Showing posts with label worry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worry. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How To Rest in Jesus

Do not boast for your love on Jesus because it wavers.
Instead, boast on His love for You because it's everlasting and no one or nothing can ever change that!

You might say, "Ok yeah. If God loves me then why am I in this situation? Why am I struggling? Frustrated and so empty??"

Let me say, As His Beloved child, you are still a work in progress. God is still fixing you. And while He does that, the devil is surely is in panic. So the devil wants to do everything to get you out of focus from God. He wants to give you problems. Lots of problems to worry about. He wants you to worry about your health, financial debts, career direction, relationships, etc. He wants you to be restless. Your fears are the devil's greatest power. (Remember The Green Lantern Revelation?)
So like The Green Hornet, you have your own will. It's either you fight to become fearless or you let the enemy suck the life out of you.

In Jesus, you don't need to fight anything. You can struggle or fight for awhile but Jesus won't let you do that for long...because
Jesus loves you so and all He wants you to do is to rest..

Ahhhhhhh....what a relief right?
That is good news to me!

Read Matthew 11:28 and you'll see.:)

How to stop fighting and worrying about anything?

Everytime "A little bit" of worry or fear sets in to my brain, I tell Jesus,
" Jesus, I am tired of this problem, and I dont want to worry. I just want to give it all up to you because I know You love me so and I am Your Beloved. I know You will take care of me. "

You can use your own words too.Just freely talk to Him like a child talking to a Daddy.

After I tell these things to Jesus. I always get prompted to listen to worship songs, Jesus-filled preachings and get to relax.

What a wonderful truth. :)

"We always win in the fight of life not because of our love for Him, but because of His love for us!"

- Joseph Prince


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, May 3, 2010

Refuse To Worry by Joel Osteen

Today’s Verse: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life” (Matthew 6:27, NIV).

Word for Today:

Are you worrying about something today? To worry means to allow something to revolve in your mind over and over again. God doesn’t want you to live worried or anxious about anything. He knows that worry steals your peace and joy. It affects every area of your life. Have you heard the saying, “Don’t worry yourself sick?” That’s because worrying affects your physical body. It affects your sleep. You won’t ever gain anything by worrying; in fact, you’ll lose precious moments that you can never get back again. The good news is that God has promised that you can have victory over worry. It starts by making the choice to trust in Him. When you cast your cares on Him, He will give you His peace.

Decide today to put an end to worry in your life. Choose to feed your faith and fill your mind with God’s promises. As you focus on God’s Word, you’ll drive out worry and fill your heart with faith and expectancy; and you’ll be empowered to move forward into the life of blessing He has in store for you!

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today I choose to put an end to worry in my life. I choose to feed my faith by studying Your promises and declaring Your Word over my life. Help me to totally trust in You today and every day. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Monday, January 4, 2010

God said NOT TO WORRY.

Yes Lord. What am I so anxious about?
The world keeps poking me to worry about this and that.
Will it help improve my health one bit? Nonsense.

Teach me Lord.

Im weary.

I just want your REST...

Please keep me in your love.

( I Love Philippians!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Complaining = Self-destruction

It's funny how the world learns to utter words of dis-ease but find it sooo difficult to utter God's words of healing
like when feeling sick --> "By Jesus stripes, I am healed!".

Or when dealing with fears "God is my refuge, whom shall I fear!".

Or if stressed from anything maybe at work, career,relationships,
"I can do all things through Christ!"

I've read alot of facebook and ym stats sighing, complaining,etc.

Personally ,I am now against it.
One must be really careful for the power of life and death lies in our tongues.
Speak it and have it!

It's a very unhealthy lifestyle !!!

I wonder why schools never thought of teaching "How to Reign Over Life that sucks!" lolx!

I have a bad headache right now. But I am not going to write it on my stats as a highlight. Beat that devil! I can only say "Thank you Jesus for healing me! I know by your stripes I am healed!!!!!"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Turn Your Cares Into Prayers

You need to read this. It has blessed me so well.


Turn Your Cares Into Prayers

Philippians 4:6
6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

My friend, God doesn’t want you to be fearful, fretful or anxious. Instead, He wants you to “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”.

So when you have a care or worry, straightaway, turn that care or worry into prayer. That is supplication. And when you are troubled by a care or worry that you don’t know how to pray for, pray in the Spirit or tongues. And in the midst of that prayer, thank God that He is already your healing, provision, prosperity, good success and victory. That, my friend, is thanksgiving.

“Pastor Prince, if I am worried about something, how long should I pray?”

Keep on praying. Pray in the Spirit until the worry lifts or dissipates, “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 4:7)

This was what one of our church members did when he found himself anxiously trying to access some important data in his USB flash drive. After a whole day at it with no results, he finally stopped himself from being anxious and instead, turned his worry into prayer, asking the Lord to settle it for him. As he prayed in tongues, he was also thankfully repeating in his heart that having the Holy Spirit — the Helper — with him was to his advantage. (John 16:7)

Later that evening, using his wife’s computer, he succeeded in accessing the data in his flash drive after a few attempts. He quickly backed up the data. It was only when subsequent attempts to use the flash drive on his wife’s computer failed did it suddenly dawn on him that God had “resurrected” his flash drive that one time, just for him to recover his data!

Beloved, I believe that we would all worry a lot less and enjoy our lives a lot more if only we realized this truth: Our Abba Father is so strong that there is nothing He cannot do, and He is so loving that there is nothing He will not do for us!


© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.

Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2006–2009 New Creation Church

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today’s Bread Is Not For Tomorrow

I am learning to trust God now whatever it takes.
This is going to be a good habit. I know.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.”

After several years of soul-searching, everything has come to fruition and
now it's time to use my Faith to someone that I know who is not going to fail me.

Yes! That is God..and Jesus!

It's better this way..

No stress and just fun!

Sharing another powerful message from Pastor Joseph Prince.

Enjoy and be blessed!

----Today’s Bread Is Not For Tomorrow----

Matthew 6:11
11Give us this day our daily bread.

Doctors have discovered that worry, stress, fear and anxiety can cause stomach ulcers, high blood pressure and other health problems. The Bible says that a merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22) It also says that God wants us to prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. (3 John 1:2)

When our church was much smaller, I used to worry a lot about my sermons weeks before I even preached them! I was so stressed that I developed symptoms in my body. Two doctors checked me on separate days and found my blood pressure to be very high. Other tests found traces of blood in my urine. I even had mild panic attacks. I believe that the devil was trying to undermine my ministry and destroy me.

But praise God, He delivered and healed me, and taught me not to worry. Today, the church is a lot bigger and I have learnt by the grace of God not to worry. The verse that set me free was this: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow…” (Matthew 6:34) You see, if you worry about tomorrow, you are trying to live tomorrow today!

My friend, God does not want you to do that. Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” He did not say, “Give us this day our weekly bread.” God gives us daily bread, not weekly bread. God doesn’t give tomorrow’s bread today. And today’s bread is not meant for tomorrow!

This means that God wants you to live today and not worry about what will happen or what you have to do tomorrow. He gives you sufficient grace for today, not tomorrow.

“But Pastor Prince, I have a very important presentation to give tomorrow!”

Beloved, when tomorrow comes, the bread — provision and grace — will be there. I am not advocating laziness and inactivity. By all means, do your homework, but don’t worry about it. Just trust the One who wants you to give Him all your cares (1 Peter 5:7), and enjoy His peace and life today!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I love these Christian cartoons!

The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD,

But He loves one who pursues righteousness.

These are nice, I have never seen Christian Cartoons before, enjoy!

Discern The Times We Live In (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

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