Showing posts with label righteousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label righteousness. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's Not Easy To Be A Christian

Being a Christian is not that easy.

It's not because God or Jesus made it so complicated
But because of some Christians and others made it so.

You get to deal with atheists, "freethinkers" , unbelievers, oprah and even Christians themselves.

They want you to believe in the Truth that they know.

He is right.
She wants to be right.
You are wrong.
I am confused.

Blah blah blah blah.

Yakkity yakkity yak yak yak!

Silence please. . .

What if one day we wake up and find
all our beliefs are wrong?

What if the atheists are right?

That God really is just a figment of our imagination
and we are delusional?

How are we going to deal with it?

In the midst of my confusion I talked to God,

"Hey God, are you hearing this out?
What can you say about this? Cmoooon, I'm having a spiritual warfare again!"

Then suddenly, Abba promptly replied to me..

This verse settles everything.

Yes my Father.

I believe. And will believe no matter what they say about you. Period!

Thank you Jesus for everything.

I feel like crying right now. :(

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'd still worship Him

I have faced so many Goliaths today pointing at me

and reminding me of how I sinful I am.

Yes. too bad. Someway or another,

I may have failed Him because I stumbled,

I got hurt,

I got mad,

I thought unjustly of others

I was pissed.

I lost my temper.

and I somehow, yes..I failed big time.

Funny thing is, this made me more conscious of Jesus' love for me,

thanking Him even more..

Thinking where would I be now if He didn't come to save me?

I thank God every moment of my life for sending His Son, Jesus

so I can be saved.

For now, no matter I do..

or no matter I would feel how unworthy I would become, I'd still declare.

"I am the righteousness of God in Christ!"

So many preachers today preachers a lot of scary things.

You will know that it's scary because it stresses you out.

I'd say, "Ruuuun!"

Just listen to what you heart needs to say...

I know He will guide you..because He is in you.

Let's stand in worship to our Lord and maker!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Confessing Your Righteousness Pleases God

How far can you go when you fail?
Do you divert your attention and party?

Ask for God's forgiveness or lock youself in your room
and contemplate?

Whenever these things strike you.
I have learned, it's how you deal with the situation
that matters the most.

You have a free choice.
Maybe you can just shrug your shoulders off and move on.
Pray intently so you'll receive God's wisdom.
Drink beer.
Take a walk.
Talk it out with a friend.

So many things to do actually.



I know I am not perfect because my bad circumstances
are always there to remind me of how life here on earth
is so messed up.

What do I do everytime I messed it all up over and over again?

I just keep saying ...

" I am the righteousness of God in Christ..."

It gives me a very refreshing feeling.

Everytime I feel I am so bad, judgmental, very impatient with things
and some people, frustrated on some thing and all..

that verse lifts me up each time I fall..

Nobody can truly love us for who and what we are except God.

Thru Jesus' blood we have become so perfect inspite of all our imperfections.

Isn't that a good news???!

I will just keep praising Him because of what He has done for you and me.

I am forever grateful ...and everyday, each time I fail and commit mistakes

I can say boldy,

"I am the Righteousness of God in Christ!"

Confessing Your Righteousness Pleases God

Romans 10:6
6... the righteousness of faith speaks...

Every time you confess, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ”, God the Father is pleased. When you confess that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, it reminds Him of what His Son has done for you to become righteous.

Also, by making you righteous, God is showing Himself righteous — “to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus”. (Romans 3:26)

Each time Jesus hears you confess, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ,” it brings much pleasure to His heart too, because you are laying hold of what He suffered and died to give you.

The Holy Spirit, who now indwells you to convict you of righteousness (John 16:10), also rejoices when you confess, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.” He is pleased when you flow with Him.

The delight of the Godhead is not the only thing you gain when you declare, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.” The Bible tells us that when you “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness… all these things shall be added to you”. (Matthew 6:33)

Whether it is food, clothing or other necessities in life, “all these things” will be added to you. They will not just be given to you, but added to you as your inheritance when you seek first His righteousness.

You don’t need to use your faith for every single need in life. You just need to use your faith for one thing — to believe that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, and it will cause all the blessings you seek to come after you and overtake you!

🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️

🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️ Take just 12 minutes to experience the healing power of prayer. 🙏...