It's in the Bible.
While people of the world are scared, in panic and wondering what's happening because of the massive flood from my country, the Philippines, here comes an earthquake in Indonesia, Tsunami in Samoa and the latest I've read from twitter in southeast California here I am, feeling so at peace.
Do I really need to be scared?
I don't think so.
For 2 things.
I know the TRUTH. And second
Jesus said not to worry about anything.
What's happening lately are one of the signs in His coming.
It's rapture time!
Excitement stirs up for those who believe in His coming.
Fear, depression, panic and stress stir up to those who are stubborn to believe.
I am still praying for everyone because it's not too late yet for those who have doubts.
We don't know what will happen next.
Safest way, is just to Believe.
-- Post From My iPhone