo blessed to have a colleague from New Creation too.
Though this is not the first time but it does really make a lot of difference in the work place. 😁

If you have a chance to get these
Beautiful sermons , I highly recommend you to get it!

It's worth it!

Visit for more of these.

GUARANTEED, it'll surely change your life!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ask In Jesus’ Name And Receive

John 16:23
23“… Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you.

Do you always end your prayers with “in Jesus’ name”? Maybe your Sunday school teacher taught you to do this, or maybe you have heard church leaders and other believers utter it at the end of their prayers.

I used to say “in Jesus’ name” very quickly as if those were magic words that would get my prayers answered. Then, one day, I heard the Lord asking me why I was doing that.

The Lord wanted me to realize that whenever I pray and say “in Jesus’ name”, I am putting my entire faith for my prayer to be answered not in who I am or what I have done, but in the person and name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and what He has done at the cross!

Whenever we ask God for anything in Jesus’ name, Jesus says to us, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.” This means that in your prayer for healing, when you say “in Jesus’ name”, healing comes over your sick body because it is by His stripes that you are healed. (1 Peter 2:24) In your prayer for protection, when you say “in Jesus’ name”, you are kept safe because the blood of Jesus protects and delivers you from evil. (Exodus 12:13)

Beloved, the good name of your family cannot save you. Your pastor’s name cannot save you. Even the name of the latest medical breakthrough cannot save you. Only one name under heaven can save you — Jesus! And the good news is that His name in Hebrew, Yeshua, means salvation — healing, preservation, wholeness, wellness, provision, prosperity, safety and deliverance for you and your family!

So these days, whenever I pray, I slow down at the end of my prayer and say, “Father, I ask all this not based on what I have or have not done, but based on Jesus and His finished work at the cross. I ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen!”

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2008 New Creation Church

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Use Your Double Portion Of Speaking Power

Use Your Double Portion Of Speaking Power

1 Peter 2:9
9But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people...

God calls us “a royal priesthood”. This means that we are kings as well as priests under the king-priesthood of Jesus Christ. This has never happened before in the history of God’s people. In the Old Testament, kings and priests were two distinct groups of people. You were either a king or priest, but not both at the same time.

Today, because we are in Christ, we are king-priests — a royal priesthood. This means that we have a double portion of speaking power because as kings, “Where the word of a king is, there is power” (Ecclesiastes 8:4), and as priests, “by their word every controversy and every assault shall be settled”. (Deuteronomy 21:5)

So if you are a Christian businessman, you will have an edge over worldly businessmen. What you say about your business deals will come to pass. And if you are falsely accused, know that by your very word, every controversy and every assault will be settled!

And as a king-priest parent, when you bless your children, your words have the power to set in motion supernatural events which will bring them into God’s prosperous abundance and superabounding grace. And there will be such a courage and resilience about them that it will empower them to win the fights of life!

When the devil comes to you and says that you will die young because your father and grandfather died young, or that you will never be successful because you are not well-educated, you must remember that the devil is neither a king nor a priest. There is no power in his words. But there is power in yours because you are a king-priest in Christ!

So instead of agreeing with him, believe and declare, “I will not die young. With long life He will satisfy me and show me His salvation!” Say, “The Lord will make my way prosperous and give me good success!” Use your double portion of speaking power and see these blessings come to pass!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2008 New Creation Church

Monday, November 16, 2009

Christ Is The Treasure In You


Christ Is The Treasure In You

2 Corinthians 4:7
7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

The verse tells us that we have “this treasure” in earthen vessels. Who is the treasure? Christ! Who are the earthen vessels here? You and I! Thank God the treasure is in the earthen vessels.

My friend, Christ the treasure is in you. So don’t get frustrated when you see your “earthiness”. You will always be “earthen” as long as you are in your mortal body, but remember that Christ the treasure is in you.

Should you lose your cool with your spouse or children, remember that Christ in you is your patience. When I feel impatient, I don’t pray, “Lord Jesus, give me patience... now!” No, I look to Jesus and I say, “Lord Jesus, I thank You that You are my patience.”

In my younger days and even when I first got married, I had a bad temper. I tried all sorts of anger management techniques, but I never got very far until I told God, “God, I am so frustrated trying to overcome my anger. I give up! I cannot. You can. I rest and depend on You.” Not too long after that, my wife commented, “You know, you have improved in the area of your temper.”

I thought about what she had said and realized that I was not even conscious of the change in me. When family members can see the patience of Christ manifesting through a naturally impatient person, God gets the glory.

Perhaps you are frustrated with your smoking and drinking habits. Or maybe you are discouraged by your feelings of jealousy, distrust, bitterness, depression and defeat. Don’t condemn yourself for being earthen. Don’t try to “cast out” your earthiness. Just realize that you have Christ the treasure in you.

The more you see that treasure in you, the more Christ’s brilliance shines forth in you. And in the midst of your earthiness, God gets the glory as you yourself are transformed from glory to glory! (2 Corinthians 3:18)

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2008 New Creation Church

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Claim Your Restoration!

I have claimed my restoration for all the things the devil have
stolen from me in Jesus mighty name!

What about you?

Claim Your Restoration!

Acts 3:20–21
20… that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, 21whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things...

As a believer, you have a right to expect restoration of the things that the devil has stolen from you. It may be your health, marriage or finances, but payback time is definitely coming!

Acts 3:20–21 tells us that before Jesus comes back for His church, we will experience “the times of restoration of all things”. What a hope that gives us, knowing that God will restore to us all things before Jesus returns!

My friend, if the devil is attacking you in any area, tell God, “Father, I will not allow the devil to rob me of my health, marriage, children or finances. These blessings are blood-bought and paid for by Your Son!” Claim your restoration in Christ and heaven will hear you.

There will be such times of restoration of all things to the body of Christ that His people will only get better, stronger, healthier, and more prosperous and glorious! When God restores, even under the old covenant, His people always received much more than what they had originally lost, in terms of quality and/or quantity. How much more will our restoration be under the new covenant because of the shed blood of the Lamb of God!

A divorcee with a teenage son came to our church and accepted the Lord in May 2003. She began to pray for the restoration of her marriage and the reunion of her family. She knew that the chances of this happening were close to zero since she had not met nor spoken with her ex-husband since their divorce 10 years ago. She did not even know if he had remarried. But God caused their paths to cross at a wedding at the end of 2003. Today, their relationship is healed, and together with their son, they worship as a family in church.

Even though what happened for that sister may not happen for every divorced person (God can give you a better spouse and marriage), I believe that God wants you to know that your times of restoration are here. Heaven is waiting to hear you stake your claim for restoration!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2008 New Creation Church

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Got free seats tickets

So 3 of my friends and I were queueing for the second service of New Creation Church when suddenly a lady from our church approached us and offered to take in her extra 3 free priority seats tickets.

But there were 4 of us. Hopeful, I asked the usher if there was a way that one of us could make it on the free seats without having the ticket but somehow couldn't give an answer.

Favour, Lord somewhere. I thought to myself.

Suddenly, a voice from behind offered another extra free priority seat ticket.


So today, we enjoyed the service occupying the 4rth row together !


Thank you for the gift Abba!:)

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Secret of Deliverence To Self

It is true! When you think too much of yourself, you can only feel and see
failures, pains, heartaches, rejection, frustrations and depressions.

Total darkness, isn't it?

Jesus has taught to walk away from myself and just focus on Him .
When I did that, everything changed!
In Him, I see only Peace, love, protection and healing.

My future is bright because my focus is on Jesus.

I love doing it. try it!

And how to do it?

Just soak on His words and listen to anointing preachings like this.

Let's listen together. This is one of my faves!

Be blessed!

The Secret of Deliverance From Self

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Turn Your Cares Into Prayers

You need to read this. It has blessed me so well.


Turn Your Cares Into Prayers

Philippians 4:6
6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

My friend, God doesn’t want you to be fearful, fretful or anxious. Instead, He wants you to “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”.

So when you have a care or worry, straightaway, turn that care or worry into prayer. That is supplication. And when you are troubled by a care or worry that you don’t know how to pray for, pray in the Spirit or tongues. And in the midst of that prayer, thank God that He is already your healing, provision, prosperity, good success and victory. That, my friend, is thanksgiving.

“Pastor Prince, if I am worried about something, how long should I pray?”

Keep on praying. Pray in the Spirit until the worry lifts or dissipates, “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 4:7)

This was what one of our church members did when he found himself anxiously trying to access some important data in his USB flash drive. After a whole day at it with no results, he finally stopped himself from being anxious and instead, turned his worry into prayer, asking the Lord to settle it for him. As he prayed in tongues, he was also thankfully repeating in his heart that having the Holy Spirit — the Helper — with him was to his advantage. (John 16:7)

Later that evening, using his wife’s computer, he succeeded in accessing the data in his flash drive after a few attempts. He quickly backed up the data. It was only when subsequent attempts to use the flash drive on his wife’s computer failed did it suddenly dawn on him that God had “resurrected” his flash drive that one time, just for him to recover his data!

Beloved, I believe that we would all worry a lot less and enjoy our lives a lot more if only we realized this truth: Our Abba Father is so strong that there is nothing He cannot do, and He is so loving that there is nothing He will not do for us!


© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2006–2009 New Creation Church

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jesus Makes All Things New

It is TRUE!
No one really knows what's going on inside our body except our creator,
our Abba, our Father, God..
That's why , everytime I feel something is not right in my body,
I directly go to Him, not to find answers or question Him for some more but
for Him, to restore and fix everything.

I just talk to Him like a child, " Daddy, I feel this pain in here..and there..I have a little headache, see, I don't want it. Pls. take it away. I feel a bit giddy. No, I hate it! Pls. take it.I know this is just temporary. Thank you Jesus for healing me! "

And I've got this little secret.
The doctors are around to confirm that you have this ailment and can even rule out
whether you are curable or not.
If you have cancer-- kabooooom! Where you want to go?
The doctors and medicines may give up on you, but I tell you, God won't!
For He has the last words in your condition..


Read on..

"Jesus Makes All Things New"

John 1:3
3All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.

Any electronic product which you buy usually comes with an instruction booklet which says, “Send only to authorized dealers for maintenance and repairs.” Similarly, when something in your body or life breaks down, you go back to Jesus, your Creator and Maker. You go to Him because God’s Word tells us that “all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made”.

The Bible says that in the beginning, God created everything by speaking (Genesis 1), and Jesus was the Word who caused everything to come to pass. (John 1:1–2, 14) So when relationships in your family break down, when your finances are low or when some part of your body isn’t working properly, you go to Jesus who can fix it and even make it better than before!

A mother from our church testified of how God gave her a brand new daughter who used to be a very rebellious teenager. The day the girl gave her life to Jesus marked the start of a new life with her family. She also became the face to look out for in the national swimming arena. When asked by reporters about her record-breaking feats, she told them that it was Jesus who did it all for her!

A lady once approached me and said, “Pastor Prince, I don’t know if you still remember me, but I came to you before when I was a divorcee. This is my husband — the same man I divorced some years ago. We remarried and these are our children!” Now, this doesn’t usually happen in cases where divorce has taken place, but this couple looked to Jesus and saw their broken family made whole!

When man puts something that has been broken back together, it is usually not as good as before. But when Jesus does it, all things become new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) The One who made the heavens and the earth is more than able to make it better than it was before!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2009 New Creation Church

Monday, August 10, 2009

Your Life Outside Is What You See Inside

Sharing one of my fave sermons from Ps Joseph Prince ..
Enjoy and be blessed!

We know that God is faithful to His Word, yet we don’t see always the manifestation of His promises in our lives. This message shows you how God is faithful to grant you your heart’s desires, but before you see anything manifest outwardly, you need to see it happening first on the inside. Listen to this message and receive a fresh impartation of faith to see and experience all that God has for you!

Your Life Outside Is What You See Inside - Ps Joseph Prince

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Lord Your Refuge Will Deliver You

My Abba, Father has sustained me.
For whatever it is that's happening in this world today ...
I know, He has been protecting,guiding and healing me.

As a believer, I can only REST well on that promise.

Thank you Abba for everything.

Sharing another powerful devotional from Ps Joseph Prince my dear beloveds.

Enjoy !

The Lord Your Refuge Will Deliver You

Psalm 91:3
3Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.

Today, we hear of new strains of viruses which were unheard of only a generation ago. The world has yet to find cures for them and many people are afraid of being struck down by these viruses.

But as believers, we are not of the world, though we are in the world. (John 17:15–16) So our protection is not of the world, but of the Lord. And when we say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust,” (Psalm 91:2) then what follows is not “maybe”, but surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.

A couple in our church can testify that surely the Lord delivered and protected their two young children during a Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) outbreak, which claimed a few lives in Singapore not long ago.

When their four-year-old daughter started vomiting and running a fever, the mother brought her to their family doctor, who found ulcers in her mouth and small red dots on her hands and feet — symptoms of the HFMD. Naturally, the doctor prescribed medication for her.

Back home, however, the little girl continued to vomit throughout the day, throwing up everything including the medication. Her fever persisted. Not able to do anything for their daughter, the parents prayed, proclaiming Jesus as their healer, and partook of the Holy Communion many times with both their children.

That night, their daughter’s fever broke and the vomiting subsided. They continued making the Lord their refuge and fortress. Within two days, their daughter was completely delivered from the disease. And all this while, their six-year-old son was completely protected from the infectious disease.

Beloved, you don’t need to be afraid of deadly diseases which may have claimed the lives of others. You don’t have to be fearful that you or your child may become victims of these super bugs. When the Lord is your refuge and fortress, surely He shall deliver you and your family from the snare of the fowler, such as the avian flu, and from all perilous pestilences!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2006–2009 New Creation Church

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tips on How To Reign In Life

You want success?
You can buy good books that can give you step by step tips in how to acquire it.

You want to be healthy?
Tons of books and informations spreading across the internet and bookstores
are there to tell you which good food to take. Which are bad. How to do that specific exercise.
Do's and Don't's of shaping up. etc. Healthy pills.Diet.

The world, with today's technology ,has indeed a lot of stuffs to share.
Choose your pick.

As for me?

After getting tired and bored of doing that cycle , I'm going to REST.

I'm taking God's Words for it.

I am not trying to be healthy. I am healthy !!
I am not trying to be well. I am sickness-free!
I am not trying to be rich because God is supplying all my needs according to His riches
in glory by Jesus!

If for several years, I was in bondage thinking that I wasn't worth the goodness and
wellness on this earth, why can't I switch back thinking of the other thing?
The more positive and spiritual thing that I am enjoying right now has changed everything.

If one is so skeptic if God is for real, why can't he switch his thoughts that God does exist?

For one thing, just to make it worth..

God is so alive in me. No matter what I do, Where I go. He is there.
I can't explain it.
All I can say is that,
With Him, my happiness meter has gone stable and is always climbing up for more.
Thank you Jesus for being my mediator to God. Now, I can come to Him boldly without
stress building up inside me.

I am totally SET FREE!!

Sharing another powerful tips and message from Ps Joseph Prince.
He is right. No matter what your situation is.. Take God's word for it!

If you believe RIGHT, you will live RIGHT!

Enjoy and have a blessed , powerful and fun Tuesday!!

Get God’s Word For It

Matthew 4:4
4…He [Jesus] answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’

When the devil tempted Jesus, Jesus turned the Word of God on him, saying, “It is written… It is written… It is written…” (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10)

Likewise, should the devil remind you of the pain in your body, say what God’s Word says: “It is written, ‘By His stripes I am healed!’” (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24) And tell Daddy God, “I have Your Word for it and I am standing on Your Word. I am not trying to be healed. My healing has already happened. I don’t care what this body says. It has to line up with Your Word because by Jesus’ stripes I am healed!”

And if the devil says to you, “Look at the meager balance in your bank account. How are you going to pay your bills?” just say, “I am not trying to be rich. I am already rich and I have God’s Word for it. It is written, ‘My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 4:19) It doesn’t matter how much I have in the bank. God’s Word tells me that as the need arises, the supply will be there!”

When fear grips you, don’t say to yourself, “This fear is stupid. Come on, what are the chances of it happening to me?” Don’t try to rationalize or reason your fear away. Instead, speak God’s Word into the situation. Say, “It is written, ‘For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’” (2 Timothy 1:7) What if the fear returns? Speak God’s Word again. Say, “It is written, ‘For God has not given me a spirit of fear…’”

When the devil tries to deceive you, give him the Word of God. There is something about the Word of God that causes him not to want to hang around those who use it. It reminds him of Jesus, the Word made flesh (John 1:14), who rendered him powerless and of no effect when He said, “It is written…”

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So many reasons to speak in tongues today..

Here I go again..

I am about to upload my new mtv for "Fall Afresh On Me" of NCC but
when I opened my youtube account, it has warned me of Copyright infringement from NCC.

The same thing happened on my imeem accounts.

Oh noooo. I have uploaded tons of sermons in there.
Pls. don't let it come to waste , LOrd.

Most of my friends in imeem enjoyed hearing Ps Joseph Prince sermons
so much which prompted me to create another accounts.

I know they are sooo blessed by it.

It is just so sad when all I want to do is just to share what "GRACE" message has done to my life. How it blessed and kept me sooo well and hope in some ways the others who
are in bondage can be set free too by listening to Ps Joseph Prince sermons but now.. it is blocked.

I keep asking the question "WHY??"

Then I spoke in tongues..

and it led me to write to NCC asking permission to use their songs and mp3s
on my social networking accounts.

I am waiting for their reply now.

...for now..there's no other way to deal with this but again...

by speaking in tongues...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Root Cause Of Your Problem Is Condemnation

When was the last time you had an evil day? If you look back and trace how it started, you will find that it all began when you received the accusations and condemnation of the devil. What brought about your evil day was not so much stress or fear, but the deepest root of all — condemnation. Listen to this message and root out condemnation in your lif

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Down But Not Out

This is sooooo true.

And I have felt that "peace" when 2 years ago my dad and my sister

passed away within one month time.

I was sooo sad, and yet, deep inside ,there was this peace

that I couldn't explain of.

It was like telling me that "Don't worry, my child, everything's gona be alright"

And then I was ok.

My friends and my boss even complimented me for they taught

I was so strong to handle what had happened.

When it wasn't..

It wasn't me.. It was Jesus who was lifting me up..

It was a total peace far beyond human understanding!

Read on..

Down But Not Out

2 Corinthians 4:8–9
8We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed…

Before you were a Christian, when something sad or bad happened to you, you cried until you had no more tears left. Your heart simply broke into pieces, and you felt trapped, depressed and totally defeated.

But after having become a Christian, when something bad happens to you, you may still cry, but you feel comforted inside. You are sad outwardly, but your heart isn’t heavy. You don’t understand why, but deep down inside you, there is something lifting you up. That something buoyant, which is rising from the inside of you, is the life of Christ in you!

You cannot be completely distressed because Christ in you is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) who says to you, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Yes, it may be a bad situation and you are in a tight spot, but Christ in you is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), and He says to you, “It will all be all right. I will provide a way out for you.”

You know you are not defeated because Christ in you is your victory (1 Corinthians 15:57) and He says to you, “You are not fighting for victory, but fighting from victory because you already have the victory in Me.”

Before you knew Christ, when you were down, you were out. But now, when you are down, you are not out because Christ in you is the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27) “Hope” in the Bible means a definite, positive expectation of good.

So Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of a glorious marriage! Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of a glorious family! Christ in you is the definite positive expectation of glorious health! Christ in you is the definite positive expectation of a glorious life!

My friend, Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of all the glories of God revealed to you. No bad circumstance that you are in can or will ever cause you to be destroyed or forsaken by God!

2 Corinthians 4:8–9
8We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed…

Before you were a Christian, when something sad or bad happened to you, you cried until you had no more tears left. Your heart simply broke into pieces, and you felt trapped, depressed and totally defeated.

But after having become a Christian, when something bad happens to you, you may still cry, but you feel comforted inside. You are sad outwardly, but your heart isn’t heavy. You don’t understand why, but deep down inside you, there is something lifting you up. That something buoyant, which is rising from the inside of you, is the life of Christ in you!

You cannot be completely distressed because Christ in you is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) who says to you, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Yes, it may be a bad situation and you are in a tight spot, but Christ in you is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), and He says to you, “It will all be all right. I will provide a way out for you.”

You know you are not defeated because Christ in you is your victory (1 Corinthians 15:57) and He says to you, “You are not fighting for victory, but fighting from victory because you already have the victory in Me.”

Before you knew Christ, when you were down, you were out. But now, when you are down, you are not out because Christ in you is the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27) “Hope” in the Bible means a definite, positive expectation of good.

So Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of a glorious marriage! Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of a glorious family! Christ in you is the definite positive expectation of glorious health! Christ in you is the definite positive expectation of a glorious life!

My friend, Christ in you is the definite, positive expectation of all the glories of God revealed to you. No bad circumstance that you are in can or will ever cause you to be destroyed or forsaken by God!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So I Speak In Tongues (Again and Again)

Me and my loved one feels so unwell today. .. so bored...

Now I speak in tongues.

I speak in tongues for healing, for wellness and restoration!

and claim boldly,

"By Jesus stripes we are healed!"

Healing is on us because of what Jesus has done on the cross!

Thank you Jesus, I received our healing...

what we are feeling right now is just temporary.

Thank you, Abba, Father for I know You will always protect us..

In You, we take refuge...

"“As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.” (Psalm 18:30) "

I am listening to this sermon.. The only best thing that I can do ...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Seek God’s Kingdom And He Will Solve Your Problems

It's true. When we tend to look on the outside..on all around us and even
on the things that don't concern us,
surely, disappointments, depressions, worries and pains are up there ready to
eat us alive!

Look at the world.

Plane crashes, H1N1, recession, politicians that don't impress us, terrorism,
Iran, hunger, poverty, deaths, Michael Jackson.

and even at home, we have no escape..simple arguments with wives/husbands,
personal clashes with families, etc.

at work..bitchy boss, a**hole colleagues,deadlines, stress, rat race.

and even in our ownselves, we always have our own battle that needs to be won.
Like our insecurities, wants, choices,goals,confusions and sickness.

On the outside, for me it is so sickening.

and let me say it again, it's a cycle!

In the natural, it seems like there's no hope for all of these.

And that's where stress starts to build up.

unconsciously your world starts to go blank..

even when you pray a lot..there's seems no hope.


Well, few years ago , that's what I thought too.

And then..

JESUS came...

Yes, He rescued me!

He redeemed me!

He has set me free from all of these!

and then ...I feel PEACE ..

"Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you… "
JOHN 14:27

Yes! I am referring to that PEACE Jesus' is talking about in the Bible.

Now? I am soooo much ok!

Newspapers can bombard the world with a lot of bad news

but here I am,,,in Jesus with so much Peace.

How did I attain that Peace? I got so much to share.

Will be sharing more of MY PEACE later on friends as we go along.

For now..I am sharing a very powerful devotional from Pastor Joseph Prince.

Read on and have a powerful, blessed and peaceful Friday!


Seek God’s Kingdom And He Will Solve Your Problems

Romans 14:17
17… the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Are you troubled by many things today? For example, are you concerned about your rebellious teenager? Perhaps you see him as your problem, so you do your best to discipline him, only to end up with a heart full of worries and pain. And he is no better!

God says to you, “Don’t focus on controlling your rebellious teenager. Instead, seek first My kingdom, which is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Be conscious of the righteousness you have as a gift from My Son. Keep your inner man flowing with My peace and joy, and I will take care of your child.”

We tend to think that the people around us are the problem. When we don’t get the promotion we want, we blame our bosses and colleagues. When we lose our temper, we blame our wives and kids. However, God wants us to stop looking outside and to start looking within because His kingdom is within us. (Luke 17:21)

The abundance of the kingdom of God is already inside you. As you seek first God’s kingdom, and follow His righteousness, peace and joy, the abundance within you will flow out and become a reality in your circumstances. (Matthew 6:33) You will find that God has not only taken care of what is troubling you, but has also added blessings to you, be it a promotion, well-behaved kids or a loving wife.

“But Pastor Prince, how do I keep my inner man flowing with righteousness, peace and joy?”

Be conscious of your righteousness in Christ. Don’t be conscious of your sins and problems. Listen to anointed sermons that remind you of how righteous you are because of the perfect sacrifice of Christ. Peace and joy flow when you know that all your sins have been forgiven because of Jesus’ finished work.

So the next time something troubles you, don’t focus on correcting the problem. Instead, seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. Make it a priority to have your inner man flowing with His peace and joy, and He will take care of that problem for you!

Law Or Grace- Verdict Of The Jerusalem Council

Law Or Grace_ Verdict Of The Jerusalem Council

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hope That Does Not Disappoint

I used to hope for something that I really wanted to happen or
for some things that I want to have in my life.

I hoped for a better life, stable job, nice family, good health, prosperity.

But I cannot see the future, so I just kept hoping and

was trapped in a popular adage "Come what may"..

If it comes..Thank you God.
If it doesn't...of course there will be some disappointments somewhere.

I was lost in hoping.

And when I became too "weary" in that state.

I almost gave up hoping.

Again, it was a cycle. And I reaaaaaally wanted to break it.

Now, Jesus had changed me. He changed the way I "hope" for things to come.

He gives me good hope because I am His child..

I am favoured by God! And by His Grace , I know I'd live well !

Yeah, I believe my God is giving me a good future!

A blessed and quality life where I can blog and twit all day all for His Glory!

It doesn't matter where I am today. Whether I am just renting a room here in Singapore.

Or my mom is outhere in Cebu renting her own place too.

Or I only have a hundred $ on my really doesn't matter at all.

Because it is just temporary.

I am in His hands now. And I believe God will see me well, take care of me,

and protect me.

I'm gona keep claiming on that.

So make a way!

Read on...and have a powerful Wednesday!!

"Hope That Does Not Disappoint"

Romans 5:5
5Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

Today, we express hope as if we can’t be sure what will really happen. We say, “I hope I will win that prize. I hope it won’t rain tomorrow. I hope everything works out well.”

But “hope” in the Bible is a confident and positive expectation of good. God wants you to have a confident expectation of good because as His child, He favors you. Because Christ is in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27), you can expect the glory of God to shine into every area of your life, including your family, job, ministry, health and finances!

God’s Word says, “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” You may have experienced disappointed hopes, but there is a hope that does not disappoint when you are conscious of how much God loves you. It is a hope that springs from the heart of God, who loves you very much.

It is interesting that the first mention of the Holy Spirit in the book of Romans is tied up with the love of God. The book of Romans is considered foundational for Christians. Could it be that the first thing the Holy Spirit wants to do is to establish in our hearts that God loves us? Many people think that the Holy Spirit has come to teach us about power. But the truth is that the Holy Spirit has come not to reveal the love for power, but the power of love!

My friend, you may have just lost your job. But if you can say, “Jesus loves me this I know,” you can also say, “I believe that I will get a better job tomorrow.” Your girlfriend may have just left you for your best friend. But because you can say, “Jesus loves me this I know,” you can also say, “I’ll meet a better girl.”

When you believe that God loves you, you will have a positive expectation of good. You will have a hope that does not disappoint. So be careful what you hope for because you are bound to get it!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2009 New Creation Church

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🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️ Take just 12 minutes to experience the healing power of prayer. 🙏...