Showing posts with label sins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sins. Show all posts

Monday, December 7, 2009

In Need of a Savior by Alan Riley

In Need of a Savior
Alan Riley

David Miller, a ministry friend of mine relates the story of the birth of his first child. When his son was born, David was sure that there had never been a child born to man and woman to compare to this special child. "But it wasn't long after we brought him home from the hospital," David relates, "that we realized that the chain of sin was still unbroken!"

We laughed when we heard David tell that story, but he makes an important point. His child was born with a sinful nature. You and I were, too. We all were. It is a legacy passed down from Adam. Each one of us at some point in our lives makes a conscious choice to disobey God and sin, but that is because we were born with a sinful nature, a bent toward sinning, if you will.

Sponsor AdPeople sometimes get upset with you if you tell them they are a sinner. They think we are judging them, but in reality that is something that we have in common with them. The Apostle Paul said that he was the "chief of sinners" (1 Timothy 1:15). John reminded us that if we say we have not sinned we are a liar (1 John 1:8).

The late Rich Mullins (writer of "Awesome God" and "Sing Your Praise to the Lord") told the story of getting stranded at an inn while on a hike. To meet back up with his party would require a ten mile walk and he was already spent from the day's hike. He struck up a conversation with a man at the inn and in the course of the conversation, Mullins shared that he was a Christian musician. The man offered to give Mullins a ride to meet his party, but said there was something he needed to tell him first. "I am gay" the man told him. Rich chuckled and replied that he still needed a ride to the drop off point! As he took Rich to meet up with his hiking companions, the man was silent for most of the trip.

Finally he turned to Rich and asked, "Does God hate me?" Mullins wrote that the question, and the heart cry behind it broke his heart. He turned to the man and said, "God loves you as much as He loves me! Yes, God hates the sin in your life, but no more than he hates the sin in my life." The man realized that in Rich Mullins he had found a friend, not a judge. That is how we need to relate to those around us, many of whom are struggling with sin. We aren't better than them, we're just forgiven. When I share Christ with others, I am just one beggar telling another beggar where I found food.

We tend to want to rank sin in order of severity, but God doesn't make such distinctions. It's true that in the Old Testament (Proverbs 6) there is a list of things God despises, but included on that list are lying and sowing discord among brothers. Ever lied before? (If your answer is no, read 1 John 1:8 again!) Sin is sin. It is all rebellion against Him. We are all in need of saving. We are all in need of a Savior.

That is what we celebrate this Christmas season. We need to look beyond all the hype and the materialism of the holiday and focus in on the baby in a manger in Bethlehem. The only child who ever chose to be born. The one who left the glory of heaven to save us from our sins.

He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him. He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. 1 John 1:10-14 (NKJV)

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'd still worship Him

I have faced so many Goliaths today pointing at me

and reminding me of how I sinful I am.

Yes. too bad. Someway or another,

I may have failed Him because I stumbled,

I got hurt,

I got mad,

I thought unjustly of others

I was pissed.

I lost my temper.

and I somehow, yes..I failed big time.

Funny thing is, this made me more conscious of Jesus' love for me,

thanking Him even more..

Thinking where would I be now if He didn't come to save me?

I thank God every moment of my life for sending His Son, Jesus

so I can be saved.

For now, no matter I do..

or no matter I would feel how unworthy I would become, I'd still declare.

"I am the righteousness of God in Christ!"

So many preachers today preachers a lot of scary things.

You will know that it's scary because it stresses you out.

I'd say, "Ruuuun!"

Just listen to what you heart needs to say...

I know He will guide you..because He is in you.

Let's stand in worship to our Lord and maker!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

God Is Not Punishing You For Some Sin

Good day everyon!
Rejoice in this good news everyday of your life and
see how far this TRUTH will take you.

God Is Not Punishing You For Some Sin

Ephesians 1:7
7In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace

Some Christians believe that although you have forgiveness of sins, you are not free from the penalties of your sins. In other words, you can still expect punishment from God. For example, some married Christian couples have been told that they are childless because God is punishing them for having had pre-marital sex. So although God has forgiven them of that sin, He still has to punish them for it.

I am certainly not for pre-marital sex, but I want you to know that God, who is the only one who can fully appreciate the full value of His Son’s blood and who is completely satisfied by His Son’s sacrifice, is at rest in His heart today concerning your sins! That is why He is not against you even when you fail. Neither is He out to punish you when you sin. No, He still loves you, is for you and wants to help you overcome that sin.

In the Old Testament, the blood of bulls and goats could only “cover” sins and not take them away. (Hebrews 10:4) But the blood of Jesus is not like the blood of animals! For by one sacrifice, the eternal blood of the Son of God has forever removed your sins (Psalm 103:12) and cleansed you of all unrighteousness! (1 John 1:9) In fact, God is so satisfied with His Son’s perfect work that He says to you today, “Your sins and lawless deeds I will by no means remember!” (Hebrews 10:17) And if God does not remember them, why would He punish you for them?

Beloved, you have “redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace”. Because Jesus’ work is complete, all your sins have been completely forgiven. And complete forgiveness means that the penalties for your sins can no longer fall on you because they had already fallen on Jesus at the cross. (Isaiah 53:5)

So don’t think for one moment that God is punishing you for some sin just because something bad happened to you. Look to the cross and know that all your sins have already been punished fully in the body of Christ. Believe that God is for you and expect victory!

Source: Pastor Joseph Prince
New Creation Church, Singapore

Unworthy Me!!

Some Christian preachers would simply point their fingers at you making you feel more unworthy of God's love.

Don't fret!

Because it's true.

We are all unworthy.

From the very first day that we came out from our mother's womb, until today. And even tomorrow.

We will always be unworthy of His love.

That's why---

We need Jesus!

That's why Jesus sacrificed Himself at the cross!

He took all our pains, diseases and sins and put it on His perfect and holy body so we, as sinners, if we just BELIEVE in Him,
would become perfect in God's eyes.

God knows that we'd be forever sinful!
And the only way to save us from that is
to have a one-time sacrifice for us all-- forever!

And that's JESUS!!!

Then Jesus , before committing His spirit
to God, cried out loud , 'IT IS FINISHED!!"

Jesus has redeemed us so perfectly!

And now, I know God is no longer mad at us because of what He did.

I am just pissed with some 'perfect' Christians outhere who act like as if they could control the world.

No one knows what's inside in God's heart and mind right now.

But one thing I'm sure of,

That He is no longer mad at you and me who believes.
It's not because that He stooped down to our level as sinners and just forget about everything that we have done but it's because of. ..

Jesus sacrifice on the cross.

So pls, perfect Christians! Stop putting up the show!

If you want someone to really change and lead an honest to goodness holy and perfect life without sins, don't stress him out by telling him what he should do or not!
Lead Him to the cross!!

Don't force him to attend Bible study and memorize scriptures all day, and do good things or tell him to keep track of all the good things that he has done if deep inside he's not into it because that is soooo sickening!

Drown him with the Word!
Not your words but God's Words!

Let the power of God transform his heart instead.
Let him enjoy His presence and not runaway from Him!

I believe in God's power to change people

I honor Jesus' blood when He shed it for my own sake so I can have a LIFE!!

I know, Jesus one time sacrifice on the cross has washed my sins clean.

I am now perfect in God's eyes all because

And God knows I'll be forever thankful for it.

Yeah! I am unworthy. I am a sinner.

But I spend most of my time praising Him.

What about you 'perfect' Christians.

I bet you spend most of your time trying to point out someone else's mistakes somewhere while holding your Bible bombarding them with scriptures!

Well, I say to you. It shall take you forever.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Don't tell me what to do!

I'm a Christian but please don't tell me what to do!

Ok I have received this in my inbox from one of my Christian groups
in facebook who preached...

"How can you say you are a follower of Jesus if you associate with the world, compete with the world and want to be like the world? If you follow Jesus you will talk like Jesus, live like Jesus and act like Jesus. Who are we fooling but ourselves?"

Let me ask you,
how do you feel if you read something like this?

If you're not a believer yet, probably, you'd stay away from Jesus
because honestly, it's hard to become like Jesus!

If you're a baby Christian, this may lead you to ask a lot of questions
and wonder if you're on the right congregation or not..confusing you even more.

Or you might start to have some doubts if you really want to follow Jesus
..because in the reality and human as we's really hard to act like Jesus.

And then one day you just decide
to finally give up your faith on somewhere you think is practical and easy because that thought itself of "following Jesus" is stressing you out.

Been there ! Done that!

I stayed away from Jesus for so long because of this kind of preaching.
"If you're a Christian, you must become like one..act like that!"

Helllooooo! Don't give me those LAWS!!!

How to become like Jesus??

I don't want to become a hypocrite.
I can honestly say to you that I can't.

If I, with my own power and might, I'd become Jesus.

Then I wouldn't need Jesus in my life anymore!

Just like if you become a superman or any other heroes..

You don't need someone with a special power same as you to save the world.
or else, the other one will become useless.

Well, that's what I thought!

It's really hard to become like Jesus!

Believing God with whom you haven't seen personally is a
struggle enough of your faith.

So pleeeeease , "Perfect" Christians..let me walk in faith first.

I want to become UNCONSCIOUSLY like Jesus!

That I do good, not because doing good is good but it just merely comes
naturally in me...unconsciously.

I feel so mad right now.

I hate this kind of Christian preaching!

If I won't become like Jesus...then at least let me stay with Him..

Is that so much of a problem with you oh so "perfect" Christians???

(Speaks in tongues)

Everytime I feel like this.. I just grab one of Pastor Joseph Prince' sermon
and get drown with it.

and oh, one more thing, if you perfect Christians are really into so following and acting like Jesus..then let me ask you.. Did Jesus use the internet too?
By joining facebook and be online and looking for some sinners to point your gun into
and firing out your bullets on facebook or any other social networking sites
is you call what?! lolx!

Keys To Manifesting The Glory Of His Presence

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Those so -called "PERFECT" Christians!

Just today, some so called "perfect" Christians are getting on my nerves.
But I rebuke it IN JESUS NAME!!

They say, if one is in Jesus..they must not sin and stay away from sins.

My question

It's just easy for them to tell you, you must not do this, you must not do that!
Stay perfect!

How to stay perfect??? We are still in this world!

What if I lose my temper like right now where some things have been pissing me off??
What if I hate someone and cannot forgive yet.
What if I lie a little bit or lied big.
What if I judge or say some bad things on someone unconsciuosly out of
What if someone spat at me, cheated on me and steal something from me?
Am I just going to shrug my shoulder off and say, "it's meant to be!"

Before knowing the truth and I was still lost in this world,
those "perfect" Christians have already robbed me off from the love of God
that's meant for me.
Ignorant and not knowing Him yet, had made me stay away from Him for so long.

Now, that I know that....

God has forgiven me for my past, present and future sins by the blood of Jesus.

NO ONE can make me stay away from Him anymore.

I'm gona fight the good fight of faith!

My God is a good God.

..I am now made perfect in His eyes because of Jesus.

That's the only truth that I can brag about and stay sane in this mad-fallen world!

Pastor Prince is right.

The first thing that I must do is to be conscious of my position in Christ.

I am the righteousness of God in Christ- no matter what!

Be Conscious Of Your Position In Christ

John 15:5
5“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

In this verse, Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” He did not say, “I am the vine, try to be the branches.” In other words, He wants us to realize that we are already the branches. We do not have to struggle to become the branches.

As His branches, we only have to abide or remain in Christ our vine. How do we do that? We do that by simply being conscious every day of our position in Christ. Because we have received Christ, we are in Christ and are accepted in the Beloved. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 1:6) God accepts us because we are in the Beloved and He is in us. And that is how God sees us today when we come into His presence.

What the devil wants to do then is to get you to focus on your condition instead of your position in Christ. The condition you are facing could be financial lack or deteriorating health. The devil wants you to focus on your condition and forget your position — that you are the righteousness of God in Christ and that you are seated with Him in heavenly places at the Father’s right hand. (2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 2:6) He wants you to forget that you are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. (Romans 8:17)

The devil knows that once you focus on your position in Christ, it will give you the power to change your condition and circumstances. John 15:5 says that you will bear “much fruit”. This means that when you pray against any lack, abundant supply will flow. When you pray for healing, sickness will leave.

My friend, none of these things can happen by your own doing, but by His life which flows through you. Just as sap flowing through the branches of a vine will cause them to bring forth fruit, His life flowing through you will bring forth a bountiful harvest of prosperity, healing and miracles. You only need to remain conscious of who you are in Christ!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Devil and The Duck

The Devil & the Duck (I'M IN THE 93%)
There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm..

He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods.
He practiced in the woods; but he could never hit the target.
Getting a little discouraged, he headed back for dinner.
As he was walking back he saw Grandma's pet duck.

Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck square in the head and killed it. He was shocked and grieved!
In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile; only to see his Sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing.

After lunch the next day Grandma said, 'Sally, let's wash the dishes'
But Sally said, 'Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.'
Then she whispered to him, "Remember the duck?'
So Johnny did the dishes.
Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing and Grandma said, 'I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make supper.'
Sally just smiled and said, 'well that's all right because Johnny told me he wanted to help?
She whispered again, 'Remember the duck?' So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed to help.

After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally's; he finally couldn't stand it any longer.
He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck.
Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug and said, 'Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a slave of you.'

Thought for the day and every day thereafter:
Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done... And the devil keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, cheating, debt, fear, bad habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, etc.)...whatever it is...You need to know that:
God was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing.

He has seen your whole life... He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven. He's just wondering how long you will let the devil make a slave of you.
The great thing about God is that when you ask for forgiveness; He not only forgives you, but He forgets.

It is by God's grace and mercy that we are saved.
Go ahead and make the difference in someone's life today.
Share this with a friend and always remember:
God is at the window!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Count On God’s Forgiveness

I am forever thankful for Jesus for His blood.
He died because of me and God sees me now spotless and without sin.
Isn't that great?

My failures and wrongdoings will always try to catch up with me.
Point a finger at me, nagging me.

But Jesus' blood covers me.And that's all I have.
I will never ever let the TRUTH be taken away from me.

Because that is only my PEACE.


I am just human. I can't help sometimes but misbehave.

If I misbehave?

I just focus on the cross.

If I get so frustrated?

I focus on Jesus sacrifice.

I just keep focusing on JEsus.

You know why?

BEcause He is my PEACE from above all these.


Count On God’s Forgiveness

Hebrews 10:2
2... For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins.

What are you more conscious of today? Your sins or the fact that you have been forgiven? My friend, don’t be conscious of your sins. Be conscious instead of Jesus and His finished work. The Lamb of God has taken away all your sins at the cross, so count on the fact that you are a forgiven child of God!

No matter what has happened or what you have done, God wants you to know that because of His Son’s finished work, He will be merciful to your unrighteousness, and your sins and lawless deeds He will remember no more. (Hebrews 8:12)

That is why you should not be conscious of your sins. In fact, when you are sin-conscious, the devil brings in condemnation, and the more you receive it and condemn yourself, the more you will find yourself unforgiving toward yourself and even others.

I was told by a pastor friend that when a lady, who had cancer on her face, asked for prayer for healing, the Lord revealed to him that it was self-hatred that was keeping her from receiving her healing. She could not forgive herself and was full of self-condemnation.

When she realized her problem, she counted on the fact that God was merciful to her unrighteousness and that she was already forgiven. She received the love of God. Then, right before the pastor’s eyes, her whole face changed — she received her healing that very moment!

Something happens when you believe that you are forgiven. That is why God says to you, “I want you to believe that all your sins I will remember no more. I want you to believe that you are My child enjoying My mercy and that you can always count on My forgiveness.”

Beloved, remember that all your sins have already been paid for by Jesus on the cross. And the more you count on the fact that you have the Father’s forgiveness and that He does not condemn you because of Jesus’ finished work, the more sin and its effects — sickness, hatred, lack and so on — will lose their grip on you. You will find yourself walking in a greater measure of God’s grace and blessings!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Jesus — King And Lord Over The Storm

As of now, I can say, I am in a storm.
Financially, yes!
My finances are dwindling.
I wish to get out of this real soon.

I am hoping for a miracle...

Fortunately, I am a child of God now..
So, I don't want to spend my time and energy thinking
on how to deal with it...alone..
For I know that it will only frustrate and stress me out big time.

I have had enough of those!!

My focus now, is in JESUS.

He is my only way. My only way out!

That's why.
just as these circumstances may come every now and then
to shake me down.. I DO NOT FEAR!

I am above all my circumstances because
Jesus is my redeemer.

How is He going to deal with it?
I don't know.

For now, the message I'm going to share with you
is keeping my soul at peace.

Inspite of everything that's happening around me,

I am at peace.



in the midst of my confusions,
I still end up reading His words, listening to His praises.

God does not promised a perfect life in this world,

But He did promise , that He shall deliver us from
everything bad that's coming our way!

So , stand still and feel His power!


Jesus — King And Lord Over The Storm

Matthew 14:27
27But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”

Are you going through a dark, difficult moment in your life? Perhaps the storm just rages on with no let-up and you are trembling in fear. You feel that any time now, you may just cave in and go under because you cannot beat this storm.

Be comforted that Jesus sees what you are going through and He always comes to where you are in your darkest hour. He did that for His disciples one stormy night on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus came, walking on the stormy waters, walking on top of the problem that was threatening to overwhelm them. He is indeed the King and Lord over the storms!

When your eyes are on Christ, even though the storms are raging and the winds are blowing, you will know that you are above your troubles and circumstances. When people ask you how you are doing under the circumstances, tell them, “I am not under the circumstances. I am on top of them because my God is above all!”

Don’t be fearful. He will come to you walking on the stormy waters. Hear His comforting voice telling you, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”

And as you behold Jesus, you become like Him. You will find yourself doing things you did not know you could do. You will, like Peter, walk on water. This happens when you are occupied with the person of Jesus, with His resources, love, wisdom, ability, power and majesty.

My friend, even during the times when you take your eyes off Jesus, He never takes His eyes off you. And when you cry out to Him, He will immediately stretch out His hand to catch hold of you. You will not go under.

There may be times that you are not able to find your way back. Jesus will then hold your hand and walk you back to the boat. And like Peter, you will realize that with your hand in His, the storm will come to a standstill!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Barrier To Receiving From God

Are you doing things in your life that hinder the supply of God's blessings in your life? Are you disqualifying yourself from being blessed? In this message, discover the truth that God is constantly blessing His children, yet many Christians today disqualify themselves from receiving any of it. Let Joseph Prince show you from the story of the Syrian leper Naaman, how you can attract God’s grace in your life and get your miracle. Through it, you will also learn how to stop hindering God's goodness, and guarantee all round success in your life.

The Barrier To Receiving From God

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sin Cannot Stop God’s Grace!

People thought God is like our parents..
We do good. we get good. Good stuffs, praises and rewards etc.
We do bad, we get beat. We must be allowance for the week clubbings..

Well, I used to think of God that way too.
Just before I became a Christian, I used to think God
will punish me everytime I commit a single mistake.
No matter how big or small it is. I feared He's always at my
back , trying to catch me.

That's why for years, I kept my distance from His presence.
Some wrong teachings had led me to fear Him.
Instead of calling on Him in times of trouble, I blamed Him
for everything. Lolx! I oould just laugh at myself few years back.


I am just so glad Pastor Prince has changed the way I think
of God.
Right now, even in my saddest part of my life, it's Him I think of.
God is not behind my troubles and heartaches..He is there to lift me up.

God didn't promise a perfect world, but He sent His Son
Jesus, so we can have a perfect and victorious life in this
mad, fallen world.

What a revelation, right?

I'm sharing another powerful daily devotional message from Pastor Prince.
Enjoy and have a great day ahead!

"Sin Cannot Stop God’s Grace!"

Romans 5:20
20Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,

When a top executive is charged for corruption or a church minister is caught in the very act of adultery, you will probably hear the phrase “fallen from grace” being used of them. We have come to believe that when someone falls into sin, he falls from grace.

But God wants us to know that when someone falls into sin, he does not fall from grace — he actually falls into grace! Thank God His grace is there to put the person back on his feet.

The Bible tells of prostitutes and corrupt tax collectors — sinners — who fell into God’s grace and got back on their feet. If the sin in their lives could stop God’s grace, they would never have been able to receive His grace of healing, help and power to live right.

Now, it is important you understand that God hates sin because it destroys our lives, relationships and bodies. Sin is evil! But sin is not overcome by us talking about it and relying on our willpower to overcome it. It takes God’s grace to destroy sin. In fact, it is when you are under His grace that sin has no dominion over you. (Romans 6:14) It is when you see His grace in providing His Son to put away your sins and make you eternally righteous that sin will not dominate you.

The devil will say to you, “You think that you can still expect God’s blessings after what you did this morning?” That is when you must remind yourself that Christ alone is your perfection and righteousness. All of us have faults. None of us deserve God’s blessings. That is why we plead the grace of God, which is His unearned, unmerited and undeserved favor toward us.

Sin does not and cannot stop God’s grace. If His grace can be cut off by sin, Jesus would never have come to save us because we were all terrible sinners. But praise God, “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more”!

My friend, God’s grace is bigger, deeper, wider and more powerful than all the world’s sins put together. Receive His grace right now to walk in total victory over that weakness or evil habit in your life!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Thank you Jesus

My Daily Verse
“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.” (1 John 2:1)

I love this daily verse I received for today.
What would i do without You, Jesus?
You have made me righteous in the eyes of God because of your blood
and sacrifice.

Thank you Jesus!

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...