Showing posts with label pains. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pains. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have always thought "DARKNESS" in the Bible just means
committing murder, terrorism or diseases.


I have always thought that when you become a Christian.
Everything will flea.
No more sadness, afflictions , pains , heartachess, etc..
and God will give u a perfect world instantly.

Well, I have thought wrongly.

I have found out.

"DARKNESS" is ..

when you are depressed...
struggling with your afflictions,
heartaches from a broken relationships,
financial turmoil
and career stress.

In this world,

those things will come and attack you every now and then..
Before you know it, you are trap in it.

As a Christian, you would ask God, "Lord, I have done this and that.
why this is happening to me??"

Somewhere along the way you end up struggling with your faith ..

It's self-sabotaging, right?

Some people would seek advices from friends, read books
and watch a movie just to getaway.


at the end of the day.

It all comes back to them...again and again and again..

(Yeah, I know it because I was there.)

When these things happening..
it is not really a question of "what to do" or "where to go"?

it's a question of

WHOM to go to...


It's Jesus..

As I'm typing this right now,

I just had a fight with my ex.

For months I have been struggling with my frustrations over and over again.

Thinking and being torn between having these options of
getting it over real soon
or have the love come back again.

I am so filled with pain and heartaches.
I just wana runaway from it all.
There are times that I feel it's already part of me. ...

or has become me...

It isn't easy at all.

Deep within, gloom is in my heart..
It just keeps haunting me.


I am in darkness..

My ground is shaking right now.

I feel my world is falling apart.
It's sickening with all these pains.


I feel like a loser !!

But guess what..

I am thankful..

You know why?

Because Jesus is in me.

No matter how sad, frustrated , depressed that I become,
His power absorbs it all and resides in me.

Knowing the truth that these are just temporary
gives me Peace and sets me free.

Everytime I feel bad about myself and all the things
that are happening to me, there's this force within me
or something which I cannot explain that lifts my spirit up.

It's cool and all I wana do is just see those negative feelings
flea away from me.

The next moment, I'm back on my feet again ...

to have fun!

I refer to my pains, sadness, afflictions as my "DARKNESS".

But Jesus is my LIGHT

When one is in total darkness and sees just a bit
of spark of light around.. there's hope.

Jesus wraps me around in His love with hope.
I may not know how it happens but just keep that way.


My world maybe shaking right now but I don't fret.

With Jesus...
I know someday I am going to stand above it all
and live a victorious life praising Him.

It's just amazing when you know the truth..

Thank you Jesus for making things new for me!

Thank you Jesus for You are my refuge!
Not alcohol, drugs, or anything...

It's You!

Thank you ...Thank you... Thank you...J E S U S!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Menstrual Problems Attack!

I used to suffer migraines and stomach pains each time
my menstrual cycle comes.

Just before I got saved and have come to known Jesus' as a Healer,
I always thought menstrual cycle problems are part of one's life
and destiny. lolx!

Deep inside each time I felt the pain, I kept asking myself,
is this really part of being a woman? Why is this so?
Is this a curse???
Last time, if I have mine, I could no longer go to work.
I just stayed home the whole day feeling all the pains with tantrums,
bad moods,mood swings.
Meaning, there was no life inside of me.
Then I started to think life sucks if every month
I was going to feel that way.

I googled hoping to find answers.

Some results just gave me a lot of "something-to-dos" but
none of them have really given me a solution.
A long and lasting solution...
I know wordly advice will give you, take painkillers, go to doctor,
have a rest, sleep well, "don't worry-it's part of getting old" ,
drink a lot of water, take yoga,etc.

Deep inside, I knew I didn't get enough of those advices.
I wanted more answers different from the norm.
Something that is permanent and cannot be shaken.

At the back of my mind, someone's telling me,
"Menstrual problems are not part of for more answers."

Getting tired of it all...
I turned to Jesus a year ago.

The results?

Well, I didn't get an instant healing.
Right now, as I'm typing this,
I have my menstrual cycle.

And why am I blogging this?

It's because...

I can tell, that slowly, He is healing me.
I have not suffered migraines and stomach pains for a year now.
I can still feel some pains on some parts of my body on my back..legs..and shoulder.
But none of those pain can stop me from going to work right now,
or having some fun later tonight.

And no, I don't take painkillers !


Deep inside.. I know He is really healing me.
And for now.. each time I feel some pains here and there.

I boldy confess,


Let me say it again..


and again..


and again..


Isaiah 53:5

"But He was wounded for our transgressions.
He was bruised for our iniquites.
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him.

Yes, it's on the Bible.
And that's something to back it out.

As you know, I'd rather believe in the Bible,the words of GOD.
than the words of men.

The words of men can tell you, You have cancer, expect to die..
You have this disease and that...prepare the money for your medications.
There's no medicine that can heal you. Better have dialysis..
go to US for high quality medications,etc.

Well, I can say, It's really up to you.

You can believe the words of the world.
Or believe in the word of GOD.
REad this again..

Isaiah 53:5

"But He was wounded for our transgressions.
He was bruised for our iniquites.
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him.

I don't know.

I really feel so much power in these words.
Why would the Bible say it?
God must have known that in this world, we are meant to be sick.
But in God's world...although you are sick, you can be healed!!!

Thank you Jesus.
For healing me!

If you are a non-believer and is sufferring from any disease.
Just say this.

"Jesus, I don't know who You are or what you can do to my health or disease.
But please, I pray, come to me and heal me.
I know you have longed for me to come back to you.
Here I am, please take me.. and be in control.

The world can give me so much confusions and frustrations.
But You are my peace..and my healer.
Pls. stay with me...
I pray, In Jesus name...

Just say it..
Your faith can heal you..

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Your Blood

Good Monday morning everyone! Let's praise the Lord this time
inspite of our every situation. Don't just say "He may" deliver us from
our pains, heartaches,financial setbacks and sicknesses!
But boldly say. HE HAS DELIVERED US from it all!!
His blood has done it soooooo execeedingly!

Sing with me...
Your Blood - NCC Singapore

🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️

🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️ Take just 12 minutes to experience the healing power of prayer. 🙏...