Showing posts with label normal life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label normal life. Show all posts

Friday, May 2, 2008

Ways to pimp up your life..

For years I was struggling with questions of
sadness, poverty and sickness.

I read on howto books, find out the why's , followed
the instructions no avail!

It only lasted like days, weeks..

The next day, I would wake up still feeling the same ,old pathetic me again.

I tried Mind the Supermind books,etc. and even "How to be a Hero!"


Yeah I was so trying hard back then only to make it worst.

Life was so hard on me. I even thought of death as the only escape to it.

But right now!

With Jesus around...I cannot say a word!

Everyday seems to be a new day...He lifts me up each time I am sad or bored.

He just knows what to do because He knows me well.

It's amazing! NOw , I am not so sad,lonely,or wanting a lot of stuffs just to
satisfy me anymore..I just listen to His words and songs, and that's all there's to it. Makes me happy. The perfect happiness that money or anything else in this world cannot buy.

Jesus is the only way! I am not being religious. Me , just like Jesus hates religion too. With religion, they can tell you to do this and that but with Jesus, He just wants me
to rest in Him and He does all the work. Awesome, isn't it?

Financially, I may not be there yet..But I feel I'm on the right track.
Because Jesus is guiding me.

Just great!

Thank you,Jesus! Thank you for keeping me in your side.

Monday, March 10, 2008

No matter

how difficult my situation right now..I could only look unto God.

It's just awesome when I am in this state...I'd still want Him..longed for His words and just be with Him.

Is it this called the "VICTORY" of life? I don't know yet.

Yes, my mama is back again in the hospital. My bill is up to 49k excluding the would-be maintaining meds that would soon occur. My mama is now stuck in the hospital. My friends could only shake their heads.

I predict, it would be like this for the rest of the week, or even months or year..It will never stop...

So what I shall do?

Have self-pity, mourn and stress myself out to death? Will it benefit me if I stay this way in the first place?

Shall I blame and scold God again for letting these things happen to me?
Curse HIm?
Become an atheist?

I don't think so.
I may feel a bit shaken...
...sometimes I feel my heart stopped from beating..
my feet goes thoughts go blank..BUT...

It cannot stay long. It won't stay long! In Jesus name!

BECAUSE...God loves me..and once I start to feel that amazing love deep within me..
I am on the right track...:)

Do I feel stupid in believing this way?
Then, let me ask you.. Who would you want to believe?

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...