Thursday, October 29, 2009

God and Dog...nice!

I look up and I see God...
I look down and see my Dog...

Biggest Sacrifice...

This video really touched my heart.

I cried.

I could feel the pain God was going through when He
sacrificed Jesus to save unworthy human beings like me.

I am only forever grateful.

Thank you Jesus for your blood.
For your sacrifice...

Be blessed!

Never Too Early

Yeah, in God's time it's never too early nor too late.
Watch this cool video and you'll know.:)

Let Us Pray, Quickly

Good Morning, Father in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God,

I pray you open doors for the person who sent me this as well as those I

am sending it to.

Only you can open doors no man can close and for that

we honour you today.

Thank you for the open doors of life, health, strength, prosperity,

wealth, and love.

Also, thank you for closing the doors of death, sickness, weakness,

despair, poverty, and bitterness.

We love you Lord and give you all the glory and all the praise.

I seal this prayer in Jesus name, Amen!!!

If you need God to open a door, pray this prayer for the person who sent

it to you and for those you are sending it to. Believe in your heart and

you shall receive what God has for you.

I need a door to open...

God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close.

Even if you do not need God to open some doors for you pass it on


"To have God in our side doesn't mean sailing on a boat with no storms,
it means having a boat that no storm can sink!"

An Interview With God..

Let the lessons in this video sink in. our hearts....

and mind...

That we may pass it on to the young ones.. those who are confused, emotional beaten,

desperate, frustrated, feel so unloved


are searching for the real meaning of LIFE.

I feel God is really talking in here.

Be blessed!:)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Healing Choices: Authentic Friendships by Rick Warren

Healing Choices: Authentic Friendships
by Rick Warren

"But if we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other. Then the blood of Jesus, God's Son, cleanses us from every sin. If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us" (1 John 1:7-8 NCV).

In Biblical fellowship, we should experience authenticity.

Authentic friendships are more than superficial, surface-level chit-chat. They involve genuine, heart-to-heart, sometimes gut-level, sharing.

These friendships develop when we get honest about who we are and what is happening in our lives. They develop when we share our hurts, reveal our feelings, confess our failures, disclose our doubts, admit our fears, acknowledge our weaknesses, and ask for help and prayer.

Unfortunately, this level of authenticity and intimacy is the exact opposite of what we find in many churches. Instead of an atmosphere of honesty and humility, we often become involved in pretending, role-playing, politicking, superficial politeness, and shallow conversation. We begin to wear masks, keep our guard up, and act as if everything is rosy in our lives. These attitudes are the death of real friendship.

It's only as we become open about our lives that we experience authentic fellowship. The Bible says, "If we live in the light, as God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other . . . If we say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves" (1 John 1:7–8 NCV).

The world thinks intimacy occurs in the dark, but God says it happens in the light. We tend to use darkness to hide our hurts, faults, fears, failures, and flaws. But in God's light, we can bring them all out into the open and admit who we really are.

Of course, being authentic requires both courage and humility. It means facing our fear of exposure, rejection, and being hurt again.

Why would anyone take such a risk?

Because it's the only way to grow spiritually and be emotionally healthy. The Bible says, "Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed" (James 5:16 MSG).

God's Plan For Me

Just this morning, I felt a little frustrated in my adsense earnings.
You see, I am quite tired of my 8-5 job and somewhere at the back of my mind. There is something else that's more fun and better to do.
So I thought of blogging and making money online.

But sad to say, it's not going anywhere compared to some online bloggers that I know of who are really making great profits online.

I just sighed. And talked to Jesus.
" Jesus, I need your help on this one..please.
Please redeeem me from this boring job!"

So patiently, I just continued working on my desk when
suddenly, a friend of mine sms me with this verse.

I was surprised because it was the first time that I received an sms like this from her.

I replied her and asked what happened.
She said she was just as bored as I was in her office too.

Funny how God assures and comforts his children huh.

Thank you Abba for taking care of my future!
-- Post From My iPhone

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