Monday, March 15, 2010

God’s Superabounding Grace For You

God’s Superabounding Grace For You

2 Corinthians 9:8
8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

If you were in the same synagogue as the man with the withered hand (Luke 6:6–11), how would you see him and what do you think you would say to him?

Jesus was preaching in that synagogue when He saw the man with the withered hand. But He also saw superabounding grace around that hand for healing and wholeness. He sees differently from us. He sees the invisible. He sees that the kingdom of God is here, ever-present in any situation, with superabundant supply. We see only the visible, which is tangible, temporal and which seems so real to us.

But Jesus saw superabounding grace on that withered hand for healing because you do not tell a man with a withered hand, “Stretch out your hand,” unless you see the supply, the superabundance for wholeness for that hand. Jesus called forth the superabounding grace to envelop that man’s withered hand, and the hand was made whole.

It is possible for someone who is sick to have superabounding grace on him and yet that superabundance of grace does not heal his body. That is because he keeps acknowledging the lack or the problem he sees. He is more concerned with that which is visible and temporal.

Instead of calling forth, and acknowledging and confessing the superabundance of God’s grace, he confesses his negative circumstance all the time. So even though the superabounding grace is there, it is there in vain. Isn’t that sad?

Jesus called forth life, and life sprang into visibility. We must call forth what we want to see. Say, “Father, I thank You that right now, though my health is under attack, there is superabounding grace available for my healing and health. I call it forth and receive it now in Jesus’ name. Amen!”

My friend, don’t be conscious of what you see lacking or missing. Be conscious of God’s superabounding grace for you and avail yourself of it!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
No part of this document or any related files may be modified, adapted, reproduced, distributed
and/or converted in any form and by any means (electronic, photocopying or otherwise)
without express written consent of the copyright holder.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2010 New Creation Church

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Redeemed From Every Type Of Sickness

Redeemed From Every Type Of Sickness

Galatians 3:13
13Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”),

The One who cleansed lepers, opened blind eyes and made the lame to walk took your sins, sicknesses and every curse when He hung on Calvary’s tree. The curses that were meant for you because of your sins fell on Him instead. He was cursed in your place to redeem you from every curse that comes as a result of breaking God’s laws.

What are these curses? They are listed in Deuteronomy 28. It is a long and detailed list. Don’t get frightened when you read the curses, but rejoice because Christ has redeemed you from every single one of them, including those curses of sicknesses!

Are you stricken with tuberculosis, fever or inflammation? (Deuteronomy 28:22) Christ has redeemed you from every one of these conditions!

Do you have painful boils, tumors or an itch which doctors say cannot be healed? (Deuteronomy 28:27) Christ has redeemed you from every one of these conditions!

Perhaps yours is a serious and prolonged sickness. (Deuteronomy 28:59) It doesn’t matter. Christ has redeemed you from every prolonged sickness!

“Well, Pastor Prince, you have covered tuberculosis, fever, itch… but what about my disease? It is not covered in Deuteronomy 28. Did Jesus forget my disease?”

No, His work is perfect! Look at Deuteronomy 28:61: “Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed.” That covers everything. So if Christ has redeemed you from this curse, then He has redeemed you from every type of sickness! I don’t care what new type of sickness the world discovers because Christ has redeemed us from every type of sickness!

Now, if you have a particular sickness, say, “This (name the sickness) is part of the curse of the law. But Galatians 3:13 says that Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Therefore, I have been redeemed from (name the sickness)!” Believe and confess that every day, and as surely as Jesus took every curse of sickness, your healing will break forth!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
No part of this document or any related files may be modified, adapted, reproduced, distributed
and/or converted in any form and by any means (electronic, photocopying or otherwise)
without express written consent of the copyright holder.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2010 New Creation Church

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Do You See God?

Oh so I just made a blog about this last night before I dozed off.


...God is confirming His words. Wooohooo!!

Thank you Ps Joseph Prince!

Yes, I'm becoming like the Centurion.

You should too.
It makes a lot of difference!

Be like the Centurion!

Enjoy today's powerful devotional my friend.

It's Fridaaaaaaay!!!


How Do You See God?

Luke 7:9
9When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

The way you see Jesus, the revelation that you have of Him, will not affect God’s acceptance of you. But it will affect your acceptance of what God has for you. It will affect how you receive from Him.

Consider the Roman centurion who told Jesus, “You don’t have to come to my house. Just speak the word and my servant at home will be healed.” (Luke 7:6–7) Compare him with Jairus, the ruler of a synagogue, who told Jesus, “My daughter is dying. Please come to my house and lay Your hands on her, and she shall live.” (Mark 5:22–23)

Do you know that Jesus does not have to go to your house to heal you? So why did Jesus follow Jairus to his house? Jesus had to come down to Jairus’ level of faith. Jairus believed that his daughter could be healed, but only if Jesus came and laid His hands on her.

The centurion was different. He said, “Lord, You don’t have to come to my house. I know who You are.” This centurion believed that Jesus did not have to come to his house for his servant to be healed. He believed that Jesus only needed to speak the word. He said to Jesus, “Just speak the word and my servant at home will be healed.”

Do you know who Jesus is? The centurion had a greater understanding of who Jesus is than Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, and he wasn’t even a Jew!

Jesus asked his disciples, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (Mark 4:40) He even remarked, “O you of little faith.” (Matthew 6:30) But to the woman whose daughter was demon-possessed, He said, “O woman, great is your faith!” (Matthew 15:28) And to the centurion, He declared, “I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

My desire is for you to have an accurate understanding of who Jesus is because when your revelation of Jesus is big, you will know what has been freely given to you. And when you know what is yours in Christ Jesus, you will be rich in all things!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
No part of this document or any related files may be modified, adapted, reproduced, distributed
and/or converted in any form and by any means (electronic, photocopying or otherwise)
without express written consent of the copyright holder.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2010 New Creation Church

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

How well do you know God?

So I have talked to my Boss today and we have negotiated.
The company's business isn't good these past few months and have decided to cutdown on manpower..

I have suggested she could deduct my salary and then maybe I could just come to work like three times a week on weekdays so I could find a partime job while I'm out of the office.

She agreed.

This way, we are helping each other, right?

But then

Events such as these are heartbreaking, frustrating or depressing.
Questions could go running around in your troubled mind asking,
"oh no what am I suppose to do now?"


" where am I going???"

"Would I still be able to find a new job now that I'm middle-aged??"


"I am such a loser! " why oh why oh Lord??"


This will happen to a person


..without Christ ....people without Christ depend on their own efforts for their success.
So when something unexpected happen and their efforts fail, they're left with no one else to blame but themselves. Sometimes, they could blame God a little.
That's where frustrations come in.


It happens to some Christians too.

You know why?

Because of lack of knowledge!

After they learned the truth that they're on a dead end and everything seems not working as cool as it should be...they will start to wonder...and ask ...

"why is this happening to me God?? What have I done wrong to deserve this? I don't feel that you love me at all!"
Blah blah blah!

Hosea 4:6 says,
"my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge!"


You might wana ask me how did I react?

I shall tell you...

While I was talking to my boss,
Deep inside I was smiling...
Because I knew at that moment God is working behind the scenes.

Man, I had Peace. It was the best and most exciting time of my life.
Although I could hear the devil screaming right in front of my face calling me, "Loseeeeeer!! Look at you. You said you are a Christian and look whats happening to you?? Don't you get it??"

But no. The Peace that dwelt in me this morning was so much more.

Yeah that Peace in that verse.
Indeed, it's unexplainable!!

I knew right there and then that my Abba, Father is busy preparing me for my next job.

And He keeps telling me,

"Be not afraid... I shall never leave you my Beloved. I am your Provider."

Hear Him again...

Yes. I know my Abba, Father so well !
I know that He will never leave me!
And with that assurance ,
I can only REST...and just

thank and praise Him




What about you?

How well do you know our Father?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

iChristian iphone app

Just would like to share with you that I found my best gadget.
It's my iPhone.
I don't just use this for gaming, calls or texting.

In this phone, I can listen to my fave Christian worship songs or sermons by using the ipod feature.

I can write and update this blog by using Blogpress.

I can communicate with my other cool Christian friends from around the world with Facebook mobile and other chat applications like yahoo, or whatsapp.

This is an all-in-one gadget actually so I can say it's really worth my $$. No regrets at all!

Now, i just found a new cool iphone app.

It's the iChristian app!

In here you can somehow minister or get your friends to know about Jesus while you're walking or in the bus.

It's a cool app so download it now.

The best part is of course,

It's FREE!!!

Cmon now!

Let's save one soul at a time!:)

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‘I Will Be Your God

‘I Will Be Your God’

Hebrews 8:10
10 … and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

When God says, “I will be your God,” that is a declaration that He will work miracles in your life. So if it is a miracle you need, it is a miracle you will get!

If there is a huge sea blocking the way to your blessing and God says, “I will be your God,” it means that He will open the sea for you so that you can receive your blessing.

If you are poor and God says, “I will be your God,” it means that you will be well-provided for. Since God fed nearly three million Israelites in the wilderness every single day for 40 years, you can be sure that God will provide for you too.

If you are sick and God says, “I will be your God,” it means that He is going to be “the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26), and you will be healthy.

If you have incurred a huge debt and God says, “I will be your God,” it means that He will bring about a supernatural cancellation of your debt.

But not only did God say, “I will be their God,” He also said, “they shall be My people”.

To be God’s people means to be the protected ones. Not all on earth are God’s people — only we who are redeemed by the blood of Christ. During times of uncertainties, God says to you, “You shall be My people.” This means that you are protected from all pestilences, plagues, attacks and destruction.

Even when you hear people say that the economic crisis is coming, God says to you, “You shall be My people.” This means that you don’t have to worry or be anxious. The crisis will not affect you. Regardless of the situation in the world, you are protected and you will walk in the blessings of God.

God’s power comes into every challenge you face when He says to you, “I will be your God and you shall be My people.” You will experience the supernatural life. Your part is to believe what He declares and act like it is so!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
No part of this document or any related files may be modified, adapted, reproduced, distributed
and/or converted in any form and by any means (electronic, photocopying or otherwise)
without express written consent of the copyright holder.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2010 New Creation Church

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Who is your fave Superhero?

Who is your fave Superhero?

Yes I wana know who is your fave superhero?




It's Superman!!

While I was in college and watched a Superman movie, there was this part where Superman was so busy saving lives. I think it was the ending part.
He went to and fro, saving a couple who fell down from a bridge then he went back again to a very secluded place to save a bus which was hanging on a cliff. It was very exciting moments because he needed to be at the right place at the right time to save them all. And hoo boy he was really fast.
At the back of my mind, series of thoughts engulfed me...
what if in real life this could happen. What if Superman exists and will be saving people not only from the US but across the globe as well.
What if he really can keep it and be on time just when people need him most?
It's great and yeah
woow! He's gona be sooooo busy then!

As I thought at that moment, something poked me again...
Asling myself, "what if this movie house that I'm sitting at has a bomb ticking and gona explode? Will he come rescue me and all of us here? On TIME???"

Mmmm... Deep thought.

Of course, let's wake up. It's just a movie.
And you are watching it from a scriptwriter or director's point of view.

Yes. 90% of the reality is there.

It's really telling us that the world isn't safe to live in.( Even 20years ago .)
No matter where you are. Whether you are in your church preaching, at home sleeping, having that haircut, eating or having an awesome holiday.
Nowhere is safe.

Which made me changed my hero to the Hero of all Heroes!

It's Jesus!!!

I tell you....with JESUS I am safe.

You know why?

Because He is my Protector.
And He gave me Psalm 91 as His aassurance.
Read on..


He who dwells in the shelter of the
Most High will rest in the shadow
Of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge
and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you will find refuge;
His faihtfulness will be your shield and rampart.

You will not fear the terror of the night,
Nor the arrow that flies by day,

Nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
Nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at your side ,
Ten thousand at your right hand,
But it will not come near you.

You will only observe with your eyes
And see the punishment of the wicked.

If you make the Most High your dwelling--
Even the Lord, who is my refuge-

Then no harm will befall you,
No disaster will come near your tent.

For He will command His angels concerning you to guard
You in all your ways.

They will lift you up in their hands,
So that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

With long life I shall satisfy Him..."

Now I can live freely.
No more fears about the terrorists, bombings, earthquakes, deadly viruses, H1N1, tsunamis or the world will collide whatsoever.

And hey, we don't just need physical saving,..
We also need internal saving like healing..freeing us from migraines,
stress, worries, fever, cough, heartaches, frustrations, depressions etc..

Jesus can do all that!

I believe...
because He is with me and I'm with Him,
He will surely put me at the right
place at the right time.

Yep. yep. yep!

That's my Father from above.
And that's His job.
Because I'm His Beloved
He is gona protect me 24/7
for the rest of my life.

Awesome right?

This is a Victorious life!

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🕊️ 12 Minutes of Healing Prayer Music | Find Peace in God’s Presence ✝️ Take just 12 minutes to experience the healing power of prayer. 🙏...