Showing posts with label struggles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label struggles. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

God Will Never Fail You

Guess what,
I got my dream job today!

Thank You Jesus!

This just made me smile.

My heart is rejoicing...
not only because I got my dream job.
But this is just one of the many.many miracles that our Abba , Father has showered me.


This is pure favour and grace from Him.

I don't deserve all these.

What a wonderful Lord!

Just to share,

this afternoon while I was on my way to my interview,
I was running late.

I told the Indian cab driver to hurry cuz I was already late.

But then to my surprise, he replied

" Don't worry, you are in a Christian cab.
You will get the job! Amen!"

Hope I could meet him again and personally thank Him.


God has really been pouring His blessings on me.

Even if there were days that I got scared.

Just thankful the Holy Spirit has kept me well.

While I was going through a lot of struggling thoughts, I kept praying to Abba to give me strength and hope.

And He never fail me yet.

So I am writing this for you.

As you go through life,
there will be ups and downs, complications, struggles.
But you are blessed because you are a Christian. And Jesus is your only HOPE.

My tip,

everytime you get scared and don't know what to pray at all,
just call "Abbbaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

He is listening.

His peace and comfort shall set you back on track!

I don't know know what you are going through rigth now,
but I say just talk to Jesus all the way.
He has all the answers.

He is the answer.

Jesus is the solution to all of our problems!

So stick with Jesus yeah?

He will never let you down.

Thank You Jesus for my new job.

Will share more of this on my next blog.

Goodnight everyone!

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Bear - Film by Jean-Jacques Annaud

"The Bear" is an unusually involving film about animals that will give you a fresh perspective on their world.

Like the cub, everyone of us is struggling and fighting over
the devil's attack in our lives.

Not knowing where to go or where to seek help from,
we run just to escape from it all.

But the devil is persistent in getting us back to his snare
and become his prey.

He is there to show off that he is strong and we are weak.

That we are nowhere to go and nothing else to do but eat his dust..

Sometimes we fight back...on our own strength we feel strong.

But if it keeps going on.. it becomes so sickening!

Then we get tired and we feel we must give up.

Yes, frustrations keep reminding us that it is just easy to give up.

...but humans as we's our instinct to fight so we can

live and survive...

then one moment , we are back on our feet again..

to run...

again and again and again and again.


we manage to reach the end of our rope with struggles, pains, heartaches
and confusions..

This time

we can't do anything else with our own strength but groan.


where everything else turns dark...there's a light somewhere.

And we reach towards that light. Because it's our only hope.

Our only help.

and suddenly, everything else feels so light..

..the devil flees right away because he knows it's God.


we have come home ... God, our only protector, our redeemer ,

our Daddy!

Feeling so lost, we cry out to Him and get drown in His love...

and finally we can say,

"There's no place like Home."

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have always thought "DARKNESS" in the Bible just means
committing murder, terrorism or diseases.


I have always thought that when you become a Christian.
Everything will flea.
No more sadness, afflictions , pains , heartachess, etc..
and God will give u a perfect world instantly.

Well, I have thought wrongly.

I have found out.

"DARKNESS" is ..

when you are depressed...
struggling with your afflictions,
heartaches from a broken relationships,
financial turmoil
and career stress.

In this world,

those things will come and attack you every now and then..
Before you know it, you are trap in it.

As a Christian, you would ask God, "Lord, I have done this and that.
why this is happening to me??"

Somewhere along the way you end up struggling with your faith ..

It's self-sabotaging, right?

Some people would seek advices from friends, read books
and watch a movie just to getaway.


at the end of the day.

It all comes back to them...again and again and again..

(Yeah, I know it because I was there.)

When these things happening..
it is not really a question of "what to do" or "where to go"?

it's a question of

WHOM to go to...


It's Jesus..

As I'm typing this right now,

I just had a fight with my ex.

For months I have been struggling with my frustrations over and over again.

Thinking and being torn between having these options of
getting it over real soon
or have the love come back again.

I am so filled with pain and heartaches.
I just wana runaway from it all.
There are times that I feel it's already part of me. ...

or has become me...

It isn't easy at all.

Deep within, gloom is in my heart..
It just keeps haunting me.


I am in darkness..

My ground is shaking right now.

I feel my world is falling apart.
It's sickening with all these pains.


I feel like a loser !!

But guess what..

I am thankful..

You know why?

Because Jesus is in me.

No matter how sad, frustrated , depressed that I become,
His power absorbs it all and resides in me.

Knowing the truth that these are just temporary
gives me Peace and sets me free.

Everytime I feel bad about myself and all the things
that are happening to me, there's this force within me
or something which I cannot explain that lifts my spirit up.

It's cool and all I wana do is just see those negative feelings
flea away from me.

The next moment, I'm back on my feet again ...

to have fun!

I refer to my pains, sadness, afflictions as my "DARKNESS".

But Jesus is my LIGHT

When one is in total darkness and sees just a bit
of spark of light around.. there's hope.

Jesus wraps me around in His love with hope.
I may not know how it happens but just keep that way.


My world maybe shaking right now but I don't fret.

With Jesus...
I know someday I am going to stand above it all
and live a victorious life praising Him.

It's just amazing when you know the truth..

Thank you Jesus for making things new for me!

Thank you Jesus for You are my refuge!
Not alcohol, drugs, or anything...

It's You!

Thank you ...Thank you... Thank you...J E S U S!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Integrity- Where Am I?


Funny how this word can strike me twice in a day.

Once, when a friend of mine,
...upon knowing I still keep doing the things that hurt me the most.
And why I don't stand firm on the things that I believe to be are 'right'.
or as categorized as right have asked me 'Where's my integrity ?'

Twice, in my cellgroup. The topic of the night
It's where some characters on the book of Daniel
have shown integrity towards God inspite of their endangered situation.

As my friend puts it. Integrity is

"-standing for what is true
-being honest..about yourself, about your life, about ur convictions
and standing for it even if your circumstances or situation is endangered
another term wich can be related with integrity is compromise.."

In my current situation, "integrity" seems so hard to fathom.
For I know I have not been so honest with myself lately.
Moreover, grasping the thought of 'standing firm'
to what seem to be is right doesn't give me enough reasons
to just give in. Yeah Im stubborn alright.

Why am I still doing things that I know must come to a stop?
Why one day the inconsistency of my actions bring me so
much pain and then the next or few days I still end up doing
the same thing all over again.
Getting more pain a/nd hurt even more.


Yes so many why's.

There's some parts of the lyric in a song
'Love them like Jesus' of the Casting Crowns that says

"The love of her life is drifting away
They're losing the fight for another day
The life that she's known is falling apart
A fatherless home, a childs broken heart

You're holding her hand, you're straining her words.
You trying to make sense of it all
She's desperate for hope,darkness clouding her view.
She's looking to you

Just love her like Jesus, carry her to Him
His yoke is easy, His burden is light
You don't need the answers to all of life's questions
Just know that He loves her and stay by her side
And love her like Jesus.

The gifts lie in wait, in a room painted blue
Little blessing from Heaven would be there soon
Hope fades in the night , blue skies turn to gray
As the little one slips away

Lord of all creation holds our lives in His hands
The God of all nations holds our lives in His hands
The Rock of our salvation holds our lives in His hands
He cares for them just as He cares for you."

It's just easy to point on what's right or wrong.
Standing firm on what you think is "right" or "wrong"
starts the battle.

As for me. I will just keep resting on Him for I know
there will be a lot of questions from now on as I go along.

Do I really need to know all the answers to it?

Maybe yes.
Maybe no.

But one thing is needful. I'll just keep looking at the cross.
No buts or if's.
I am just thankful because as I continue to feel this way,
out of my confusions and my troubled heart..
Jesus' love for me has set me free!

The best prescription!

Now, I really need to do that haircut!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Out of Gas!

I have recieved this devotional from Ed Wrather's website
I don't wana run of gas neither...That's why I keep flooding my ipod with God's words, practical sermons of our Pastor just to keep me going each day.

Read on so you will know what I am talking about.:)

"Out of Gas

(Update of a devotional from 1998)

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, “If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.” But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” - Matthew 4:1-4.

Just a day or two ago in Cookeville, Tennessee three thieves ran into a problem while making their getaway. The three were in the process of stealing a recliner from a Goodwill store. Now, they did succeed in loading the recliner into their truck and they were able to begin to drive away but that was when their problems started. Before leaving the parking lot of the store the truck ran out of gas and by that time someone had called the police about the break-in. They were all arrested and have been charged with the attempted theft.

Some of you may never have run out of gasoline in your car. It has only happened to me once and that was enough! I was 17 years old and a friend had set up a double date for us. We were on our way to pick up the girls and I was in a hurry. It was a complete shock when the car began to spit and sputter and then die. Needless to say we were late for the date, and the evening turned out badly which was probably for the best.

Spiritually we can run out of gas as well. We are busy people with jobs, children, their activities, our activities, church, our responsibilities at church, and church activities. We are preoccupied with the immediate. Then it happens, a crisis comes into our lives and we find that the spiritual tank is empty. We turn to the Lord and try to fill it back up but the crisis is such that everything we take in immediately goes back out. We put on our happy faces and pretend that everything is okay but really we are just barely crawling, trying to make it through another day. Sound familiar?

The fact is we can’t wait until that storm blows in to fill up the tank. Just as we need physical food frequently in order to live we also need spiritual food. We need that daily intake of reading, studying, and meditating upon the Word of God. We also need to pray every day. Jesus says to pray in the Lord’s Prayer, the model prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11).” In Mark 1:35 we are told, “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” Jesus had a quiet time and we need one every day too - preferably early in the morning before beginning our day.

Maybe it’s time to fill up the tank? Don’t let the devil catch you when you’re, out of gas!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How To Change Your Mom?

I thought of some ways in how to change my mom's attitude
and the way she thinks about life and all.
She hates my cousin and she wants to move out to a new place.
Literally, she hates everything and the only thing
that could brighten up her day is when I send her some cash.

Last time, everytime this situation would pop out...
I would really get a bad headache. As in reaaal bad headache
that I just wanted myself out somewhere
where I can be alone and have peace!

I wanted escape!

I wanted to do something
or have something that could bring me to a relax state.

See how my mind played tricks on me again?

...drowning me even more with all those
negative thoughts that keep nagging at me?

But stop right there!

It is just my thoughts!

So no matter where I go or what I do...the next moment it will
come to attack me again!

There's no escape to it.

Heelp! I need Superman!

Yeah! Those were just my were my struggles!

So I asked myself, will thinking too much about this situation
help me in some ways?

How could just one thought bring me sooo down and made me feel so
weak inside?

It must be so powerful!

Another question pop out, Will it help me overcome my problem?

...the answer?


I fought my negative thoughts with POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!
...and have added extra little creativity in it.

So, I imagined the situation and have put it inside my "getaway box".
(It's in my previous blog if you want to check it out)

And boy, am I so glad I did it!

Right now, as my mom keeps bugging me on what she wants to do and where
she wants to go...guess, it is not my problem anymore.

It's JESUS' job!

Of course , i love my mom. and I just want the best for her ,
I want to take action.
But the weird feeling comes when everytime I want to do something
in my mom's situation...a thought keeps poking me that says,
" hey! You have given it up to me so you have no right
to deal with the situation again.
It's all mine!So relax and do your thing!"

Amazing ,isn't it????

It must be God or Jesus telling me those stuffs!

So , I just rest in Them..

And I want this thing to become a habit..

A habit that is soooo hard to break
as the song goes:)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sometimes I Hide By: Amber Riebe

Got this nice message from my Facebook friend, Amber.
BUt I just need to tweak the title a little for me..
I always run to Jesus 24/ matter what.
Read on...and may this have a revelation to your current situation too.
Whatever it is whether heartache,financial setback,sickness,boredom or depression.

Sometimes this life is too much for me.
and it’s all I can do just to breathe.
Sometimes the wind blows way too strong
and I feel like I’m barely hanging on.
Sometimes this life drags me down
and it’s all I can do just to crawl around.
Sometimes Your plans are so hard to see
and I feel the walls of life caving in on me.

When everything becomes too much
and this road I’m on becomes too rough
I feel the stress rising like the tide
So I run from it all…and I hide.

Sometimes this road seems too long
and I find that the way I thought was right, is wrong.
Sometimes the pressure of life is more than I can take
and I feel like I’m walking a tightrope that’s about to break.
Sometimes it takes all my strength just to pray
and I don’t know if I can make it through another day.
Sometimes I just stop and fall to my knees
and it feels like no one’s standing up for me.

When everything becomes too much
and this road I’m on becomes too rough
I feel the stress rising like the tide
So I run from it all…and I hide.

Sometimes the waters are just too high.
And when I look over the ocean I fall apart inside.
Sometimes I think I only want You to hold my hand
but You pull me to my feet and help me stand.
Sometimes in the midst of my trouble I smile
and people wonder why.
But I know it’s because when life becomes too much,
in You I hide.

When everything becomes too much
and this road I’m on becomes too rough
I feel the stress rising like the tide
So I run from it all…and I hide.

Sometimes I’m not sure what to do
and all I can do is run to You.
Sometimes by my fears I’m chased
so I run to You ‘cause You’re my hiding place.
Sometimes I feel my life begin to crumble
so I hide in You and You preserve me from my trouble.
You help me through every circumstance
and You surround me with songs of deliverance.

When everything becomes too much
and this road I’m on becomes too rough
I feel the stress rising like the tide
So I run from it all…and I hide.

When I just can’t figure out what to do
I give up on myself and I turn to You.
When the mountain of trouble is too high to climb
I don’t even try, instead I hide.

You are the place I go to hide.
You draw me in and bring me close to Your side.
Sometimes people ask why I smile when I should cry
and I tell them, “sometimes I hide.”
You’re the reason why I make it through,
I prevail over my troubles because I hide in You.
Jesus, I know the only reason why…
is because in You is where I hide.

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this powerful and timely sermon, Pastor Prince reveal...