Showing posts with label sin.emotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sin.emotions. Show all posts

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A "typical" Christian

Just lately, my flesh was in a battle..
Let me post my blog that I have saved in my cellphone for a week now.

May 11,2008
A 'typical' Christian

Ok.Someone has cheated on me and I'm furious!
Out of that rage came out saying bad things..mean
thoughts and all.(I didn't say the 4-letter word though.Or even cursing stuffs to that person.)

I'm just an ordinary person,enraged!
Mad for being cheated on.
Then I share it to my non-Christian friends.
What I got?
They judged me! Saying things like,'Look at you, You praise God so much.You are so 'religious' and here u are, acting not what a Christian should do!
It stinged my ears!
So what a Chrisitan should do in situations like this?

I know some would just say, leave it to God,stay calm, don't say bad words because you're a Christian.

Hey!I know I am suppose to act that way..but at the moment,where anger fills my heart-- I CANNOT!

I'm not perfect. If I am then I won't be needing Jesus after all!
Yes! I am Christian. But I'm not holy yet!(just yet)
I hate hearing these kinds of remarks putting a badge on Christians.Judging us as if we don't have feelings anymore.That when you are a Christian, YOU DON't HAVE THE RIGHT to feel or say these things anymore because yeah you're such a Christian!
Reminds me so much of the Pharisees!

I know Jesus has taught us to 'love our enemies'..
I wish I am to become like Jesus in just a snap of a finger..then I could just forgive..and forget..But the way in the world doesn't just work that way!

For now, I'm in a situation where I cannot just forgive yet. So will that make me a bad Christian? A "typical" Christian?

These things somehow are shaking me and my faith.
When I look unto the cross, I feel guilty. Thinking after all what Jesus did in the calvary, getting all the blows and the whippings I fear I might be putting His name in vain because of my own "bad" actions.."

Well, that was a week ago and somehow God has answered it when I went to my service yesterday.

"Where sins abound, the Grace of God Supernaturally abounds.."'s where I have failed, and fallen-short that God's love and Grace wraps me
inside out more and beyond.

Where I am most undeserving..God still loves me..and great Grace will flow through me.
As God speaks it.. I won't need to fear of any judgement at all.

Amazing isn't it?

I will get the exact verse of the Bible next time..

Now, I can walk tall..and still feel God's love no matter what happens.

I claim it because that's my inheritance from Christ!
I need to do it..because that's all I got in this world..
Thank you Jesus for the CROSS!

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