Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rest. Show all posts

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How To Rest In Jesus and Enjoy Life As A Christian

How To Rest In Jesus and Enjoy Life As A Christian

We always want to make things happen real fast.

We want to have a good life real fast.

We want to enjoy life real fast.

We always look forward to tomorrows for awesome things to come.

We get excited about it.

We get thrilled about it.

But you know, sometimes,
Things get a little weird and not so cooperative with what we want.

It goes on the other way round.

Which leaves us sometimes disappointed, frustated and when we cannot understand everything what's happening at all,
We get depressed.

Agree or disagree?

That's the cycle of life.

In this world, you will always get U turns, setbacks, delays.

And that's a good opportunity to build your character.

So it's ok.

But what if you get real impatient and you feel life is not so good with you?

I say, don't be.

Because I have a Good News for you.

You know while we are very busy planning for our future, God is doing the same thing too.

Want a proof?

Read this.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Jeremiah 29:11

Does that make you smile??

Wooow! Cuz my heart and soul
is dancing right now.


Because you believed in Jesus,
God is in control with your life now.

He knows what's best for you because He has gone ahead before you. He knows what's going to do with your future.


So now that you know,
I encourage you to keep feeding your mind and soul with the word of God.

Rest in His plans for you and just receive His blessings.

If you rest. God is at work.

So relax.

Listen to praise, worship songs. I recommend the Hillsong, Jesus Culture, BoB Fitts, New Creation Church Singapore.

And keep listening to preachers who only preach about grace, about Jesus. About how much Jesus and God loves you. That's your only responsibility.

I recommend Joseph Prince, Joel Osteen, Andrew Wommack and Joyce Meyer. They have Facebook Fan pages and are in youtube. Grab that opportunity to listen to them perhaps 10 mins a day. Yes.5 or 10mins a day.
That's enough to recharge and refresh your spirit.

Ok then. Hope I have imparted some good points and tips in here today.

By the way, if you are in instagram follow me : @JesusDailyPhoto. I post alot of beautiful, inspiring and encouraging photos in there.
Some I have been using here.
So let's move on. Enjoy our day with Jesus at our right hand.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How To Rest in Jesus

Do not boast for your love on Jesus because it wavers.
Instead, boast on His love for You because it's everlasting and no one or nothing can ever change that!

You might say, "Ok yeah. If God loves me then why am I in this situation? Why am I struggling? Frustrated and so empty??"

Let me say, As His Beloved child, you are still a work in progress. God is still fixing you. And while He does that, the devil is surely is in panic. So the devil wants to do everything to get you out of focus from God. He wants to give you problems. Lots of problems to worry about. He wants you to worry about your health, financial debts, career direction, relationships, etc. He wants you to be restless. Your fears are the devil's greatest power. (Remember The Green Lantern Revelation?)
So like The Green Hornet, you have your own will. It's either you fight to become fearless or you let the enemy suck the life out of you.

In Jesus, you don't need to fight anything. You can struggle or fight for awhile but Jesus won't let you do that for long...because
Jesus loves you so and all He wants you to do is to rest..

Ahhhhhhh....what a relief right?
That is good news to me!

Read Matthew 11:28 and you'll see.:)

How to stop fighting and worrying about anything?

Everytime "A little bit" of worry or fear sets in to my brain, I tell Jesus,
" Jesus, I am tired of this problem, and I dont want to worry. I just want to give it all up to you because I know You love me so and I am Your Beloved. I know You will take care of me. "

You can use your own words too.Just freely talk to Him like a child talking to a Daddy.

After I tell these things to Jesus. I always get prompted to listen to worship songs, Jesus-filled preachings and get to relax.

What a wonderful truth. :)

"We always win in the fight of life not because of our love for Him, but because of His love for us!"

- Joseph Prince


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

HAKUNA MATATA means no worries!

What's troubling you today?

your debts?

your kids?


your bf/ gf?

that gadget?

your boredom?

losing your job just like me? hahah!

I say give it all to Jesus so you can sing like the Lion King

"HAKUNA MATATA!" Oh yeaaaaaaah!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Your Only Battle For Today Is The Fight To Remain At Rest

This is one of my fave sermons from Pastor Joseph Prince.

I have always wanted that "REST".

The rest from what's happening in this mad,fallen world.

The rest from all my failings, stress at work, problems at home,
fears and hopes.

Rest from what my mind is trying to feed me...bad, desperate and sad thoughts.

Silly and naughty thoughts.

I tried different ways of getting away from it all like
going somewhere for a vacation, read good books, watch a movie,
listen to good relaxing music

But still...

"rest" seemed so unattainable.

Now, that I have Jesus...

everything is sooooo different.

Without much effort, I can feel that I am enjoying that "rest" in Him.


I cannot explain it, but it's happening.

Maybe that's what I get from listening too much on this sermon.

I have listened to this for like more than 10x already.

And everytime it got into me, fresh revelations always come along with it.

Start by listening now, and you'll see what I mean.

Your Only Battle Today Is The Fight To Remain At Rest

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Don’t Sweat It, Rest!

I used to do things on my own thinking that I was so smart
to deal with it.

I read a lot of how-to books.
How to heal yourself.
How to gain financial success.
How to win friends and influence people.
How to be a millionare.

Name it. lolx!

After finishing a book. I'd get inspired.
For days..and even weeks.

After that, I'm back to my old self again.
Asking another different set of questions this time,
on a different level.

I felt I was just going around
in circles with nothing much changes in my life.

I felt I was so lost and the activities of the world
had stopped inspiring me like I just wanted to end my life
just like that.

The thought of believing God somehow, had helped me to keep on going on.

I felt in my heart, there must be some reasons why I exist.

To find real answers.and discover the TRUTH.

With all the troubles , problems, setbacks that I was having,
that little spark of hope and "FAITH" in me has lead me to
find God.

Because I wanted more out of this life.
I want to live a victorious life!

I wanted a life that has no problems...and no stress.

Now , with Jesus, I found out that there will always be problems
and stress wherever you go. Even on your bed at night, you'd feel it
and then nightmares come to catch you.


There will be problems in this world.
But with Jesus.. you will have a way in how to deal with it.

You can still have problems...but no stress.

Your world maybe shaking but in you there's peace.

Thats the power of staying with Jesus.
You won't get lost because you're with the Light.

For now, I cant say that I am in a perfect situation.
Troubles in my life come again and again.

But what do I do?

My secret.

I just give it all to Jesus..

Now I can always have fun.. No worries..Just pure fun!

Is that what God wants us to do? Be like a child and stay with Him
as our refuge.

Jesus came to give us LIFE!

In many years of my life. I haven't experience this so much peace within.

It's amazing.
Now I don't need to read how-to books anymore.
no, I'm not saying that reading books is bad.
You can do it for gaining knowledge or for some personal pleasure
but to gain God's wisdom.. seek Him.
And everything will have meaning.

I just rest in Him..and I'm secure!

Sharing another powerful message from Pastor Prince.
Enjoy everyone and Happy Christmas!!

Ruth 3:18
18Then she said, “Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will turn out; for the man will not rest until he has concluded the matter this day.”

God does not want you to “sweat”. Sweat here does not refer to your body’s perspiration, but your self-reliance or self-effort. God does not want you to believe that if you don’t do anything, nothing will happen. That may be true for someone without God in his life, but it is not true for you because you have God. And when He is in the picture, the God-factor changes everything!

When you are resting in God, He works for you. In fact, when He works, you end up with more. He is the one who is giving to you. It is not about you trying to give to yourself.

This was what happened to Ruth in the Old Testament. After laboring in the barley fields from morning to evening, she was able to glean one ephah of barley (Ruth 2:17), which was equivalent to a 10-day supply of barley. Certainly, this amount was a blessing to her.

But when she rested at the feet of Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer, and did not labor, she received six ephahs of barley (Ruth 3:15), which was equivalent to a 60-day supply! When Ruth sought her own blessing, she obtained only one ephah. But when she sought the blesser, she received much more.

Ruth’s blessings did not stop there. While Ruth rested and sat still as her mother-in-law Naomi had instructed, Boaz, who was the owner of the barley field, went to work, initiating actions, executing them and speaking on Ruth’s behalf. Right through it all, Ruth sat still and rested. Eventually, Boaz, the barley man himself, married Ruth. (Ruth 4) That meant no more measured wealth of six ephahs, but the yield of the whole barley field in total!

Boaz is a picture of Jesus, our heavenly kinsman-redeemer. When we rest in the Lord, He will not rest. He will work on our behalf. What do we do then? We just trust in and enjoy His love for us.

Beloved, stop striving and be at rest. If salvation, the greatest work, comes to us by resting in Jesus’ finished work, how much more will all the other blessings?

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...