Just today, some so called "perfect" Christians are getting on my nerves.
But I rebuke it IN JESUS NAME!!
They say, if one is in Jesus..they must not sin and stay away from sins.
My question is..how??
It's just easy for them to tell you, you must not do this, you must not do that!
Stay perfect!
How to stay perfect??? We are still in this world!
What if I lose my temper like right now where some things have been pissing me off??
What if I hate someone and cannot forgive yet.
What if I lie a little bit or lied big.
What if I judge or say some bad things on someone unconsciuosly out of
What if someone spat at me, cheated on me and steal something from me?
Am I just going to shrug my shoulder off and say, "it's meant to be!"
Before knowing the truth and I was still lost in this world,
those "perfect" Christians have already robbed me off from the love of God
that's meant for me.
Ignorant and not knowing Him yet, had made me stay away from Him for so long.
Now, that I know that....
God has forgiven me for my past, present and future sins by the blood of Jesus.
NO ONE can make me stay away from Him anymore.
I'm gona fight the good fight of faith!
My God is a good God.
..I am now made perfect in His eyes because of Jesus.
That's the only truth that I can brag about and stay sane in this mad-fallen world!
Pastor Prince is right.
The first thing that I must do is to be conscious of my position in Christ.
I am the righteousness of God in Christ- no matter what!
Be Conscious Of Your Position In Christ
John 15:5
5“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
In this verse, Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches.” He did not say, “I am the vine, try to be the branches.” In other words, He wants us to realize that we are already the branches. We do not have to struggle to become the branches.
As His branches, we only have to abide or remain in Christ our vine. How do we do that? We do that by simply being conscious every day of our position in Christ. Because we have received Christ, we are in Christ and are accepted in the Beloved. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 1:6) God accepts us because we are in the Beloved and He is in us. And that is how God sees us today when we come into His presence.
What the devil wants to do then is to get you to focus on your condition instead of your position in Christ. The condition you are facing could be financial lack or deteriorating health. The devil wants you to focus on your condition and forget your position — that you are the righteousness of God in Christ and that you are seated with Him in heavenly places at the Father’s right hand. (2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 2:6) He wants you to forget that you are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ. (Romans 8:17)
The devil knows that once you focus on your position in Christ, it will give you the power to change your condition and circumstances. John 15:5 says that you will bear “much fruit”. This means that when you pray against any lack, abundant supply will flow. When you pray for healing, sickness will leave.
My friend, none of these things can happen by your own doing, but by His life which flows through you. Just as sap flowing through the branches of a vine will cause them to bring forth fruit, His life flowing through you will bring forth a bountiful harvest of prosperity, healing and miracles. You only need to remain conscious of who you are in Christ!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Look Ma, No Fears!
Few years ago, I wasn't so comfortable with travelling by plane, boats or ships.
Rooted with hearing of bad news of plane crashes, collisions,sinking and all
had put fear in my heart which made the whole journey and travelling less enjoyable.
I can remember one time, while I was taking a plane ride home.
...still lost of who I was and wondering of where to get protection from all these, I asked God, ' Lord, I dont know what to pray, but if this plane is going to crash and take my life, make it quick pls.'
After that, I just imagined Jesus carrying the plane throughout the entire journey because I felt somewhere deep inside me that God's gona protect me.
Once the plane landed and I saw myself on the arrival hall, that's when things start to get normal again. I could just shout. 'Hey, everyone, I made it ! I'm alive!!' lolx!
Pathetic ha?
Well, that's how I was when I haven't gotten to know my God and Jesus.
Full of Fears.
But now, I can boldly say that
I have no more fears!
Last time I checked when I went for a holiday last week.
Departure and Arrival blues was just a breeze.
Yes, I did experience a lot of strong turbulence every now and then, but it didn't make a way to scare me off.
I just slept throughout the entire journey with peace in my heart and assurance that God will protect me and everyone else on that plane.
Hey! I have been set FREE!!
Because the Word says
God is my protector!
Wherever I go,
He shall keep me in His wings!
Psalm 91!
Jesus' blood shall protect me.
Now, I can plan on my next trip.
It's just amazing how God keeps me in His Words. Things are getting better and better each day as my journey unfolds.
This truth that I know right now changes me from within. I don't care how He does it. I just want Him to keep doing it.
My God protects.
He really does!
-- Post From My iPhone
Saturday, May 16, 2009
My Daily Dose ...
I spend roughly 2-3hrs taking bus and mrt everyday of my life.
I can see most people have ways and means of killing the time just to escape boredom.
Play psp, ds lite, listen to mp3s, ipodding
Or sleep.
I just listen to this.
Listening to Pastor Prince sermons everyday, everywhere just makes my day.
I don't do it because, I MUST do it.
I do it because I am hungry for it.
I cannot explain how God's words have changed me within.
For sure. It has made me so relax and carefree in just about anything that happens in my life.
Good or bad. I have learned to stand still and just watched.
I will keep feeding myself to His words.
For that's all I gotta do to survive in this
stressful, mad, fallen word!
-- Post From My iPhone
Monday, May 4, 2009
Feed On Jesus And Live
I have been feeling a bit dizzy lately.
I got this pain at the back of my neck that I am not sure
if I'm having hypertensions or maybe just one of my hyperthyroidism
symptoms attacking me.
As I'm typing this right now.. I feel so giddy.
My mind is feeding me a lot of thoughts.
Negative and positive thoughts.
Negative in the sense that it made me so impatient on my healing.
Asking God, when does my healing comes.
There's this part of me that's telling me to calm down.
Take it easy...relax..
It's not that I'm going to die or what.
Probably, this is the best time to take some painkillers or maybe
decide to just go on continue my medication.
I can say to God, "hellooo God, I'm sick! I need to have that med!"
(lolx, sounds funny, isn't it)
I'm sorry but I am just human.
Sometimes my faith fails me.
Sometimes it lifts me up. That's how fragile I am.
That's why I can never boast of my love for God and JEsus. Because
my feelings are inconsistent. But God is not!
So bear with me for awhile.
Strangely, enough. I don't feel so at peace with those thoughts.
It's really easy to reach out to those temporary relief, actually.
You can just pull out some cash in your pocket.
Drive your way out to the doctor.
Go home.
Follow the prescriptions.
Take meds. 2x..every 4hrs and back again.
Take dinner and then it's time to take that med again.
You're on a routine.
It may give you a temporary relief and healing for the meantime
but it's NOT lasting.
The doctor can't even assure you if it's gona heal you forever or what.
Am I making sense? You might think I'm not. But let me continue.
That's how the world does it. And most people can just accept it like
that thinking that it's part of living.
I don't want inconsistent healing.
I want SUPERNATURAL healing!
And I believe , inspite of what I am feeling right now.,
Jesus is my healing. He has healed me 2000 years ago when
He was beaten. scourged , whipped and broke His bones and shed blood.
It's the TRUTH that I know.
The ONLY TRUTH that has set me free!
By JESUS stripes, I am healed!
I am not gona let what JESUS did on the cross be put to waste!
I am going to claim it because
It is well written in the Bible.
If God says , I am healed . I AM HEALED!
"“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow;
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
For now, I'm gona soak on Jesus...let His love and words of comfort,assurance
and healing fill my mind and soul so I can stop complaining.
It's relaxing this way than spending hours of worrying and blah-blah-blahs.
Ready for the Word my friends?
Let's stop worrying!
Let's Feed On Jesus And Live :)
John 6:57
57As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me.
Some time ago, I visited a friend of a church member who had cancer and wanted healing. He was all ears, lapping and soaking up everything I shared with him. Today, he worships with us in our church and is completely healed of cancer.
I remember being at another man’s home at the invitation of his family members. He too was suffering from cancer. When I entered his home, the man had his television on. I started sharing Christ with him but he was not at all interested in what I was saying. He continued watching the television program. I knew then that his healing was a lost cause because faith for healing comes by hearing God’s Word, not by watching television, reading newspapers or listening to your favorite music.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not against these things, but they are not going to heal you. When you are sick, what you want is God’s healing flowing in your body. How does that happen?
One of the primary ways in which it happens is when you read your Bible, soaking up everything on Jesus. Before you know it, His divine health flows into your body, driving out every symptom of pain, sickness and disease. Even your discouragement dissolves effortlessly. You find yourself encouraged, refreshed and your darkness giving way to light. You see, there is no way you can feed on Jesus through reading and hearing His Word, and still remain the same. He said, “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63)
My friend, God wants Jesus to be food for you. We feed on Christ by seeing Him unveiled in the Word, by seeing and meditating on what the Holy Spirit reveals of His beauty and glory, and His finished work at Calvary. That is how we enjoy Jesus. It is like having a good meal. And when you do that, Jesus Himself promises that “he who feeds on Me will live because of Me”!
I got this pain at the back of my neck that I am not sure
if I'm having hypertensions or maybe just one of my hyperthyroidism
symptoms attacking me.
As I'm typing this right now.. I feel so giddy.
My mind is feeding me a lot of thoughts.
Negative and positive thoughts.
Negative in the sense that it made me so impatient on my healing.
Asking God, when does my healing comes.
There's this part of me that's telling me to calm down.
Take it easy...relax..
It's not that I'm going to die or what.
Probably, this is the best time to take some painkillers or maybe
decide to just go on continue my medication.
I can say to God, "hellooo God, I'm sick! I need to have that med!"
(lolx, sounds funny, isn't it)
I'm sorry but I am just human.
Sometimes my faith fails me.
Sometimes it lifts me up. That's how fragile I am.
That's why I can never boast of my love for God and JEsus. Because
my feelings are inconsistent. But God is not!
So bear with me for awhile.
Strangely, enough. I don't feel so at peace with those thoughts.
It's really easy to reach out to those temporary relief, actually.
You can just pull out some cash in your pocket.
Drive your way out to the doctor.
Go home.
Follow the prescriptions.
Take meds. 2x..every 4hrs and back again.
Take dinner and then it's time to take that med again.
You're on a routine.
It may give you a temporary relief and healing for the meantime
but it's NOT lasting.
The doctor can't even assure you if it's gona heal you forever or what.
Am I making sense? You might think I'm not. But let me continue.
That's how the world does it. And most people can just accept it like
that thinking that it's part of living.
I don't want inconsistent healing.
I want SUPERNATURAL healing!
And I believe , inspite of what I am feeling right now.,
Jesus is my healing. He has healed me 2000 years ago when
He was beaten. scourged , whipped and broke His bones and shed blood.
It's the TRUTH that I know.
The ONLY TRUTH that has set me free!
By JESUS stripes, I am healed!
I am not gona let what JESUS did on the cross be put to waste!
I am going to claim it because
It is well written in the Bible.
If God says , I am healed . I AM HEALED!
"“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow;
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
For now, I'm gona soak on Jesus...let His love and words of comfort,assurance
and healing fill my mind and soul so I can stop complaining.
It's relaxing this way than spending hours of worrying and blah-blah-blahs.
Ready for the Word my friends?
Let's stop worrying!
Let's Feed On Jesus And Live :)
John 6:57
57As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who feeds on Me will live because of Me.
Some time ago, I visited a friend of a church member who had cancer and wanted healing. He was all ears, lapping and soaking up everything I shared with him. Today, he worships with us in our church and is completely healed of cancer.
I remember being at another man’s home at the invitation of his family members. He too was suffering from cancer. When I entered his home, the man had his television on. I started sharing Christ with him but he was not at all interested in what I was saying. He continued watching the television program. I knew then that his healing was a lost cause because faith for healing comes by hearing God’s Word, not by watching television, reading newspapers or listening to your favorite music.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not against these things, but they are not going to heal you. When you are sick, what you want is God’s healing flowing in your body. How does that happen?
One of the primary ways in which it happens is when you read your Bible, soaking up everything on Jesus. Before you know it, His divine health flows into your body, driving out every symptom of pain, sickness and disease. Even your discouragement dissolves effortlessly. You find yourself encouraged, refreshed and your darkness giving way to light. You see, there is no way you can feed on Jesus through reading and hearing His Word, and still remain the same. He said, “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63)
My friend, God wants Jesus to be food for you. We feed on Christ by seeing Him unveiled in the Word, by seeing and meditating on what the Holy Spirit reveals of His beauty and glory, and His finished work at Calvary. That is how we enjoy Jesus. It is like having a good meal. And when you do that, Jesus Himself promises that “he who feeds on Me will live because of Me”!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Swine Flu Alert vs PSalm 91
After recession, now Swine flu.
Look at how the world wants to treat you.
The world wants you to freak out so even
before the swine flu hits on your backyard,
you already have a heart attack.
You don't want that to happen, do you?
On my side here in Singapore,
I can feel the pressure.
Everybody's talking about it like it's just waiting
outside ready to attack us anytime.
Even my mac is giving in. lolx!
Some Christians or non-believers would just say,
"come what may, if it's God's will.. it shall come to pass."
Heeeyy, Wake up !
God doesn't want all of these to happen to His children!
Nor does He EVER wanted to see His children sick with weird diseases outbreak!
He knows that all these things will come to pass so He keeps reminding us
of His protection in PSALM 91.
So if you believe in His Words...be bold and claim your protection!
I don't know with you. But I have no patience waiting for
some scientists' discovering new ways of fighting it!
Prevention is still better than cure.
I want my protection now!
I want real healing now!
So I'm gona say..
Psalm 91
1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.
15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.
If you want God's protection, you can say that prayer with me.
Write it down and share it to your loved ones. Let them speak it.
For God's Word is God's power!
A thousand diseases, swine flu, sars, bird flu shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; BUT IT SHALL NOT COME NEAR ME!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
See God’s Goodness In The Midst Of Evil
Just in time after my "Swine Flu- What's next?" post.
It is indeed pure joy in seeing beauty and goodness
in whatever evil or bad things that come our way.
If you switch your mind and labour yourself to have that REST...
You can only have internal PEACE that cannot be shaken.
Preach it Pastor Prince!
"See God’s Goodness In The Midst Of Evi"l
Matthew 2:13
13… an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”
God does not play a game of counterattack with the devil — the devil does something bad, then God steps in to bring something good out of it. The truth is, when something bad happens, it is the devil reacting to something good that God has started. The Lord once told me, “Tell My people that if they want to understand what I am doing, just look at what the devil is doing and see it in reverse. That is what I am doing, multiplied many times over.”
I see this truth in the Bible. When Christ was born, soldiers were sent to kill all baby boys under the age of two in Bethlehem. The folks in Bethlehem then would have seen only evil. But there were those like Mary who saw God’s goodness. They knew that God had sent a Savior into the world! The killing of the infants was just the devil’s reaction to the gift of salvation that God had sent.
The Lord showed me that this was how we were to look at the bird flu when it hit our region not too long ago. While I was pondering the significance of birds, the Lord showed me Matthew 6:26: “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”
If God takes care of the birds, how much more will He take care of you! So, by attacking the birds with disease, the devil is, in essence, reacting to God’s provision for His people. In other words, he saw that God’s provision had already been released on His people in a big way!
With every new virus that the devil throws at us, you must discern that the devil is trying to pervert and reverse what God is already doing. Then, you will know that something good is going to come out of it. You see, every new strain of virus tells us that God has already released a new anointing of health for His people. And I believe that He releases new levels of prosperity for His people too. So don’t just see the evil. See the good that God is already doing!
It is indeed pure joy in seeing beauty and goodness
in whatever evil or bad things that come our way.
If you switch your mind and labour yourself to have that REST...
You can only have internal PEACE that cannot be shaken.
Preach it Pastor Prince!
"See God’s Goodness In The Midst Of Evi"l
Matthew 2:13
13… an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”
God does not play a game of counterattack with the devil — the devil does something bad, then God steps in to bring something good out of it. The truth is, when something bad happens, it is the devil reacting to something good that God has started. The Lord once told me, “Tell My people that if they want to understand what I am doing, just look at what the devil is doing and see it in reverse. That is what I am doing, multiplied many times over.”
I see this truth in the Bible. When Christ was born, soldiers were sent to kill all baby boys under the age of two in Bethlehem. The folks in Bethlehem then would have seen only evil. But there were those like Mary who saw God’s goodness. They knew that God had sent a Savior into the world! The killing of the infants was just the devil’s reaction to the gift of salvation that God had sent.
The Lord showed me that this was how we were to look at the bird flu when it hit our region not too long ago. While I was pondering the significance of birds, the Lord showed me Matthew 6:26: “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”
If God takes care of the birds, how much more will He take care of you! So, by attacking the birds with disease, the devil is, in essence, reacting to God’s provision for His people. In other words, he saw that God’s provision had already been released on His people in a big way!
With every new virus that the devil throws at us, you must discern that the devil is trying to pervert and reverse what God is already doing. Then, you will know that something good is going to come out of it. You see, every new strain of virus tells us that God has already released a new anointing of health for His people. And I believe that He releases new levels of prosperity for His people too. So don’t just see the evil. See the good that God is already doing!
Monday, April 27, 2009
SWINE FLU- what's next?
After SARS, there's a SWINE FLU!
Shall I be afraid?
For I declare,
"One thousand and one shall fall on my left hand and ten thousand shall fall on my right hand,
BUT IT SHALL NOT COME NEAR ME and my loved ones!"
Me and my loved ones are FOREVER protected by the blood of Jesus!
Jesus said: “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” John 16:33
God is my protector and refuge. Only under His wings, I can rest fully.
I am just glad I have known the TRUTH before anything else could stress and break me apart.
Indeed, the world has a lot of BAD news to share.
And it will never cease to stop.
It's a cycle.
Weird and deadly diseases can break out anywhere, anytime.
Jesus can only say ... REST on Him from all these. and we are safe!
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
I will do just the same.
I want that REST and PEACE that the world can't give.
And it can only come from Jesus.
I have stopped worrying. And I dont wana spend my life on the same pathetic, worrying state EVER again!.
Thank you Jesus for setting me FREE!
Sharing another powerful message from Pastor Joseph Prince ..:)
--- Jesus, Your Good Shepherd And Door ----
John 10:7
7Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
Jesus said that He is the “door of the sheep”. What did He mean? Well, a sheepfold during Jesus’ time had no door which could be opened and closed. The door of the sheepfold was just an opening. In this kind of sheepfold, after the sheep had entered it, the shepherd would sleep at the entrance. The shepherd became, effectively, the “door” of the sheepfold.
When Jesus told His disciples, “I am the good shepherd,” (John 10:11) He also assured them emphatically that He was the “door of the sheep”. He was telling them and us, “Inside My sheepfold, My sheep are always safe, completely protected and kept close under My watchful eyes. And since I am just at the entrance of the sheepfold, nothing, not even the muffled bleat of one of My own, can escape My ears. Also, nothing evil outside the sheepfold can enter and touch My sheep without first coming through Me for I am the door of My sheep.”
So when the fight of life comes knocking on your door and when panic threatens to rise within you, see yourself doubly protected! He is both the good shepherd and the door of His sheep. As your good shepherd, He gave His life for you to redeem you from poverty, sickness and every other curse.
As your door, He keeps out everything evil that He has redeemed you from. Because He shed His blood for you, you are covered and protected within the sheepfold by a blood-stained door. Disaster, destruction and death must pass over you and your family because of His blood on your door. Remember that on the night of the first Passover in Egypt, the destroyer could not enter the houses of the Israelites because of the blood of the lamb on their doors. (Exodus 12:13, 23)
Today, you can live life untroubled and unafraid, knowing that Jesus, your good shepherd and door, protects and preserves you and your family. No evil will befall you or your loved ones because He is your dwelling place and refuge!
Shall I be afraid?
For I declare,
"One thousand and one shall fall on my left hand and ten thousand shall fall on my right hand,
BUT IT SHALL NOT COME NEAR ME and my loved ones!"
Me and my loved ones are FOREVER protected by the blood of Jesus!
Jesus said: “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world” John 16:33
God is my protector and refuge. Only under His wings, I can rest fully.
I am just glad I have known the TRUTH before anything else could stress and break me apart.
Indeed, the world has a lot of BAD news to share.
And it will never cease to stop.
It's a cycle.
Weird and deadly diseases can break out anywhere, anytime.
Jesus can only say ... REST on Him from all these. and we are safe!
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
I will do just the same.
I want that REST and PEACE that the world can't give.
And it can only come from Jesus.
I have stopped worrying. And I dont wana spend my life on the same pathetic, worrying state EVER again!.
Thank you Jesus for setting me FREE!
Sharing another powerful message from Pastor Joseph Prince ..:)
--- Jesus, Your Good Shepherd And Door ----
John 10:7
7Then Jesus said to them again, “Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
Jesus said that He is the “door of the sheep”. What did He mean? Well, a sheepfold during Jesus’ time had no door which could be opened and closed. The door of the sheepfold was just an opening. In this kind of sheepfold, after the sheep had entered it, the shepherd would sleep at the entrance. The shepherd became, effectively, the “door” of the sheepfold.
When Jesus told His disciples, “I am the good shepherd,” (John 10:11) He also assured them emphatically that He was the “door of the sheep”. He was telling them and us, “Inside My sheepfold, My sheep are always safe, completely protected and kept close under My watchful eyes. And since I am just at the entrance of the sheepfold, nothing, not even the muffled bleat of one of My own, can escape My ears. Also, nothing evil outside the sheepfold can enter and touch My sheep without first coming through Me for I am the door of My sheep.”
So when the fight of life comes knocking on your door and when panic threatens to rise within you, see yourself doubly protected! He is both the good shepherd and the door of His sheep. As your good shepherd, He gave His life for you to redeem you from poverty, sickness and every other curse.
As your door, He keeps out everything evil that He has redeemed you from. Because He shed His blood for you, you are covered and protected within the sheepfold by a blood-stained door. Disaster, destruction and death must pass over you and your family because of His blood on your door. Remember that on the night of the first Passover in Egypt, the destroyer could not enter the houses of the Israelites because of the blood of the lamb on their doors. (Exodus 12:13, 23)
Today, you can live life untroubled and unafraid, knowing that Jesus, your good shepherd and door, protects and preserves you and your family. No evil will befall you or your loved ones because He is your dwelling place and refuge!
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